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Arizona shooting: Girl, nine, kills gun instructor

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Arizona shooting: Girl, nine, kills gun instructor

A nine year-old girl in the US has killed her shooting instructor by accident while being shown how to use a high-powered submachine gun.

The instructor was giving the girl a lesson at a shooting range in Arizona when the recoil from the automatic fire caused her to lose control of the Uzi.

Charles Vacca, 39, was shot in the head and died after being airlifted to a hospital in Las Vegas.

The girl was at the shooting range with her parents, who filmed the lesson.

Read More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28948946?ocid=socialflow_twitter

-- BBC 2014-08-27

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Instructors mistake...he didn't tell her about the recoil and lost his life because of it.

According to live interview with the gun range owner, the girl lost control when the gun recoil came up to her left and one round struck him in the head killing him as the video showed (video cut off just prior to the accident). Now she will carry a life long image of the result. A similar accident occurred in 2008 with a young boy who shot him self with an Uzi but his father was instructing him privately. He lost control the same way but the gun came straight up ( did a 180).

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Ridiculous idea. The parents should be blamed for asking to let her fire an Uzi. I've fired them and they are so heavy and ergonomically incorrect they are next to useless.

If you ever teach someone to fire a gun stand behind them. No second chances.

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What does a 9 year old girl stand to gain from learning how to fire an automatic weapon?

She needs to know for the day The Man comes to take their land.

Don't ask me who The Man is. The tax man? The gummint man? I don't know.

Look out Momma there's a white boat commin' up the river.....Daddy's rifle in my hand felt reassuring, he told me red means run, Son, numbers add up to nothing....

Neil Young, Powderfinger.

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It's all been said, too young and too small to use such a weapon. My old man fought in 3 wars and never let us kids misuse firearms, we started on a 22 single shot rifle at age 12 and worked our way up but only after we had mastered the basics, as with any skill, hobby, sport. The parents need to be charged over this along with the range but that's America......they are unusually obsessed with fire power and shooting stuff.

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Well that's one less fool contributing to the gene pool. How on earth did this shooting 'instructor' think that 9 year old can handle the recoil of an Uzi?

Pity the parents weren't in the line of fire as well but sounds like they have some nice home video to watch.

It was too late. Instructor already had kid(s) I think. Seems more blame would go towards owner of shooting range for allowing 9 year olds to shoot Uzis. (Employee refusing to teach would probably get fired).... and NRA et al that made it legal for 8 year olds to shoot. The girl is traumatized I would imagine. Too bad guys from Pawn Stars weren't there... targets worth plinking at... I am American and school, drive in etc shootings are awful enough, but this time in a supposed safe controlled environment. There is no excuse for the gun craziness in my country, and I can offer no explanation when my Euro and Aussie friends ask me. USA is one whack place. And just last week my brother in USA says he worries about me over here......

Edited by Emster23
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Instructors mistake...

It seems as though it was an failure of the teaching procedures used.

From what I'm reading, the proper technique for teaching children unfamiliar with the recoil of an Uzi is for the instruct to keep a grip on the weapon when the student first fires it in full-auto mode in order to help them control the recoil.

It is unknown to me if this instructor failed to follow this, or the range owner failed to educate his staff on this technique.

I'm not going to come down too hard on the parents here. We can question their choice of weapon involved, but at least they were approaching it in a responsible manner. At least they sought professional training and education for their daughter who they were introducing to guns, as is their right, given the reality of the 2nd Amendment. It is not the choice I would make, but then I'm not a gun guy - never fired one in my life. That doesn't necessarily make it the wrong choice for them.

Let's hope they also take the responsible step of getting professional counselling help for the girl so that this doesn't scar her for life psychologically.

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It is quite astonishing that the parents have put the video on you tube. I can't quite believe it. Then again I would not believe they have their daughter firing an Uzi. Perhaps instead of parents taking children to weapons lessons, children should be taking parents to 'effective parenting' lessons.

I cannot agree more with your post.

After such a shocking event, who in their right mind would even think "hey, lets upload this vid? Yeah, cool man" Poor kid but brainless parents.

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