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Pattaya To Control Jet Ski Operators


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Somebody is lying about the insurance issue.

Todays article says "jet skis are not covered with insurance because Thai law doesn’t allow this type of water craft."

Now in Phuket the Deputy Mayor says they have insurance. Is he lying? I think so.

I'd be interesting to see if there was actually insurance or are the Phuket authorities lying about insurance?

I will bet the Phuket insurance company never paid one single claim.

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"Thai law doesn’t allow this type of water craft"

so... why are they there ? police doing their job ? enforcing the law ?

or ... is it that they have "shares" or interests in these kind of ripp-offs

makes one wonder

it is a bit like prostitution in thailand, forbidden but everywhere

or gambling

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I actually witnessed them in action last weekend,,, Walking along beach road, right where it pretty much starts off walking street,, I saw a young Russian guy ride one in, and beach it where the operator indicated,, IMMEADIATLLY the operator starts yelling, pointing at, "damage",, within seconds is pulling out his phone, to show pics, (of course when brand new),,, I was about 30 ft away, standing on a balcony, acted like I was taking video, only holding my phone on the railing,,, got acousted by the

scammers buddies for taping it,,, They demanded to see my phone, I refused,, they continued several times,, threatened with, "give me your phone or you have big problem",,,, So you're attempting to rob me of my phone in BROAD DAYLIGHT, with people EVERYWHERE!?,,, F off,,, THEN the "beach police" arrive,,, I then did the same,,, I was then accousted by their buddies the, "beach police" for the SAME reason,,, demanded to see what I videoed, "REALLY?,,, I'm not allowed to video tape on the beach?",,

,AGAIN,, "delete,, or you have big problem",,, "REALLY?,,,, let's call the REAL police,, you know,, the ones with GUNS AND BADGES,,, I'll show THEM my video,, You want

that?",,,, of course not,,,, "Oh you have big problem with police here now",, So you're threatening me?,,, he finally just walked off,,,

Good for you well done

I had a similar thing happen when an "idiot Thai" on a motor bike crashed into my car...

along came this twerp on a motor bike claiming to be police...he started demanding my licence, I said..."see that young lady over there....she is my lawyer, so get lost (stronger words than that)....he scurried away with his tail between his legs

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I actually witnessed them in action last weekend,,, Walking along beach road, right where it pretty much starts off walking street,, I saw a young Russian guy ride one in, and beach it where the operator indicated,, IMMEADIATLLY the operator starts yelling, pointing at, "damage",, within seconds is pulling out his phone, to show pics, (of course when brand new),,, I was about 30 ft away, standing on a balcony, acted like I was taking video, only holding my phone on the railing,,, got acousted by the

scammers buddies for taping it,,, They demanded to see my phone, I refused,, they continued several times,, threatened with, "give me your phone or you have big problem",,,, So you're attempting to rob me of my phone in BROAD DAYLIGHT, with people EVERYWHERE!?,,, F off,,, THEN the "beach police" arrive,,, I then did the same,,, I was then accousted by their buddies the, "beach police" for the SAME reason,,, demanded to see what I videoed, "REALLY?,,, I'm not allowed to video tape on the beach?",,

,AGAIN,, "delete,, or you have big problem",,, "REALLY?,,,, let's call the REAL police,, you know,, the ones with GUNS AND BADGES,,, I'll show THEM my video,, You want

that?",,,, of course not,,,, "Oh you have big problem with police here now",, So you're threatening me?,,, he finally just walked off,,,

I personally have had that exact thing happen. Nothing can be done when the powers that be are involved.

You could try complaining via the NCPO channels for complaints?

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They are legal for rental IF they are proprly registered in a company name.

What makes it illegal is that you MUST have a Thai license to drive them and none of the tourists have this. Just ban the damned things, 90% of the tourists hate them anyway so no bonus for Thailand to have them scaring away tourists from the beaches. I have never seen a jetski in Koh Cang and seems to work well.

if you meant koh chang then i saw a 98 seadoo xp there.............stuck in the weeds next to the police hut in kai bay.....guess thats why theres no skis there......:)

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What needs to be done,, is anytime someone sees this happening,, pull out your phone,, start taking video,, or at least, ACT like you are,,,, are they REALLY gonna hassle 5, 10, 15 tourist's video recording?,,,,, I think NOT!..... They're THUGS!,,, nothing more,,, I failed to mention,, 3 of the 4 THUGS harrasing me,, all had huge chains, with at least 3-4 Bhuda amulets... I mentioned,, "Very, Very Bhuda of you,, Wai people,, then STEAL from them.. I imeadiatley was shown 4 middle fingers,,, which I responded to with a polite, wai, and 2 middle fingers of my own,,,,, lolol

Edited by Adeeos
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I actually witnessed them in action last weekend,,, Walking along beach road, right where it pretty much starts off walking street,, I saw a young Russian guy ride one in, and beach it where the operator indicated,, IMMEADIATLLY the operator starts yelling, pointing at, "damage",, within seconds is pulling out his phone, to show pics, (of course when brand new),,, I was about 30 ft away, standing on a balcony, acted like I was taking video, only holding my phone on the railing,,, got acousted by the

scammers buddies for taping it,,, They demanded to see my phone, I refused,, they continued several times,, threatened with, "give me your phone or you have big problem",,,, So you're attempting to rob me of my phone in BROAD DAYLIGHT, with people EVERYWHERE!?,,, F off,,, THEN the "beach police" arrive,,, I then did the same,,, I was then accousted by their buddies the, "beach police" for the SAME reason,,, demanded to see what I videoed, "REALLY?,,, I'm not allowed to video tape on the beach?",,

,AGAIN,, "delete,, or you have big problem",,, "REALLY?,,,, let's call the REAL police,, you know,, the ones with GUNS AND BADGES,,, I'll show THEM my video,, You want

that?",,,, of course not,,,, "Oh you have big problem with police here now",, So you're threatening me?,,, he finally just walked off,,,

How much footage did you get? Post up the footage if you still have it.

