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A reasonably priced competent visa agent for Thai -> New Zealand

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Hi all

I've done my best to go through previous topics here, but they're so filled with off-topic comments and arguments between members that I still haven't seen anything that helps me, after hours of looking, hence I'll ask here. Sorry if it's going over old ground.

I'd like to take my GF to New Zealand with me next time I go. I tried last time and she was turned down because they said she had no compelling reason to return to Thailand. They said she had no job and somehow therefore no ties to Thailand, other than her family which we had discussed with them. Other than family, I can't imagine what constitutes a compelling reason to return, because they would not supply me with an example other than what they knew already that she didn't have (the job, or a sizeable bank account, etc). Extremely frustrating for us.

So this time I don't want to risk anything, I'd like to get an agent to help. Can anyone please post information about positive experiences you've had with a firm here in Thailand that could do the application with us?

Thanks in advance


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I've never heard of them, though that doesn't mean they're not any good, other members may swear by them.

This quote from their website would put me off though, it simply isn't true.

We recommend a professional to organize your submission. Once rejected, it’s difficult to get approval on further submissions. Don’t gamble on your future!

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Thanks for replying. I did notice on the application form that it asks have you ever been turned down, and from now on we'll have to write Yes to that. Discouraging because I guess they ask it for a reason.

Have you had any good experiences with any of the agents?

Thanks again


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I think the reason they ask that is to encourage them to use them, to be frank it's pure waffle.

Each application is considered on it's merits, if an application is declined, provided the reasons for the refusal are addressed there is absolutely no reason why a second application shouldn't succeed, though I will concede it's better to get it right first time, if only for cost purposes.

As I said before this guy may be top class, even though his professional background doesn't seem to be in immigration.

You might want to contact Paul at Thai Visa Express, whilst he specialises in UK and Australian visas, he does have Immigration professionals on his team.

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I think the reason they ask that is to encourage them to use them, to be frank it's pure waffle.

Each application is considered on it's merits, if an application is declined, provided the reasons for the refusal are addressed there is absolutely no reason why a second application shouldn't succeed, though I will concede it's better to get it right first time, if only for cost purposes.

As I said before this guy may be top class, even though his professional background doesn't seem to be in immigration.

You might want to contact Paul at Thai Visa Express, whilst he specialises in UK and Australian visas, he does have Immigration professionals on his team.


Thanks very much for that. I just went to the thai visa express website and they do seem qualified, at least re UK & Aus are concerned. The only thing that made me startled a bit were the size of their fees. I do understand that we'll need to pay an agent, but these guys seem to be between 2-3 times the cost of others :-(

That said, thank you very much for taking the time to make a recommendation. They DO seem good from what I can read here on the forum in various posts.



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I didn't think they were that more expensive than those whose main business is visa applications and not a form filling desk tacked onto the back of a travel desk or so called law firm.

For the record, I do know Paul and some of his team but I'm not connected with him at all, and as we both say we don't know if he can help with a NZ visa.


If I were in your shoes I would give him a call, and maybe a couple of others, you will have to decide what's best for you.

Good luck.

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I didn't think they were that more expensive than those whose main business is visa applications and not a form filling desk tacked onto the back of a travel desk or so called law firm.

For the record, I do know Paul and some of his team but I'm not connected with him at all, and as we both say we don't know if he can help with a NZ visa.


If I were in your shoes I would give him a call, and maybe a couple of others, you will have to decide what's best for you.

Good luck.

Thanks, yes will do. Much appreciated.

Any thoughts from anyone else too please?



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We used.....I'll have to look it up, sorry....very good, very good price.

I do remember her name was Kelly Coetze, but I will have to find old emails to get the company name.

Be very wary of the NZ agents...some of them charge an arm and a leg.

The "No compelling reason to return" was used against us in our first visa application which I did myself. I countered with our desire to return to Thailand together. They will find it hard to call you a liar if you claim that you do not want to live in NZ and you have furnished them with evidence of a permanent relationship.

Will look for Kelly's emails

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They are good, Kelly is excellent, and very well priced.

Don't bother with the lawyer firms....they charge an arm and a leg.

If you do use ImCent... tell me please because I will be using them again and it won't hurt to have my name mentioned which I'll PM you.

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They are good, Kelly is excellent, and very well priced.

Don't bother with the lawyer firms....they charge an arm and a leg.

If you do use ImCent... tell me please because I will be using them again and it won't hurt to have my name mentioned which I'll PM you.


Great! Thanks very much. I'll await your PM, and I'll look into them.

And whoever I choose I shall update this thread with how it all proceeded and what sort of job they did.

Thanks again. Anyone else know of someone to consider?


