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I have a burmese gf for 2yrs (shan state) and i have decided to get her to stay in thailand, as burmese state laws restricts any foreign marriage to non-burmese..

what should i do to apply for her to be able to stay in parts of thailand for longer period of times.

She's going to be 21 soon. and we are planning to reside in thailand.

I have a internet-based job generating income and will also be planning to move into thailand, preferbly bangkok to stay.

how do i go about doing it?

i am more concerned about getting her a thai PR/Ciitizenship becuz i hope to be able to bring my kid to my parent country in future.

i think if she is still holding onto the burmese pass and a kid is born, the kid can only be a burmese without my name in the birthcert , and otherwise be stateless?

im quite a newbie in this hope u guys can guide me..


anyone with some advise? really headache on this..

I'm not an immigration lawyer, which is who you should be talking to, no question.

But a word of advice, if she's your girlfriend you are probably out of luck. If she is your wife however, you should be able to get her to stay in Thailand under your business visa as a dependant.

If this causes her to loose her burmese citizenship, that's unfortunate, but pretty much Thai's don't like the burmese to live here, so getting a non-immigrant visa just for her will be tough.

There are special guest worker visas she may be able to get if you can show that you're hiring her.

Either way you're in for a kahfka-esque nightmare of paperwork and fees. I'd get a lawyer asap.


hello,i also have a burmese girlfreind (karen) & i have just found out how much a passport & 2 month thai visa is in rangoon.

the passport is 30,000kyat (approx 900 baht)only lasts 3 years though,& ive been told its a little hard to renew,but im sure cash pointed at the burmese government should ease the difficulties.

a broker for the passport is 50,000kyat

2 month thai visa,rangoon=around 25 usd

when she goes to rangoon to apply,i think its best to keep clear of the proceedings for obvious reasons.


so what happens after 2 months? she cant renew and she has to go back again ? wad to do if she plans to stay longer den the 2 months ?

I have a burmese gf for 2yrs (shan state) and i have decided to get her to stay in thailand, as burmese state laws restricts any foreign marriage to non-burmese..

what should i do to apply for her to be able to stay in parts of thailand for longer period of times.

She's going to be 21 soon. and we are planning to reside in thailand.

I have a internet-based job generating income and will also be planning to move into thailand, preferbly bangkok to stay.

how do i go about doing it?

i am more concerned about getting her a thai PR/Ciitizenship becuz i hope to be able to bring my kid to my parent country in future.

i think if she is still holding onto the burmese pass and a kid is born, the kid can only be a burmese without my name in the birthcert , and otherwise be stateless?

im quite a newbie in this hope u guys can guide me..


Short of getting married to her, look into getting her an alien work permit. I understand that they are again this year accepting new applicants. You can hire her as your housekeeper. Its a bit of a drag the first year but each year thereafter relatively easy to renew.

Also are you sure about the Burma marriage thing .... I have a few friends who are married to Brumese and they didn't know anything about it.....

If you do marry her then get her out of the Burma thingy and into your country passport as a citizen ... Cant be a great loss to give up a Burmese citizenry with all the problems that country creates for its nationals. Cripes even an Afgani passport would be preferable


I would look a little harder at the 900 baht passport.....

I think there is a program where by you can ghet a real Burmese passport, legal, for around $400 dollars thru an agent. this would include a single entry entry visa into Thai and a r/t ticket [air] this of course is much safer than the undergournd border crossing thing.

But you must also think what does she do when the 60 day visa runs out. This approach should be used only with thinking about what other type of long term stay visa can be gotten for her during that 60 day period ..... must be thought thru in your own individual circumstances.

What is your home country and what are the possibilities of marrying her and then trying to get her to your country then at some later date into thailand? Your initial post was a bit confusing for me


i am from singapore. and we are actually looking at staying in thailand together. marriage would be a later thing once we can get her out of burma citizenship, as we are really interetsed to start a family.


as i managed a US-based sver internet business as my main stream income. i wouldnt have be working when i stay in thailand, would it still be possible to , like u said, hire her as my housekeeper ?

and what kind of visa will i even be quallified?


i am located on the burmese border,where the burmese can cross into burma no problem.im not sure where you are located at the moment.

my girfreinds burmese freind has just got back from rangoon after getting this passport,so obviously she got back into thailand with it.i met her & her japanese boyfreind the other night for drinks.

before,i had been told a very wide range of costs from different people.one burmese freind told me to beware of the 300 dollar burmese passports as they are likely to be fake.

obviously the burmese people working in bangkok pay for a yearly work permit,so they can stay there legally.

i will also have to look into the visa renewal.


my gf is from kyaingtong, and i noe tat she can go into maesai no problem.

but not anywhere further den that. we are looking in staying @ bangkok.

staying in thailand is 1 thing, another thing is her burmese citizenship as it's so problematic, cant get married, kid would be stateless if born witha foriegner etc


yes,its kind of complicated isnt it.

maybe it wouldnt be so hard to befreind a thai or burmese in bangkok who has a buisiness,guest house etc, in bangkok & pay the yearly work permit.maybe do it at the place you stay in bangkok.so officially she would be working.

i would think that she woulde be restricted to bangkok though.

i have the same situation so i'm trying to find out more myself.


i heard in another thread or so that i could actually hire her as my housekeeper? how does tat work. it's really taxing sometimes but still we do it.

thankuverybig: thanks for the ideas, i hope u post ani findings tat we can share together to solve the situation

do u know of any?


My housekeepr (Maid) is from Shan State - Burma and we get her a work permit every year.

She has been with us for 3 years now and she does not have a passport.

As long as paperwork is in order there is no problems at all.

It costs 1900 THB per year for permit and 1900 THB a year for medical card.

You will need to provide passport/Visa details if you are hiring her plus a copy of your work permit



My housekeepr (Maid) is from Shan State - Burma and we get her a work permit every year.

She has been with us for 3 years now and she does not have a passport.

As long as paperwork is in order there is no problems at all.

It costs 1900 THB per year for permit and 1900 THB a year for medical card.

You will need to provide passport/Visa details if you are hiring her plus a copy of your work permit



hello, thanks for helping!

that means that i need to have a work permit(for myself) in order to be able to hire her? am i able to do so if im holding onto a NI 'o' visa?



If you PM me a fax number i will send you details for requirements, it's all in Thai but i'm sure you can get it translated.

Also, PM me girfrlends number and i will get my maid to call her tomorrow and explain - being from shan state they probably know one another anyway!




just wondering, getting her a work permit and would that lead to any possibilities in future? what would happen if a marriage takes place? i suppose they would still be a burmese citizen since a work permit cant get her anywhere ?

and what would happen to the kid's citizenship thereafter ?


angie,thanks for the info.i'm assuming that this work permit only allows the burmese girl to stay in bangkok,or it has boundries.

can she travel around thailand with the employer?(sounds daft i know,but heres hoping)


Sorry for the late reply but we have had a death in the family and i have been sorting arrangements to fly back to the UK for the funeral.

I have spoken with my housekeeper and she knows your girlfriend.

PM for more details.

She will call shan state tomorrow.



she knows my girlfriend?! wow den she must be from Laikai/KyaingTong ?

Angie, thanks a million, but can i maybe speak to you in private? this might lead somewhere for me.. do u have a contact tat u check back on regularly? email? MSN? Skype ?

if possible, please PM me your contact. i guess it would be better talking pte better den spewing it all over the main forums..

Thanks angie!

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