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Yingluck's visit to Singapore 'not listed on itinerary'


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assuming "you" are not a Thai citizen "you" deserve NOTHING but "you" still seek to bully the ex-elected PM 


They are just a bunch of loser who have to take out their frustration somewhere so they come here to attack people behind a computer.   I call them cowards.    


You are the people who seem to be hurt Bob,  it rattles your cage to the extent that you accuse majority of posters  of doing exactly what you do every day. Still denying the wrongs of the PTP government----they have gone--haven't you noticed ??  they are now defunct finished wow hasn't your agenda taken a thumping.

Apart from the Army not being elected-and apart from the army being "not up your street"   why not some praise for some of their 8 weeks work ?? but to you I suppose they have done nothing because the people didn't vote them in.

Now WHO is a bunch of losers as you said earlier,   You few or the majority of TVF posters, have a guess.


On topic for real, maybe I missed this but what airline did she use from Europe  ???  and then a charter from Singapore.  Why not direct from Europe to DMK ???   Or was it she used the charter from Europe to Stop over in Singapore--meet someone-then on to DMK.


praise for their work? you must be out of your mind. Praising what they really have done would land you in jail faster than you can say somtomgaiyang.

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assuming "you" are not a Thai citizen "you" deserve NOTHING but "you" still seek to bully the ex-elected PM 


They are just a bunch of loser who have to take out their frustration somewhere so they come here to attack people behind a computer.   I call them cowards.    


You are the people who seem to be hurt Bob,  it rattles your cage to the extent that you accuse majority of posters  of doing exactly what you do every day. Still denying the wrongs of the PTP government----they have gone--haven't you noticed ??  they are now defunct finished wow hasn't your agenda taken a thumping.

Apart from the Army not being elected-and apart from the army being "not up your street"   why not some praise for some of their 8 weeks work ?? but to you I suppose they have done nothing because the people didn't vote them in.

Now WHO is a bunch of losers as you said earlier,   You few or the majority of TVF posters, have a guess.


On topic for real, maybe I missed this but what airline did she use from Europe  ???  and then a charter from Singapore.  Why not direct from Europe to DMK ???   Or was it she used the charter from Europe to Stop over in Singapore--meet someone-then on to DMK.


praise for their work? you must be out of your mind. Praising what they really have done would land you in jail faster than you can say somtomgaiyang.



I must be out of my mind because I am bothering to answer you.

So your propaganda does not allow you to speak about anything they have made better ??  the jail bit is usual from you clan as it is so repetitive.


Newbie 7 posts and has the same rhetoric as the other minority.  Have you been pre programmed ?? when I joined I learned from others until I became

used to TVF.

Edited by ginjag
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You are the people who seem to be hurt Bob,  it rattles your cage to the extent that you accuse majority of posters  of doing exactly what you do every day. Still denying the wrongs of the PTP government----they have gone--haven't you noticed ??  they are now defunct finished wow hasn't your agenda taken a thumping.

Apart from the Army not being elected-and apart from the army being "not up your street"   why not some praise for some of their 8 weeks work ?? but to you I suppose they have done nothing because the people didn't vote them in.

Now WHO is a bunch of losers as you said earlier,   You few or the majority of TVF posters, have a guess.


On topic for real, maybe I missed this but what airline did she use from Europe  ???  and then a charter from Singapore.  Why not direct from Europe to DMK ???   Or was it she used the charter from Europe to Stop over in Singapore--meet someone-then on to DMK.


praise for their work? you must be out of your mind. Praising what they really have done would land you in jail faster than you can say somtomgaiyang.



I must be out of my mind because I am bothering to answer you.

So your propaganda does not allow you to speak about anything they have made better ??  the jail bit is usual from you clan as it is so repetitive.


Newbie 7 posts and has the same rhetoric as the other minority.  Have you been pre programmed ?? when I joined I learned from others until I became

used to TVF.


7 posts? I learned from living in Thailand, not from some forum.

Propaganda? Good choice of words and I'll leave it at that.

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She's back, doing her job, which currently is making the haters and oppressors look like the fools they are. She will still be standing tall when this big Right Turn is a footnote to history.


This too shall pass.


What job???

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Thanks to Pinthongta Shinawatra for posting the pictures of her aunt Yingluck in Singapore to provide the proof of Yingluck's deceit.

well done biggrin.png


come on i hate all shins but making a fuss about a change n inventory even for someone like me who wants them all gone forever is going a bit to far 

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She shows amazing resilience and fortitude and deserves less harassment as Thailand's first female PM (now ex). Frankly all this bullying makes me puke.

she and all shin deserve all that get and more for way they have behaved over last 10+ years they all make me bah.gif

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She shows amazing resilience and fortitude and deserves less harassment as Thailand's first female PM (now ex). Frankly all this bullying makes me puke.


She deserves everything she gets and "we" deserve some answers as to where all the wasted monies have gone to . . .




Other than the 0.018% of missing rice largely stolen by the granery operators-owners as per the NCPO completed audits, your so-called "wasted monies" was authorized by the Junta for payment after the Yingluck regime failed to get government loans to pay rice farmers for pledged rice stockpiles because of Constitutional restrictions; restrictions the Junta suspended.


