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American beaten by Ladyboy in Central Pattaya


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Well, I think it would have been better if he instead said No thank´s, with a smile and walked away, insted of starting to yell and make a scene. But maybe he learned something from his encounter. If you are such a homophobic person, Pattaya isn´t the best place to spend a vacation in...

I said this also,,, "No thanks" SHOULD have been enough,,,, but what all the keyboard warriors are failing at,,, is,, NONE of us were there,,, it's VERY possible, he did, exactly that!,,, but was followed, grabbed, maybe a hand in his pocket,, then at THAT point, he'd had enough, and chose to make his CHOICE of not wanting to be hassled, CLEAR, by saying f-off!,,,,,

"Mr. Bowsher was offended by the encounter and entered into a verbal altercation with the Ladyboy"

With the way these things are written, we don't always get the details,, they tend to just wanna report a story,, DAMN the facts!,,, Anyone else here ever been pushed to that point after TRYING the polite route?.... I have,,, the Nigerians on Suk in BKK,,, I ALWAYS ignore,,, but once had one actually grab my arm from behind, and try to pull/spin me around,,, so YA,, I lost it at that point,, and told him so,, and have done the SAME with the LB's that have IGNORED my simple, NO,,,,,

Edited by Adeeos
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Just say "mai ao khap", continue walking... smile and dont stop walking or smiling even if they grab your arm or something else...

In Thailand, just dont get upset...

Here YOU lose face when you get upset, even for good reasons... and if you force somebody to lose face (getting upset because of your behaviour), (s)he will probably not lose face (get upset) halfway and you risk your life... something everybody should be fully aware of before landing in LOS.

Adding to this dishinibition due to drugs and alcohol does'nt improve things.

This guy should be happy being still alive with two working eyes..


Once they were two lady boys on Sukhumvit behind a saphan and the one trying to stop me hard did put his hand on my banana and in my empty pocket... unsuccessfuly cause my money was out of reach in the cargo pocket and I did'nt left him (them) enough time to try more :-)

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

You're both right.

Funny or sad thing, whichever way you want to look at it, I'm laughing.

Maybe I just been here to long.

Guy must be beside himself.

Got beat up by a 'girl'........ clap2.gif

And he even started it from the sounds of it ??????

Yeah... You have been here too long when you forget a Ladyboy is a MAN.

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They are very aggressive and very obnoxious.

You mean americans, right?

I don't know the nationalities of many who seem to be posting such gibberish,,, But I'd guess, many who do post such,,, would be speaking GERMAN right now, if not for those OH so, "very aggressive and very obnoxious" Americans,,,,, I guess those that count on someone else fighting THIER battles,, find it OK to look down on someone else for standing their ground, and not letting a person altered by hormones, possibly ILLEGAL drugs, and an inferiority complex from walking all over them,, but hey,, I wouldn't know,,, I'm an American,,, ;)

I agree. No nationality deserves to be attacked by a ladyboy. So what if it was a woman tourist attacked in the same manner because she rejected a ladyboy? I guess the old vintaged farts in here would be laughing it up. Crazy. If a ladyboy or bargirl grabs me in a sexually way without my consent or without me provoking it. They would get a good talking to. And if I have to defend my self then so be it. Win or lose.

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I was accosted by 2 ladyboys in Pattaya without any provocation what so ever. One grabbed me by the nutz (which became my center of attention) while trying to remove my wallet from my rear pocket.

That was the first thought that I had when I read this story. LB probably grabbed victim's crotch and may have been up to something else.

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

Yes they are but just telling them you are not attracted to them usually helps. Telling them off is just stupid but some people will never learn.

The lady-boy was of course the aggressor here and the one most in the wrong, words to violence is never good. But the other party could have told them no without getting offensive.

I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

So where does it actually say that he used 'offensive language' ??? It says there was a 'verbal altercation', that's all.

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

Yes they are but just telling them you are not attracted to them usually helps. Telling them off is just stupid but some people will never learn.

The lady-boy was of course the aggressor here and the one most in the wrong, words to violence is never good. But the other party could have told them no without getting offensive.

I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

So where does it actually say that he used 'offensive language' ??? It says there was a 'verbal altercation', that's all.

EXACTLY!,,,,, That assumption was made I think within the 1st few posts,,, going off the fact,, "American",,,,

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I'd regard the entire article with scepticism. Any 'journalist' (first language or otherwise) who uses 'pursued' in lieu of 'persuade' has poor reporting skills.....at best.

Having said that, and wildly assuming that there is a shred of accuracy in the report, I see no sense in taking on people in their own country, particularly ladyboys who are hormoned to the hilt. It often hurts the pride but it's better to walk away.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

They are easy enough manipulate to let go of you if they grab your arm. Just say the words that will make them reject you instantly.... works quite well, you do not even have to struggle.

Spit out something, like honey, I like girls more like that, and point at an african or a real tanned skin person. They'll they let go quick enough... easy with such prejudice in this society.

At the moment, maybe try some ebola references.

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Yea.. another moralious from the bible belt.laugh.png

Why are Bible Belt people in Pattaya?

People are born transgender,...transphobia is taught.

While in Thailand,...Smile.

Aren't Christians allowed in Pattaya? Is it only reserved for the paedophiles and other lowlifes of the world?

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Yea.. another moralious from the bible belt.laugh.png

Why are Bible Belt people in Pattaya?

People are born transgender,...transphobia is taught.

While in Thailand,...Smile.

Aren't Christians allowed in Pattaya? Is it only reserved for the paedophiles and other lowlifes of the world?

Only overstayers and visa runners being the real lowlifes in Thailand, if you are legit, and christian, the "locals" will be happy to see you. Kiddy fiddlers, are going to Christian hell, so for many a trip to Pattaya if you're a Christian gives you preview of what hell is like.

You can visit the place, do the selfie, meet the inhabitants and enjoy what the place has to offer, get your fill now, without it costing your mortal soul or eternity in a s**t hole.

But yeah... in all seriousness, what sort of person thinks that people just travel to different countries with different cultures and go to places exactly like where they are from. I do fear that it could just be a case of the sexpat, and that view of Thailand and motivations to visit.

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It would appear that the police report failed to mention that the American 'victim' was drinking with the ladyboy inside the bar, and that they left together before the attack. So while the attack is inexcusable and the ladyboy has rightly been fired by the bar, Mr Bowsher is far from a random victim of a meth-crazed ladyboy prostitute.

ahhhhhhhh! It reveals then smile.png

It hasn't been revealed where that 'information' came from... no source.

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

You're both right.

Funny or sad thing, whichever way you want to look at it, I'm laughing.

Maybe I just been here to long.

Guy must be beside himself.

Got beat up by a 'girl'........ clap2.gif

And he even started it from the sounds of it ??????

Yeah... You have been here too long when you forget a Ladyboy is a MAN.

Did I say that ?

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It would appear that the police report failed to mention that the American 'victim' was drinking with the ladyboy inside the bar, and that they left together before the attack. So while the attack is inexcusable and the ladyboy has rightly been fired by the bar, Mr Bowsher is far from a random victim of a meth-crazed ladyboy prostitute.

ahhhhhhhh! It reveals then smile.png

It hasn't been revealed where that 'information' came from... no source.

I have been googling it and can't find anywhere that says he was in the bar and the two guys left together.

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