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Loud Bangs This Morning


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So I'm in bed, fast asleep this morning at 9.05, and I get awoken by these huge bangs. I hear people in adjacent rooms rushing out of their rooms.

I thought fireworks, then dismissed this as it is 9.05 in the morning! Then I thought gunfire/bombs. Panicked for a second.

What were these bangs? Any ideas?


Edited by penzman
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So I'm in bed, fast asleep this morning at 9.05, and I get awoken by these huge bangs. I hear people in adjacent rooms rushing out of their rooms.

I thought fireworks, then dismissed this as it is 9.05 in the morning! Then I thought gunfire/bombs. Panicked for a second.

What were these bangs? Any ideas?


Maybe Phil's full .....

Did you by any chance have just a wee amount more than normal of beans for dinner last night. That may just explain the neighbors running out in a panic.


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Did you hear the loud bangs again this morning? Both yesterday and today the Special Forces Batallion here in T. Don Kaew (between C.M. and Mae Rim) were conducting an artillery exhibition for visiting bigshots. It's right across the street from where I live. I shot bolt upright from a sound sleep thinking maybe my car had exploded. Very loud and concussive.

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> I thought fireworks, then dismissed this as it is 9.05 in the morning!

Also.. It actually can be fireworks at that hour in the morning.. If there's a funeral/cremation area nearby then usually some fireworks are set off as well.

But indeed, transformers blowing up at random are a cool feature of Thailand. :o Can be quite spectacular.

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