NACC has never charged Yingluck with any kind of graft or monetary theft related to the rice pledge program other than maybe a single minister. What the Yingluck regime suffered was a loss of revenue because of the large disparity between the price the government obligated itself to pay the rice farmers and the market prices it was actually getting in sales. Because of the loss of revenues, sales alone could not make the price pledged to the farmers. If you don't make money you can't waste it. But if you borrow money to knowingly take a loss, you have wasted those funds. So if there is blame to be laid, responsibility must be assigned to the Junta.




Posted 2014-07-29 06:07:37

Rice pledging scheme.

80% of the rice is fine, only 10% of rice stockpiles is spoiled = 90%

Source: http://www.nationmul...e-30239697.html


Now where could the other 10% have gone ?

This was after 72% of the warehouses had been checked.


The rest of your post is just as uninformed or straight out lies trying to divert from the topic.

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Thanks to Pinthongta Shinawatra for posting the pictures of her aunt Yingluck in Singapore to provide the proof of Yingluck's deceit.

well done biggrin.png


come on i hate all shins but making a fuss about a change n inventory even for someone like me who wants them all gone forever is going a bit to far 


come on i hate all shins but making a fuss about a change in inventory even for someone like me who wants them all gone forever is going a bit to far

Perhaps you meant itinerary? I am sure the change in inventory at the rice warehouses due to some imaginative storage and accounting has been duly noted. I agree, who cares whether she stopped off in Singapore for a sling at Raffles.

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We, and that includes you, don't know what was said or communicated. We do know Yingluck arrived on a private flight from Singapore, a country not on the itinerary she agreed with the NCPO. We know she was quickly whisked away from the airport.


We also know a spokesperson for the NCPO has stated that she did not seek permission to change her itinerary, that no action will be taken but it will be borne in mind if she makes future requests.


That,unless you have evidence to suggest otherwise, would seem to suggest she did not seek permission before arriving in Singapore. Which begs the question why did she do it? Many speculations but all just that as we have and will probably never have any information. But if she did do as the article suggests it once more shows the Shins contempt of rules and agreements they make.



"That,unless you have evidence to suggest otherwise, would seem to suggest she did not seek permission before arriving in Singapore."


Yes, I do have that evidence and you can have it too if you read the other bloody newspaper.




A newspaper report is considered "evidence"? Or just the ones that print something that supports your agenda?


So do you actually have real evidence or just relying on a newspaper report in a country famed for it's reporting accuracy?


Yingluck has not jumped up and said "but I asked them first, they're lying" as she?



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So that's two traps she's firmly set foot in . . . going somewhere that wasn't agreed to and not knowing the basics about rice.


A serious "PM" or "leader" really needs to be a bit more aware of what they are doing and the world around them.

From what I read in other newspapers she informed the junta she would go to Singapore.  A serious member of TV really needs to be a bit more aware of what they are saying here.   But that seem usually here open mouth insert foot.


It's OK Mango Bob, no one here takes you seriously so when you open your mouth and insert your foot, we just laugh quietly at you from behind the screen.


One of the "conditions" to her leaving Thailand was "Yingluck must inform the Thai authorities of her whereabouts through overseas embassies while travelling." and "In her plan submitted to the junta, she said she would visit France, United Kingdom and the United States."


She was given permission to visit France (specifically Paris) to visit her brother for his birthday celebrations . . . Singapore was not mentioned on the itinerary nor was it agreed to.


And the about it just accept it, no choice, great at ripping down beach shacks and buying favour with  extra days holiday costing the country billions. They never fought a war and are not going to start one with Yingluck, she got more balls than them. She will come and go as she pleases.

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Thanks to Pinthongta Shinawatra for posting the pictures of her aunt Yingluck in Singapore to provide the proof of Yingluck's deceit.

well done biggrin.png


come on i hate all shins but making a fuss about a change n inventory even for someone like me who wants them all gone forever is going a bit to far 


come on i hate all shins but making a fuss about a change in inventory even for someone like me who wants them all gone forever is going a bit to far

Perhaps you meant itinerary? I am sure the change in inventory at the rice warehouses due to some imaginative storage and accounting has been duly noted. I agree, who cares whether she stopped off in Singapore for a sling at Raffles.


well spotted and i admit a typo but i think inventory is better given her history well done 

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The article clearly states no action would be taken against her but her record would be considered in future.

Why would the NCPO makes such statements if they knew Singapore was on her itinerary ?


Have a re-read, because "the NCPO" said no such thing. The newspaper claims a source said it. Maybe a source did. But "the NCPO" definitely did not. The NCPO, in fact, has said nothing about Yingluck since it denied last week rumour-mongering that there was a request to extend her trip abroad to Aug 31. "The NCPO" *did* deny that.


It said nothing at all about Yingluck after that, or after she returned, and "the NCPO" is not quoted in the story for that excellent reason. You may think the newspaper has the power to consider action against her, but frankly I doubt it. Since no NCPO officer or spokesman has spoken about it, then only the newspaper knows what's true and what's made up. Because after sharply slapping down ill-intentioned rumour-mongers, no member or official or spokesperson of the NCPO said anything at all.




