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Too many commercials' screens on BTS platforms


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I think perhaps the best solution is to carry earplugs, and not look at the screens. Personally, I find advertising where the message is being blared vocally, to be offensive. It is very invasive. I really dislike all those screens, with all those ads. But, other than engaging in a campaign which includes the destruction of property, which I do not advocate on any level, what are we to do about it?

I have certainly felt the urge to smash a few of these screens, but would rather avoid being charged with vandalism. So, like you I just carry headphones and look elsewhere.

It is ironic that so many on here think that those who think these things are annoying are complaining about something trivial, and yet spend their time posting negative comments about those of us who dare to complain about it. Talk about trivial! If they don't agree with those of us who find the adverts annoying, just go to another forum topic!

Most people do not seem to mind commercials. Seems like some sort of mass conditioning. I watch TV with a remote in my hands, and mute each and every commercial. Most of the people I watch with, ask me what I am doing. I ask, why would you want to listen to those commercials if you did not have to? They look at me like I am from Mars. Friends, family, etc. I am known as the freak with the remote. Seems sensible to me. But, not to them.

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