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Extension of 2nd year ED denied at Immigration CM

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In the year 2017 there will be no expats or long term residents under 50 years old left in Thailand. Good for the old man , can keep the young chicks for himself.

i think you are underestimating the resilience of those under 50, they'll adapt.

as for the young chicks, i've seen the ones you old guys hang out with.. you can keep em cheesy.gif

thanks for making my morning that much funnier wai2.gif

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Had a similar experience with my extension (ED Visa) there too about 3 weeks ago. Maybe even with the same officer. I have no problems with being tested, but that they can make up the test out of the blue without any regard what you really learned pisses me really off. What these people want to proof? That they are not corrupt? 555. Shitty typical Thai attitude to blame their wrongdoings on the "victims". The whole visa system is like it is because for decades they misused the system to skim off as much money as possible and now they shitting their pants that everything comes out and they get punished. Maybe the head bosses should investigate the assets of certain officers and have a look into which schools have unusual high passing grades of the test because I am sure that they figured out already another way to get paid by the schools.

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Had a similar experience with my extension (ED Visa) there too about 3 weeks ago. Maybe even with the same officer. I have no problems with being tested, but that they can make up the test out of the blue without any regard what you really learned pisses me really off. What these people want to proof? That they are not corrupt? 555. Shitty typical Thai attitude to blame their wrongdoings on the "victims". The whole visa system is like it is because for decades they misused the system to skim off as much money as possible and now they shitting their pants that everything comes out and they get punished. Maybe the head bosses should investigate the assets of certain officers and have a look into which schools have unusual high passing grades of the test because I am sure that they figured out already another way to get paid by the schools.

Otherwise they could just say bring your new MOE cert to immigration and the MOE investigation will weed out the bad schools.

This whole exercise about everybody having to leave the country to get a new ED visa is because they can't even trust the immigration offices to follow the rules.

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Would be smart to invest money in buffalos now. Many girls will have to head back to isaan to stay with the family

With comments like this were you really into the language or just for the visa

In a sarcastic way I was saying that this is not only affecting us, the haunted farang.

IF... they are planning to kick us all out, it will affect a lot of Thai people too. Or do you think the back packers will go eat a steak at El Gaucho? Perhaps that place is not even Thai owned but the staff working there sure is Thai. Bangkok without locals will be a big difference for a lot of people.

Many farang have descend relationships too and these woman aren't happy about what is happening around here. They aren't looking forward to get back in a relationship with a Thai man. My statement isn't about money. Many descend Thai woman out there that like the benefits of farang relationships compared to Thai relationships.

How many empty condos will be around town in the near future? Thai owners will love that for sure...

It is a good thing that the army wants to give back happiness to the Thai people again but a big number of the Thais are making a living on our back in one way or another and they will not be so happy anymore about what's coming.

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I have removed some off topic and abusive posts.

Under the new rules that go into effect on the 29th the longest you can get extensions on the same visa entry is one year.

They could be invoking the new rules early.

They were cool about extending my ED visa, first issued in 2012, at CM immigration today. I do the usual 4 hours a week studying Thai. One-on-one, not as part of a class, but I've never heard that that makes any difference.

My experience was quite different from that of the OP. The officer processing the extension was efficient and friendly, and not at all irritated when a couple of my photocopies were incorrect. The "test", if that's what it was, was just a couple of chatty questions directed at me as I was sitting down. "So, Khun XXX, you're learning Thai?", "Can you write yet?" - that sort of thing.

I don't know why I was lucky and the OP was not. Perhaps his problem was an issue with changing schools unrelated to the changes scheduled for the end of the month.

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I have removed some off topic and abusive posts.

Under the new rules that go into effect on the 29th the longest you can get extensions on the same visa entry is one year.

They could be invoking the new rules early.

They were cool about extending my ED visa, first issued in 2012, at CM immigration today. I do the usual 4 hours a week studying Thai. One-on-one, not as part of a class, but I've never heard that that makes any difference.

My experience was quite different from that of the OP. The officer processing the extension was efficient and friendly, and not at all irritated when a couple of my photocopies were incorrect. The "test", if that's what it was, was just a couple of chatty questions directed at me as I was sitting down. "So, Khun XXX, you're learning Thai?", "Can you write yet?" - that sort of thing.

I don't know why I was lucky and the OP was not. Perhaps his problem was an issue with changing schools unrelated to the changes scheduled for the end of the month.

So (a) can you write Thai and (B) did they test you on this?

Edited by pete66
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I have removed some off topic and abusive posts.

