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Nakhon Phanom


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Hi all,

New to this board.

Would like any information on Nakhon Phanom that any one can enlighten my on.

I am thinking of going there to live with my Good lady and build a house there. She has the land so looks like it is up to me to build the house.

I understand there is not a large population so was wandering what would be the type of business etc that one might get into.

Any Web sites that i can take a look at would be much appricated .

Thanking you in advance


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Hi Brief and welcome to LOS! :o:D:D

I wrote this in Chiang Mai forum when same question came:

Starting a business in LOS is easy but making good money is almost impossible! And don't think you can make money on the thais, even more impossible. And should you be successful in that within three months you will see at least half a dozen thai competitors selling the same service for half the prize.

If you can do something using your own skills and with non-thais as customers then you might have a slight chance.

Thailand is a wonderful country with wonderful people but it is very hard to make any money here!

But good luck anyway!


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Brief, read svenivans comment carefully: Because he is "right on".

I visit Thailand on a regular basis (I even lived here for almost 2 years before) and I have seen many many "Farangs" triying to set up a business in Thailand and I have kept in touch with most of them. The "failure rate" is mindboggling!

In my humble opinion, there is only one way to truly enjoy a worrie-free long term stay in Thailand:

Have a steady source of income from abroad (pension, investments etc.)

AND: Having said that, by rushing into building "her" a house, if your business fails and you want to cover your loss by selling the house, how much will YOU recover and how much the "Missus"?

Go slow on this one and give it plenty of thought before you rush into anything.

Cheers and good luck.

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Brief, read svenivans comment carefully: Because he is "right on".

I visit Thailand on a regular basis (I even lived here for almost 2 years before) and I have seen many many "Farangs" triying to set up a business in Thailand and I have kept in touch with most of them. The "failure rate" is mindboggling!

In my humble opinion, there is only one way to truly enjoy a worrie-free long term stay in Thailand:

Have a steady source of income from abroad (pension, investments etc.)

AND: Having said that, by rushing into building "her" a house, if your business fails and you want to cover your loss by selling the house, how much will YOU recover and how much the "Missus"?

Go slow on this one and give it plenty of thought before you rush into anything.

Cheers and good luck.


The last two post are about the best advice you can get. Come to LOS and enjoy

Thai Ranger

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  • 3 weeks later...

Brief, read svenivans comment carefully: Because he is "right on".

I visit Thailand on a regular basis (I even lived here for almost 2 years before) and I have seen many many "Farangs" triying to set up a business in Thailand and I have kept in touch with most of them. The "failure rate" is mindboggling!

In my humble opinion, there is only one way to truly enjoy a worrie-free long term stay in Thailand:

Have a steady source of income from abroad (pension, investments etc.)

AND: Having said that, by rushing into building "her" a house, if your business fails and you want to cover your loss by selling the house, how much will YOU recover and how much the "Missus"?

Go slow on this one and give it plenty of thought before you rush into anything.

Cheers and good luck.


The last two post are about the best advice you can get. Come to LOS and enjoy

Thai Ranger

Agree completely with previous posts. But heres a little general info. It is a very clean small (30,000 people) town. its well lai out streets are wideand well kept. i saw 4 or 5 restaurant \ bars that looked falang in town but it was holiday so all were closed. Nice size central market an a really nice river walk The view of Lao is very pretty. has ferry service to Lao but i didn't go. If I were settling down to a very quiet life it would be a nice spot. Just remember for major shopping theres nothing close. I think sakon Naphon is the nearest Tesco and other than that probably Udon.

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A New University has just opened. It must reshuffle the activity in the area. It is question to open an International College of Aviation on the airfield. Discussions are on the way at top level. It should be done quickly. International lecturers and flight Instructors should be recruited. Itt should add at least 20 Farangs.

I confirm the Mikey 7 post: nice city, very quiet. A small supermarket (Few cashiers) do exist at the entry of Nakhon Phanom, I do not remember if it is a big C or a Lotus.

If you settle there send me a PM, I am involved in the Aviation project and may settle there at the end of the year.


Edited by Asian Frog
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Hi all,

New to this board.

Would like any information on Nakhon Phanom that any one can enlighten my on.

I am thinking of going there to live with my Good lady and build a house there. She has the land so looks like it is up to me to build the house.

I understand there is not a large population so was wandering what would be the type of business etc that one might get into.

Any Web sites that i can take a look at would be much appricated .

Thanking you in advance


hello brief

my wife was born in nakhon phanom,we have been happily married for over 14 years.

the main reason we are happily married his because we live a 1,000k from nakhon phanom,and i built our house a 1,000k from my wifes family.

dont get me wrong i have not had a problem with the family, her mother has visited us a few times and shes a very nice person.

but over the years i have seen so many farang regret their actions who started out with similar ideas as your post .


(1) dont build a house on/in the family land/compound

(2) only put into thailand(money wise) what you can afford to lose and walk away from with a smile on your face.

(3) forget about a business in nakhon phanom (if the thais struggle to make a living what chance have you got)

sorry to put a damper on your post and i do hope every thing goes well for you but please


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Hi all,

New to this board.

Would like any information on Nakhon Phanom that any one can enlighten my on.

I am thinking of going there to live with my Good lady and build a house there. She has the land so looks like it is up to me to build the house.

I understand there is not a large population so was wandering what would be the type of business etc that one might get into.

Any Web sites that i can take a look at would be much appricated .

Thanking you in advance


hello brief

my wife was born in nakhon phanom,we have been happily married for over 14 years.

the main reason we are happily married his because we live a 1,000k from nakhon phanom,and i built our house a 1,000k from my wifes family.

dont get me wrong i have not had a problem with the family, her mother has visited us a few times and shes a very nice person.

but over the years i have seen so many farang regret their actions who started out with similar ideas as your post .


(1) dont build a house on/in the family land/compound

(2) only put into thailand(money wise) what you can afford to lose and walk away from with a smile on your face.

(3) forget about a business in nakhon phanom (if the thais struggle to make a living what chance have you got)

sorry to put a damper on your post and i do hope every thing goes well for you but please


The mother-in-law is a lovely lady, but........................best kept at arms distance! In fact, you must have particualrly long arms staying 1,000 kms from the woman!

Actually, I get where you're coming from Soap. I too could never live in the in-laws village. Too much in-fighting, back-biting and bitchin' for my likin', so keeping a sound distance and getting your own place is a wise move for most people. Having said that, for some people it works v. well and they enjoy having the in-laws around the whole time to look after things and keep an eye on the place/kids/pets/etc. when you're away. Just a matter of finding the right balance, which depends largely on your and their personalities as to whether it'll work or not.

Nakhon Phanom is a cool place with some of the best river and mountain views in Thailand. Much nicer river frontage than Nong Khai and Mukdahan which has been spoilt since the bridge started to be built. There are starting to be some major mansions built along the river front as land prices boom for a decent view to Laos.

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The last two post are about the best advice you can get. Come to LOS and enjoy

Thai Ranger

THai Ranger, greetings - please excuse the ignorance - what/where is LOS

LOS is an acronym of land of smiles IE Thailand. I believe if you do a search of these you get a big list, It does get easier the more you use the forum. Cheers Dunc :o

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