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Alarm bells are ringing. They have a website that looks like it was made in 20 minutes, and are charging $510 to simply have a consultation, which they are wanting up front by PayPal on this page http://www.immigrationcentral.co.nz/#!blank/c1509

They may well be good, I don't know, but I may have misunderstood what you meant when you said they were "very well priced" :-(


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The applicant is in Thailand, the application is decided in Thailand, why on earth would you want to deal with an agency in NZ?

Hi @theoldgit

Yes you're right, I definitely would not prefer that at all. They would have to deal with NZ Immigration in Bangkok, and that would seem to make it more complex than it would need to be. And thanks @Seastallion for taking the time to reply, but I'd certainly prefer someone right here in Thailand.



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If you check the pinned topics the 'reasons to return' problem comes up time and time again. There are useful tips on what information to produce. Much is quite generic so should be of value for any application. The details of the rules may differ but the basics are pretty similar whatever country you are trying to visit.

Many on here have experienced a visa rejection at some point. You will need to explain why an application was rejected but unless some form of disception was involved, it is unlikely a further attempt would be unsuccessful. The key thing is to cover the points that caused rejection.

If you have a settled life together in Thailand just document that thoroughly. Probably would do no harm to include the old 'would not wish to jeopardise future applications' chestnut.

I understand that ThaiVisa Express do a no win, no fee service and offer a free initial assessment. NZ may be completely different to Australia and the UK but I doubt it very much!

I have never used an agent but consensus is they are good (one or two vociferous exceptions perhaps).

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Hi there,

Visa agents for New Zealand can be more expensive than the typical "form fillers" as they are qualified and licensed immigration professionals with the authority from the New Zealand government to represent potential migrants.

As theoldgit pointed out, each application is assessed on its own merits and if the concerns noted by the immigration officer can be addressed, then there is a good chance the application will be approved. However, such applications can also be a little tricky and sometimes even more difficult to satisfy the immigration officer that the applicant and their intentions are genuine. Depending on the reasons for the decline and the complexity of the applicants circumstances, using a licensed adviser may be the best option for you and your partner. While acknowledging that some advisers do charge an arm and a leg, it would be best to shop around and find one that suits your needs.There are a number of licensed immigration advisers who would be able to assist you, with a few in the S.E Asia region as well as in New Zealand.

From my first hand experience, applicants who are represented by licensed advisers and NZ registered lawyers are handled differently by the staff at INZ (Immigration New Zealand). That is, the applications are handled with more care and diligence by INZ staff as licensed advisers and lawyers are likely to escalate their concerns to the Deputy Chief Executive of Immigration or the Minister of Immigration if there was an error in the processing or if the decision was unreasonable.

Again, my advice would be to check the Immigration Advisers Authority website, search for an adviser, shop around, and find an adviser that suits your needs. Attached is also a guide to using a licensed immigration adviser. www.iaa.govt.nz

All the best


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Hi your situation caught my interest because I have been through this process and as well as NZ we holidayed in OZ on the the way there and back to Thailand.

I did not go with an agent for NZ as I preferred to do it myself, money wasn't the issue

It was quite a process, The reason they cited you for sounds pretty pathetic of them putting it mildly though I will stop there as i do not know all the details of how the app was completed.

This issue never came up for me and I never even considered they would think of it, I completed the application myself and presented them to the NZ Embassy in BKK.

I was more focused on my girlfriend at the time now wife being eligible, example money to cover her expenses and my guarantee that I could support her ie bank account statements, letter from my mother guaranteeing accommodation.

She did have a job at that time that she had been working at for the past 5 years though I dont remember even mentioning that. I,ll ask my wife if we submitted any documents on that.

She had property in her name our house though also dont remember even mentioning that as I said was more focused on her just getting there never mind coming back!!

This was in 2008 I haven't looked at the applications since last year so unless they have added in new questions other wise why have they come to this conclusion.

Do you work in Thailand at least then you can say your returning obviously with her.

You need to find other reasons why you are returning.

If you live in NZ then that's not going to help your case.

How do you think an agent is going to get past that. He wont know your details till you tell him so you will still need to explain that to him as well as Immigration

You would do well to discuss the issue with them if you can at least ask their advice before paying them therefore avoiding a consultation fee

Be careful they will probably say anything to get you in the door and opening your wallet!!

You need to do your own research into your own circumstances and your girl friends and work out your own way to get past this.

She could for example start studying here and then she could be going on holiday in between semesters maybe.

Start looking for a Job now or use your imagination so that in 6 months time she puts in for holiday leave

You may get the idea anyway I leave you with that thanks

Keep at it where there's a will there always a way- or maybe a nice trip to Genting Highlands Malaysia will give you both a fresh approach to tackling this obstacle, nice place to visit!!

