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Wai at passport control?

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When entering Thailand with a third world passport (Indian) albeit on a Tourist visa, should I Wai (bow + sawa dee ka) to the immigration person at passport control?


Or is it too conspicious or trying too hard?


The last time I went to Thailand they asked me a ton of questions as to where I was staying, who I'm traveling with etc.

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Prostrate yourself and would be more convincing with a few amulets round your neck.  Walk backwards whilst waiing and finish with a star jump.  


Very funny, maybe you should try going anywhere with a third world passport and see how you get treated.


So act like  a 3rd world person and see what goes on.  Or be a man and act like one.

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This time I'm going to wear a dress shirt, tie and trousers and have booked one of those so called VIP carts but I really hate the stress and suspense of passport control.


While I appreciate your concern I think it is important that you don't stress out at passport control.  If you appear to be nervous it's the officers job to question you.  Just relax be presentable and respectful that's all you can really do.  

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The problem with being a foreigners is that we can't wai properly according to circumstances and intended attitude, so a good idea would be to just avoid it in most cases.


Also even if done perfectly, wai from a foreigner always expresses a different shade of attitude, so I'd say, not at immigration, in public offices, etc. 

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I was behind a bunch of these 3rd world passport holders and besides all waing like there was no tomorrow at the Imm Officers, proceeded to hold everyone up searching for 20K THB each that the nice lady behind the Imm desk asked to see from them.

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I would say bad idea. Might come across as stupid. Ever see foreigners wai a bar girl? I have.


Some even wai the clerks at 7/11...


It can get out of control.  I wouldn't be surprised to see the odd few waiing the soi dog.

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