Under the new rules that go into effect on the 29th the longest you can get extensions on the same visa entry is one year.

They could be invoking the new rules early.

They were cool about extending my ED visa, first issued in 2012, at CM immigration today. I do the usual 4 hours a week studying Thai. One-on-one, not as part of a class, but I've never heard that that makes any difference.

My experience was quite different from that of the OP. The officer processing the extension was efficient and friendly, and not at all irritated when a couple of my photocopies were incorrect. The "test", if that's what it was, was just a couple of chatty questions directed at me as I was sitting down. "So, Khun XXX, you're learning Thai?", "Can you write yet?" - that sort of thing.

I don't know why I was lucky and the OP was not. Perhaps his problem was an issue with changing schools unrelated to the changes scheduled for the end of the month.

this is interesting in a good way.

A couple of questions please.

What school are you going to?

How long of an extension did they grant?

When was the last time you had to leave Thailand to get a ED visa? ie Laos etc?

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I have never experienced this attitude in the past 3 years so i was very surprised as well by their hostile behavior this time

Out of interest, how were you dressed? Shorts and t-shirt? Flip-flops? Not being condescending (or suggesting that the OP was dressed improperly) but there is actually a law that you must dress respectfully when going into a government office (I will try to find the actual law but it does exist).

Many of the officers get annoyed at servicing sloppy looking foreigners and in the past, would not even allow "hippies" into the country. I notice every time I go to a government office where Farangs are obtaining services (Amphur, Immigration etc), I see that most of them (90%) are in shorts, t-shirts and flip flops.

I recommend to all that when you visit a government office, especially in these difficult times, that you dress properly. Long sleeve shirt, trousers and shoes. I have never (in 24 years) been given the kind of treatment you received but I am careful to dress well, be humble and smile a lot.

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I have never experienced this attitude in the past 3 years so i was very surprised as well by their hostile behavior this time

Out of interest, how were you dressed? Shorts and t-shirt? Flip-flops? Not being condescending (or suggesting that the OP was dressed improperly) but there is actually a law that you must dress respectfully when going into a government office (I will try to find the actual law but it does exist).

Many of the officers get annoyed at servicing sloppy looking foreigners and in the past, would not even allow "hippies" into the country. I notice every time I go to a government office where Farangs are obtaining services (Amphur, Immigration etc), I see that most of them (90%) are in shorts, t-shirts and flip flops.

I recommend to all that when you visit a government office, especially in these difficult times, that you dress properly. Long sleeve shirt, trousers and shoes. I have never (in 24 years) been given the kind of treatment you received but I am careful to dress well, be humble and smile a lot.

Out of interest you could take the time to read the whole topic. Then you would see that I have already stated that I was NOT in flipflops facepalm.gif

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Dear Ubonjoe !

have to post here, as original one is closed,

Have George returned from the interview with the BKK Immigration,

or did i miss a report on that meeting for clarify the many questions about

all this new visa rules and implementation ?



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Been dealing with CM Immigration for 6 years, first on Marriage Extension and then Retirement. Have only had 1 brief bad experience with them. They rest of the time they have been courteous and helpful, and a couple of times they have gone out of their way to help me. But I did notice last month when I went for my 90 that they have almost all new/different staff there now, and most of the old "regulars" are gone. So maybe it's changing.

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Looks like the ED Visa option is becoming a losing proposition, a sort of black hole, where the return on investment is no longer guaranteed except for the most dedicated of students (those willing to study on their own 20 hrs/week in addition to attending regular classes).

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OP, I think I've met the immigration officer you're referring too! She is evil. In fact CM is the worst immigration place I've had to visit by far.

I've always been treated very politely and professionally (with a smile) at Chiang Mai immigration.

Something doesn't jive about this story.

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I have always found CM immigration officers to be efficient and pleasant. Never had a bad experience there. I have been delayed often by idiots ahead in the queue who show up with incomplete/ improperly filled out forms, no pens, no clues. There oughta be a movie " Clueless in CM". Good luck with your next encounter- all you can do is front up and deal with it. The officers have the discretion- that's why they are there. You should try to deal with Canadian immigration officials- snide, rude, arrogant and far too empowered for their intelligence level- real bottom feeders.

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I have removed some off topic and abusive posts.

Under the new rules that go into effect on the 29th the longest you can get extensions on the same visa entry is one year.

They could be invoking the new rules early.

They were cool about extending my ED visa, first issued in 2012, at CM immigration today. I do the usual 4 hours a week studying Thai. One-on-one, not as part of a class, but I've never heard that that makes any difference.