Let me know what you come up with Cheers

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She could for example start studying here and then she could be going on holiday in between semesters maybe.

Start looking for a Job now or use your imagination so that in 6 months time she puts in for holiday leave

You may get the idea anyway I leave you with that thanks

Hi Kubbarn. Thats a great contribution and thanks for sharing your experiences. While I know it was just a suggestion/example, I dont think applicants and their sponsors should 'create' ties to a home country for the purposes of a visa. Immigration officers can almost always see through such ties instantly, I know, I was one and may have processed your partners visa ;)

In regards to advisers, things have changed dramatically since 2008 and the industry is now regulated by the NZ govt. In fact advisers can now be fined or imprisoned for accepting cases that have no chance of passing, so I would be suprised if a NZ Licensed adviser took someone for a ride.

All the best


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Hi Liam, thanks I have had it in my mind for a long time now though have no proof that NZ immigration are paranoid about Thais overstaying.

This may be well founded too!!

As many of us know in Thailand its is not a problem just pay the fine and your on your way, where as I think NZ looks at the reality of the expense in dealing with these cases which can add up to lots of taxpayers money which is very real.

Well that's interesting you may have processed mine well thank you if you did I worked quite hard at that trying to cover all the bases and more, I was so worried that it could get declined for just anything because you just don't know do you, you are put in this terrible situation of not knowing and it can affect you emotional because its so close to your core, you want to take your special lady home to meet your family and show her more of you and hope she accepts who you are and all the other things that go through your mind it can be nerve wracking.

Thats part of the reason I came in here because I have been through it and it can be unpleasant and all you want to do is take your lady home and wow the process to do it is wow!!!!!

I will be going through it again in the near future so that will be interesting I will have to sharpen my skills.

Well thanks I enjoyed the chat

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Hi Kubbarn. Overall, Thais have a good reputation in terms of compliance, however.....contrary to that, IO's (Immigration Officer) usually use incentives to return home as the main reason to decline a visa.

Ultimately, the visa decison is a subjective one and will depend on the IO assigned to the case as well as the TA (Technical Adviser) who signs off on the decision. INZ Bangkok are unique in that they are one of the only branches that essentially have applications assessed by an IO and then the TA. This was put in place after the Bangkok office was caught up in a Visas-for-cash scandal in 2002/2003. Therefore, its a matter of satisfying two individuals, including a very strict and sometimes overzealous TA.

Best of luck with your next application, if you run into any problems, or you think I can be of assistance, please feel free to get in touch.



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I know OP is going to use an agent and thats perhaps a good idea. I posted a thread "whats with the compelling reason to return" obtained some helpfull info from members.

I suggest the OP type into search engine " australian visa for thai girlfriend " (yes i know he is NZ)

Point is one result ozvisathai ....or something like that outlined what needed to be addressed.

Its applicable to NZ.

Even members using an agent should go through a site like this and get a handle on what is required.

Even simple things like pictures etc, need to be organized.

I, like the OP has situation where gf does not have a job. I'm retired and we travel extensively.

I included everything i could for the " compelling reason to return" family connections, daughter birth certificate.

Funds in bangkok bank. Built it up to 90k over time. Copy of condo lease with pics of furniture etc

List goes on but the site mentioned will help you know what may be usefull to assist the agent.

Good luck. We get our decision in few days

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From my first hand experience, applicants who are represented by licensed advisers and NZ registered lawyers are handled differently by the staff at INZ (Immigration New Zealand). That is, the applications are handled with more care and diligence by INZ staff as licensed advisers and lawyers are likely to escalate their concerns to the Deputy Chief Executive of Immigration or the Minister of Immigration if there was an error in the processing or if the decision was unreasonable.

I am genuinely surprised by this statement.

I thought we were all equal in the eyes of the Law.


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I know OP is going to use an agent and thats perhaps a good idea. I posted a thread "whats with the compelling reason to return" obtained some helpfull info from members.

I suggest the OP type into search engine " australian visa for thai girlfriend " (yes i know he is NZ)

Point is one result ozvisathai ....or something like that outlined what needed to be addressed.

Its applicable to NZ.

Even members using an agent should go through a site like this and get a handle on what is required.

Even simple things like pictures etc, need to be organized.

I, like the OP has situation where gf does not have a job. I'm retired and we travel extensively.

I included everything i could for the " compelling reason to return" family connections, daughter birth certificate.

Funds in bangkok bank. Built it up to 90k over time. Copy of condo lease with pics of furniture etc

List goes on but the site mentioned will help you know what may be usefull to assist the agent.

Good luck. We get our decision in few days

Hi @jacksam

Thanks very much for that. I will check into it.

And good luck with your application. Let us know how it goes.



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Morning OP.