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Am I missing something? "However jet skis are not covered with insurance because Thai law doesn't allow this type of water craft." If they aren't allowed, what the hell are they doing on the beaches being readily available to rent?

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I actually witnessed them in action last weekend,,, Walking along beach road, right where it pretty much starts off walking street,, I saw a young Russian guy ride one in, and beach it where the operator indicated,, IMMEADIATLLY the operator starts yelling, pointing at, "damage",, within seconds is pulling out his phone, to show pics, (of course when brand new),,, I was about 30 ft away, standing on a balcony, acted like I was taking video, only holding my phone on the railing,,, got acousted by the

scammers buddies for taping it,,, They demanded to see my phone, I refused,, they continued several times,, threatened with, "give me your phone or you have big problem",,,, So you're attempting to rob me of my phone in BROAD DAYLIGHT, with people EVERYWHERE!?,,, F off,,, THEN the "beach police" arrive,,, I then did the same,,, I was then accousted by their buddies the, "beach police" for the SAME reason,,, demanded to see what I videoed, "REALLY?,,, I'm not allowed to video tape on the beach?",,

,AGAIN,, "delete,, or you have big problem",,, "REALLY?,,,, let's call the REAL police,, you know,, the ones with GUNS AND BADGES,,, I'll show THEM my video,, You want

that?",,,, of course not,,,, "Oh you have big problem with police here now",, So you're threatening me?,,, he finally just walked off,,,

Oh. My. God. !!! Adeeos, one thing for sure, you have a pair !! I don't know how experienced you are about Thailand in general and Pattaya in particular, but this brave little filming stunt of yurs could have turned your holiday into a massive nightmare in no time ... I'm no Cassandra, but I hope for your sake that you moved out of that hotel not long thereafter, because you not only pissed these guys off but you also made them lose their precious face, and there's no end to the potential violence when that happens, especially with this kind of macho idiots with a brain the size of a chick pea.

Edited by Yann55
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Am I missing something? "However jet skis are not covered with insurance because Thai law doesn't allow this type of water craft." If they aren't allowed, what the hell are they doing on the beaches being readily available to rent?

Thai Law doesn't allow prostitution either... whistling.gif you're not missing anything, Phil, this country is, and it will take more than just a few months of military rule to fix it. But at least they're trying, and that's nothing short of a miracle.

Look at the reactions here on TVF since last May... guys who obviously know this Kingdom well were all hoho-ing and haha-ing at first going "yeah, once again just words, won't last till the next rain, won't translate into action" etc... Now more and more are rubbing their eyes and tuning down the negative comments. wai.gif

There is, however, an obvious and inherent risk in hitting fast and strong. Just like inaction breeds mess, nepotism and corruption, haste can bring about big mistakes, injustice, and collateral damage. Let's hope the latter don't grow out of proportion.

Edited by Yann55
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its not like the scammers have the money to buy these things or are the cause of the problem, they are employed to do the job. if you check out who actually owns the jetskis and employs the scammers you will discover why they are able to operate above the law and why they will continue to do so

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I actually witnessed them in action last weekend,,, Walking along beach road, right where it pretty much starts off walking street,, I saw a young Russian guy ride one in, and beach it where the operator indicated,, IMMEADIATLLY the operator starts yelling, pointing at, "damage",, within seconds is pulling out his phone, to show pics, (of course when brand new),,, I was about 30 ft away, standing on a balcony, acted like I was taking video, only holding my phone on the railing,,, got acousted by the

scammers buddies for taping it,,, They demanded to see my phone, I refused,, they continued several times,, threatened with, "give me your phone or you have big problem",,,, So you're attempting to rob me of my phone in BROAD DAYLIGHT, with people EVERYWHERE!?,,, F off,,, THEN the "beach police" arrive,,, I then did the same,,, I was then accousted by their buddies the, "beach police" for the SAME reason,,, demanded to see what I videoed, "REALLY?,,, I'm not allowed to video tape on the beach?",,

,AGAIN,, "delete,, or you have big problem",,, "REALLY?,,,, let's call the REAL police,, you know,, the ones with GUNS AND BADGES,,, I'll show THEM my video,, You want

that?",,,, of course not,,,, "Oh you have big problem with police here now",, So you're threatening me?,,, he finally just walked off,,,

If it amuses you then you can watch the scam going on daily without fail. Around the area where all the speed boats pickup/drop off to go to Koh Larn. I think it's near the Police station. About half the time I walk by there in the middle of the day I see the commotion of another tourist victim surrounded by the jetski mafia and a couple police waiting for their cut.

Edited by lapd
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Another trick these scammers have done are bring negotiators in wearing police like clothes and marine police clothes .

there is no way to control them they know thousands of tricks.

I seriously doubt they can get away with that considering the scam goes on right out front of the Pattaya police station.

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lets just say then, I have only ever seen a farang tourist policeman get involved once and he ended up cowering in the back of the modern store

funny thing, I even know a few tourist policemen but it seems i cant post here why they told me they dont get involved

Edited by slygeeza
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