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How to prevent other bars’ customers from using my bar’s wifi?


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Try www.freedomrouters.com

We specialize in open source firmware (such as those recommended by many posters here) like Tomato to provide an enhanced WiFi experience: QoS, user management, increased signal clarity and stability. Perfect solution for restaurants and bars with many users. We also have a 30-day return policy and free delivery in Bangkok.

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Mobi, as has already been suggested, you can buy WiFi AP or Router/WiFi AP for ฿1,000 - ฿1,500 that can give multiple SSIDs (look like One, Two, Three or Four WiFi Names) each with its own password. So the single unit could look like:

SSID: Mobi_WiFi Password: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 <- For customers. Change password when too many non-customers use it

SSID: Drink_More_Beer Password: Can I Have Another <- For your 'regulars'.

SSID: Mobi Password mobi4545 <- For your private use. Set SSID so it doesn't broadcast -- it'll be hidden and nobody asks about it


You would only need to change the password on the primary SSID when too many non-customers use it. Possibly change the 'regulars' SSID password they stab you in the back and give it out to too many non-customers.

The Third SSID is private and only for your use.

As heard on this thread, there are many ways to fix problem. Often the simplest way to do a task is the best. I could assume that you and your workers do not wish to spend a lot of time issuing user specific PIN codes. If there is technical problem on the system, what do you do then? How long would it take to get a tech savvy person to fix the issues and how much would it cost? Professionals do not move their behinds to your location for couple of hundred baht.

The above solution is cheap, functional, does not require maintenance, except changing the customer Mobi_WiFi SSID password every now and then.

If you have a website, issue the SSID as 'mobisbeerbar.com' so you'll get a bit of advertisement on the radio waves as well. You could even use an extra SSID just for advertisement purposes 'happy hour 12-17 at Mobisbeerbar.com' ;)

Passwords for the customer SSID should be something easy to hear and write. Maybe using beer names, common city names?

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Bazt, on 18 Aug 2014 - 00:23, said:

If you get your own , why would the customers from the other bar use yours if they are already getting it from the other bar ?

Because it's WiFi and has no boundaries, which means a customer, from a nearby bar, could pickup a stronger signal from the OP's router.

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sfokevin, on 18 Aug 2014 - 10:36, said:

You might find that there is usually just a few regulars next door who are freeloaders who are the problem... Most routers allow you to ban their specific device MAC addresses... so even if they have your password them cannot access your wifi

lol....so funny, now explain how you tell whose mac address belongs to who, do you seriously suggest checking everyones phone.

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UKCanuk, on 18 Aug 2014 - 17:28, said:

Depending on the router, you can create an invisible SSID. This discourages the opportunistic browsers of your service because you need to key-in the correct name of the service to access it. This setup may also be password protected and you can change the password as often as is necessary.

I'm sure his customers would like that...NOT. Customers generally want easy access, a password at the most.

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Sounds to me like the wifi equipment is old. Getting your own connection should get you a new line, modem, router etc.
If you worry about others using the wifi, I think not. A few users should not eat that much. Resetting once per month or if you want as often as once per week should do it. Also, you can instruct the staff to enter the password, rather than showing it on a paper. I really think the reason is an other than what you think. Once I had many problems with my internet. Since I had 2 internet connection I changed which one was the main connection. So the one that had problems, I simply changed the subscription to the cheapest. After that I did not have any problems like that ever.

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Why you need the router for reset the router? Just tipp or (sometimes different) in the browser of your pc or tablet.,

Username and Password and reset the router with the router software.

Very easy and free. Bookmark it and be happy!!!

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Get your own. When customers ask for Wi Fi just put the password in their phone.

They will auto be reconnected on their return, but cannot pass it on.

Be careful with your music in a public place.

3 bars in Bangers no licences (u need 2) fine 2 hrs in the lock up & 50,000 bht

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