Wow my first post! Normally I just read Thaivisa, but this is an area I can contribute, yay! Just come across ur post and thought id let ya know my situation. Im in the process of getting a Visa for my partner also, and heard of all these horror stories in the past where they were refused a visa. And now yours to add to the list. Seems as NZ is a premium country they do need to know that they aren't going to try and stay there illegally.

I saw someone post a site <link removed> but they arent registered visa agents so you could be wasting ya money. Also my email bounced back sad.png

The nz visa office in Silom referred me through to the following website. http://iaa.govt.nz and I searched for Thailand and was able to get in touch with ,<email removed>. I met with Liam this week and we decided to go with him as our relationship is a pretty new one.

If you want to get in touch with me personally feel free to do so. Hopefully you get the end result that you are looking for. Off topic, are you part of the NZ Society of Thailand? Their pubcrawl is coming up, might see ya there J



Edited by theoldgit
link ans emal removed, as per forum rules
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Hi there,

Visa agents for New Zealand can be more expensive than the typical "form fillers" as they are qualified and licensed immigration professionals with the authority from the New Zealand government to represent potential migrants.

As theoldgit pointed out, each application is assessed on its own merits and if the concerns noted by the immigration officer can be addressed, then there is a good chance the application will be approved. However, such applications can also be a little tricky and sometimes even more difficult to satisfy the immigration officer that the applicant and their intentions are genuine. Depending on the reasons for the decline and the complexity of the applicants circumstances, using a licensed adviser may be the best option for you and your partner. While acknowledging that some advisers do charge an arm and a leg, it would be best to shop around and find one that suits your needs.There are a number of licensed immigration advisers who would be able to assist you, with a few in the S.E Asia region as well as in New Zealand.

From my first hand experience, applicants who are represented by licensed advisers and NZ registered lawyers are handled differently by the staff at INZ (Immigration New Zealand). That is, the applications are handled with more care and diligence by INZ staff as licensed advisers and lawyers are likely to escalate their concerns to the Deputy Chief Executive of Immigration or the Minister of Immigration if there was an error in the processing or if the decision was unreasonable.

Again, my advice would be to check the Immigration Advisers Authority website, search for an adviser, shop around, and find an adviser that suits your needs. Attached is also a guide to using a licensed immigration adviser. www.iaa.govt.nz

All the best


Morning OP.

Wow my first post! Normally I just read Thaivisa, but this is an area I can contribute, yay! Just come across ur post and thought id let ya know my situation. Im in the process of getting a Visa for my partner also, and heard of all these horror stories in the past where they were refused a visa. And now yours to add to the list. Seems as NZ is a premium country they do need to know that they aren't going to try and stay there illegally.

I saw someone post a site <snip> but they arent registered visa agents so you could be wasting ya money. Also my email bounced back sad.png

The nz visa office in Silom referred me through to the following website. http://iaa.govt.nz and I searched for Thailand and was able to get in touch with <edit>. I met with Liam this week and we decided to go with him as our relationship is a pretty new one.

If you want to get in touch with me personally feel free to do so. Hopefully you get the end result that you are looking for. Off topic, are you part of the NZ Society of Thailand? Their pubcrawl is coming up, might see ya there J



;b++){var>What an interesting coincidence.

Two members from NZ who both happened have joined in the past 12 hours .. both with a reference to Liam.

Liam must have been a popular name in New Zealand.

Sometimes truth is stranger then fiction ... rolleyes.gif


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Afternoon David48, hope your day is going well. Life does work in mysterious ways sometimes, unfortunately, this is not one of those times thumbsup.gif

My name is Liam (as noted in my responses), I am a licensed adviser based in Thailand and KolynP is one of my clients. In our meeting today, the subject of 'unlicensed' advisers in Thailand was discussed. We discussed that there were a number of forums (including Thaivisa) in which contributors were referring other community members to unlicensed advisers and companies. Using an unlicensed adviser and giving advice without the correct authority is illegal. Also, the NZ embassy will not accept any application represented by an unlicensed agent or company, so that will just lead to a waste of an applicant's funds.

My client took it upon himself to make a post, which I had no influence in. If I did, I would be in breach of the New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisers code of conduct and could be liable to prosecution. I have been in touch with the Thaimlord since yesterday and we are in discussion. If there is anything that you or any other members would like me to clarify about the New Zealand visa regime, please feel free to ask.

All the best


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dude. If your missus' case is straightforward then don't use a visa agent. If your girls case Is a mixed bag of lollies then I reckon an agent is your best bet. I used one years ago to take my girl back to godzone in 2009 and they helped heaps. I used the boys here in Pattaya and they were great. They charge 30k plus the visa fees - well worth the investment and a hell lot cheaper than some other cowboys. Give them a call bro. Google thaivisa-express.

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