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Crackdown on illegal motorcycle racers: Bangkok


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Crackdown on illegal motorcycle racers
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Over the past three years, up to 200,000 people have been arrested for the offence of illegal motorcycle racing, assistant national police chief Pol Lt-General Ruangsak Jaritake said yesterday.

He went on to say that from now on, police would not only arrest the racers, but also onlookers who cheer them on, as well owners of shops that sell modified racing vehicles and the parents of the underage racers.

Illegal racing on public roads is punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine of Bt2,000 to Bt10,000. Under the new regulation, parents of underage racers will also face three months in jail and be fined Bt30,000.

Owners of shops that illegally modify racing vehicles face a month in prison and up to Bt50,000 in fines.

Members of the public are encouraged to call the 1599 hotline at any time of the day or night to report illegal racing.

Ruangsak said the illegal racers often raced down Klong Toey, Ratchadapisek, Kaset-Nawamin, Kanchanapisek, Rama IV, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Petchaburi and Ram-Indra roads.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Crackdown-on-illegal-motorcycle-racers-30241323.html

-- The Nation 2014-08-20

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Why the need for a crackdown when you should just be enforcing the law in the first place? Banning shops from selling modified vehicles is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, the only thing this does is take the joy away from legitimate enthusiasts who confine their racing to the race tracks. The underground racing syndicate will continue to smuggle and modify their vehicles illegally anyway.

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The simple fact that the Thai police has let a bunch of teenagers do this for years shows their utter cowardice. They always look for the easy way out and ALWAYS look to avoid confrontation when it is their duty to uphold the law.

Members of the public are urged to call a hotline - what a load of rubbish, how about you lot just go to where the races are held and start arresting people.

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Kallapapruk Road every <deleted>' morning.

Don't need to call 1599 as the cops are

there and are well out-numbered, so do

fork all. Motorists stop to let the racers go


The stupid young girls on the back of these

bikes with no helmets are the daftest, in my


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The simple fact that the Thai police has let a bunch of teenagers do this for years shows their utter cowardice. They always look for the easy way out and ALWAYS look to avoid confrontation when it is their duty to uphold the law.

Members of the public are urged to call a hotline - what a load of rubbish, how about you lot just go to where the races are held and start arresting people.

I live in a relatively quite area and especially so at night but sometimes late night / early hours I hear a boy racer winding up his motor bike, really they are mopeds, so I sympathise with those who live in the areas of ' race tracks ' .

The BIB should stop the racers when they gather as trying to stop them when on the move is very dangerous and will result in fatalities when the racers suddenly face a roadblock and panic. Anyway since blocks are usually set up in the same old locations the racers will stop before reaching them.

I will also say that in my years here I have never been impressed by how the BIB set up roadblocks as NEVER have I seen a pursuit vehicle ready to chase any vehicle that jumps a block or suddenly turns short of one in a manner that demands investigation.

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Two images come to mind:

Thankfully, I reside in Chiang Rai and not Bangkok, so am able to avoid the manifold drawbacks of being there, but here's a little tidbit:

>>>>I was slowly riding my bicycle, going around a 'blind' left turn. All of a sudden, a motorbike came speeding around the corner going the opposite way. They were completely in the wrong lane. If I hadn't been right alongside the curb, I would have been plowed in to. The two helmetless youngsters on the motorbike were laughing at my reaction.

>>>> A few years ago, I read in Bkk Post about 3 young Thai girls who had been totalled and killed by an errant p.u. truck at an intersection. The gal with her head split open was being stared at by her mom, who was shocked to speechlessness.

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Take the "toys" off them and crush the bikes - that will have a greater effect that trying to fine all and sundry! Giving fines does not worry rich people. Deal directly with problem. CRUSH!! No bike = no street racing. Simple really.

"The power of accurate observation, is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it."

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