My experience was quite different from that of the OP. The officer processing the extension was efficient and friendly, and not at all irritated when a couple of my photocopies were incorrect. The "test", if that's what it was, was just a couple of chatty questions directed at me as I was sitting down. "So, Khun XXX, you're learning Thai?", "Can you write yet?" - that sort of thing.

I don't know why I was lucky and the OP was not. Perhaps his problem was an issue with changing schools unrelated to the changes scheduled for the end of the month.

So (a) can you write Thai and (cool.png did they test you on this?

I can. Although I admit my spelling leaves something to be desired. They didn't test it this time.

Last year the same officer asked me to write my own surname.

Edited by cocopops
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Looks like the ED Visa option is becoming a losing proposition, a sort of black hole, where the return on investment is no longer guaranteed except for the most dedicated of students (those willing to study on their own 20 hrs/week in addition to attending regular classes).

Maybe but there is no corroboration of the OP's story yet.

There is one posting of someone who got an extension and that's it.

For sure there are people applying for them this week.

Maybe we get some confirmations soon.

Anyone out there with recent ED visa extension experiences at CM immigration?

Please share

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I have removed some off topic and abusive posts.

Under the new rules that go into effect on the 29th the longest you can get extensions on the same visa entry is one year.

They could be invoking the new rules early.

They were cool about extending my ED visa, first issued in 2012, at CM immigration today. I do the usual 4 hours a week studying Thai. One-on-one, not as part of a class, but I've never heard that that makes any difference.

My experience was quite different from that of the OP. The officer processing the extension was efficient and friendly, and not at all irritated when a couple of my photocopies were incorrect. The "test", if that's what it was, was just a couple of chatty questions directed at me as I was sitting down. "So, Khun XXX, you're learning Thai?", "Can you write yet?" - that sort of thing.

I don't know why I was lucky and the OP was not. Perhaps his problem was an issue with changing schools unrelated to the changes scheduled for the end of the month.

this is interesting in a good way.

A couple of questions please.

What school are you going to?

How long of an extension did they grant?

When was the last time you had to leave Thailand to get a ED visa? ie Laos etc?

Schools website is http://effectivethai.com. One year. Last time I visited an embassy was September 2012.

I don't know for sure of course, but I don't think the one year extensions will be possible after 29th August.

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OP, I think I've met the immigration officer you're referring too! She is evil. In fact CM is the worst immigration place I've had to visit by far.

I've always been treated very politely and professionally (with a smile) at Chiang Mai immigration.

Something doesn't jive about this story.

Does seem strange. I've been using the CM office for 21 years and never had a problem. On the other hand they have bent over backwards to help me out of a jam a couple of times when errors were made by the university in my certification documents and one instant when I needed a new certification document rather than accepting a copy of the 3 year contract one I had. A ranking officer came over to see what the problem was and told them to give me a 10 day extension to give the university time to generate the new document. He looked at me and my stress and laughed and said 'relax, you're legal' smile.png

Possibly the new rule change over is putting some pressure on them at the moment but will probably settle down after a while once they have the procedures down and students are more aware of the requirements. The language testing is not a complete surprise based on other reports and that they want verification of studying. But if hostile as the OP states, first I've seen that.

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Any idiot from a first world country that rules need to be standardized or abuse will occur on both sides. Apparantly here they dont know this and have not issued a standardized test for knowing thai. That would solve the problem.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I will start learning Russian , they do offer different languages at some schools. Lets see how the immigration will handle that !

They will (maybe) delay your extension until they can arrange for an Immigration officer that speaks Russian to de-brief you.

From another thread on this topic, if you are learning a different language from Thai, then they will still test your Thai language skills!!

Woud this mean that if one is studying Spanish, for example, he would still be tested onThai---and even if he had not studied Thai?..........

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Immigration had a point...after a year of supposedly learning the Thai language...one should be able to impress immigration that you are above a 5 year olds level of comprehension...you have been caught with your pants down...best to actually go to school this time...if they allow you another attempt at the ED visa...

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Shut up ggt. Unless you were there when she tested me?

I clearly wrote that i said my Thai reading and writing is at the level of a 5 year old. You still seem to struggle at reading comprehension yourself. Seems you were too busy in judging-people-for-no-reason classes?

Ah ah ah ..... i know again why i avoided TV for such a long time. And for the exact same reason i'm outta here again. What a joke this place is

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I have been told that immigration are only extending ED visa for 3 months at a time now and not for 12 months like before .. It doesn't sound like to much inconvenience as you have to report every 90 days/3 months anyway ..but it's now an extension not a report has anyone els heard of this

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