A newspaper report is considered "evidence"? Or just the ones that print something that supports your agenda?


So do you actually have real evidence or just relying on a newspaper report in a country famed for it's reporting accuracy?


Yingluck has not jumped up and said "but I asked them first, they're lying" as she?


This entire thread including every word in the post above relies completely upon one single lone unverified unique newspaper report. Seems a little craven to object when the number of probably inaccurate sources is doubled.



Edited by wandasloan
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The article clearly states no action would be taken against her but her record would be considered in future.

Why would the NCPO makes such statements if they knew Singapore was on her itinerary ?


Have a re-read, because "the NCPO" said no such thing. The newspaper claims a source said it. Maybe a source did. But "the NCPO" definitely did not. The NCPO, in fact, has said nothing about Yingluck since it denied last week rumour-mongering that there was a request to extend her trip abroad to Aug 31. "The NCPO" *did* deny that.


It said nothing at all about Yingluck after that, or after she returned, and "the NCPO" is not quoted in the story for that excellent reason. You may think the newspaper has the power to consider action against her, but frankly I doubt it. Since no NCPO officer or spokesman has spoken about it, then only the newspaper knows what's true and what's made up. Because after sharply slapping down ill-intentioned rumour-mongers, no member or official or spokesperson of the NCPO said anything at all.




A newspaper report is considered "evidence"? Or just the ones that print something that supports your agenda?


So do you actually have real evidence or just relying on a newspaper report in a country famed for it's reporting accuracy?


Yingluck has not jumped up and said "but I asked them first, they're lying" as she?


This entire thread including every word in the post above relies completely upon one single lone unverified unique newspaper report. Seems a little craven to object when the number of probably inaccurate sources is doubled.




the source claimed is a ' junta source ' so that's not NCPO ?

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She shows amazing resilience and fortitude and deserves less harassment as Thailand's first female PM (now ex). Frankly all this bullying makes me puke.


She deserves everything she gets and "we" deserve some answers as to where all the wasted monies have gone to . . .


If you are a Thai, that's a fair comment. If you're not a Thai. it's none of your business if and where monies have gone to, is it? You don't "deserve" anything.

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She shows amazing resilience and fortitude and deserves less harassment as Thailand's first female PM (now ex). Frankly all this bullying makes me puke.


She deserves everything she gets and "we" deserve some answers as to where all the wasted monies have gone to . . .


If you are a Thai, that's a fair comment. If you're not a Thai. it's none of your business if and where monies have gone to, is it? You don't "deserve" anything.



Thanks Alwyn, so as a taxpayer here (amongst other things) I have no rights at all to know or to criticise where my tax monies are being spent/wasted?


Or is it just cos I'm a foreigner here that you think I should have no rights? Does a Thai "deserve" to know where their tax monies are being spent/wasted?

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the source claimed is a ' junta source ' so that's not NCPO ?


Oh, my good grief!


No, it's not. The NCPO has a chain of command. It has recognised, official spokespersons. None of them, not one of them commented about Yingluck's trip following the slap-down of the rumour-mongers. If they had, the newspaper would have (should have) quoted them. The NCPO has not uttered a word about Yingluck since last week - not about Singapore, not about her return, not about her "duty" right now.... nothing.


Someone (might have) given his/her opinion of the Yingluck case to a reporter. Maybe. But (s)he was not speaking for the NCPO or we would know about it just like we know about the rumour-mongers - because a top official of the NCPO spoke about it.


A top NCPO official, Lt Gen Kampanat Ruddit, and the senior NCPO spokesman Col Winthai Suwaree both spoke about Yingluck last week, on the record, denying she had asked for an extension of her trip. They spoke in the name of the NCPO. We know who they are. They are authorised to speak for the NCPO and they did so. Their word is official. They spoke, and are authorised to speak, for the NCPO. Since then, "the NCPO" has said nothing about Yingluck.
I don't have to say you are free to (dis)believe all or part of every newspaper story in existence. But you are not free to throw around allegations of what are and aren't official NCPO policy and statements. When the NCPO wants to speak about Yingluck, it will do that.



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She shows amazing resilience and fortitude and deserves less harassment as Thailand's first female PM (now ex). Frankly all this bullying makes me puke.


She deserves everything she gets and "we" deserve some answers as to where all the wasted monies have gone to . . .


If you are a Thai, that's a fair comment. If you're not a Thai. it's none of your business if and where monies have gone to, is it? You don't "deserve" anything.



Thanks Alwyn, so as a taxpayer here (amongst other things) I have no rights at all to know or to criticise where my tax monies are being spent/wasted?


Or is it just cos I'm a foreigner here that you think I should have no rights? Does a Thai "deserve" to know where their tax monies are being spent/wasted?


Yes Thais deserve to know, that why I said "If you are a Thai, that's a fair comment". No, you don't deserve to know where your taxes go. It might be of interest to you, as it is to me, but we're transient, we're privileged to be working and living here and part of that privilege is paying your taxes. Go for citizenship if you want to "deserve" to know the inner workings of the Thai government.  

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