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Student shot dead in Bangkok


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Student shot dead in capital
Kampanart Laong
Kittipong Maneerit

Second student suffers injuries; police look into what may be school rivalry

BANGKOK: -- A WELL-LOVED female student from the Rajamangala University of Technology Uthenthawai Campus was fatally shot in the heart of Bangkok late on Tuesday night in what could be the latest crime related to school rivalry. Another student from the same campus was also shot, but managed to get away with injuries to his right arm.

The campus has suspended classes for three days in the wake of the shooting.

Police believe either school rivalry or personal conflict may have been behind the shooting. According to witnesses, some 40 people were waiting for a bus near Pathuwam intersection in heavy rain when they heard gunshots.

CCTV recordings show two people on a motorcycle, both wearing raincoats and crash helmets, stopping by at the bus stop at the time of the shooting.

"We will check images from other security cameras in the area," Pathumwan Police Station's deputy superintendent Lt-Colonel Panom Chua-thong said yesterday.

The victims were identified as Kankanit Promkaew and Wachirawit Senkhram, both of whom were second-year engineering students at the campus.

Kankanit, 20, succumbed to heavy blood loss on her way to hospital, though Wachirawit is in a safe condition. Their friends said the two had left school late due to the rain, and were waiting for a bus home when the shooting took place.

Kankanit's classmates and teachers fondly remember her as a friendly and nice person who often took part in extra-curricular activities. Her teachers even wrote a poem to express their grief and posted it at the campus. One line reads: "Your passing has broken teachers' hearts … May you rest in peace".

The young student's funeral is currently under way at Pailom Temple in Chai Nat's Sapphaya district.

Meanwhile, police will have the parents of street racers, who had been arrested over the past three years, sign a memorandum of understanding in a bid to stop them from racing on public roads. Police are also calling on motorcycle shops to not sell accessories to young people.

Deputy Metropolitan Police chief Pol Maj-General Adul Narongsak said police were getting ready a list of names and preparing an MoU for the parents to sign, promising they will not let their children race on the streets again.

After the MoUs are signed, parents will face charges if their children are caught racing.

Adul urged everybody to get involved in solving the city's problems, as there weren't enough traffic police officers to cover every area of Bangkok.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Student-shot-dead-in-capital-30241914.html

-- The Nation 2014-08-28

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"Ban selling of motor cycle parts" "Make parents of teenagers, sign for responsibility of their kids street racing" I seriously wonder about the intelligence of anyone making such law and orders. Once their kids leave the house, they really have no control. These "law makers are absolute rankers" who need to be re educated themselves.

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Downtown campus shutters after female student killed
By Coconuts Bangkok

Photo: Google

BANGKOK: -- A university in the heart of Bangkok's commercial district has canceled classes for three days after a female student was killed.

Rajamangala University of Technology's Uthen Thawai campus, located across from MBK Center between Siam Square and Chulalongkorn Unviersity, announced Wednesday it would suspend classes after a female student was killed in a gun attack Tuesday night at a nearby bus stop.

Another student was wounded in the attack, which police said occured at about 9:30pm while the students were waiting for a bus Bangkok Post reported.

No CCTV footage of the event could be found, police said, and the motive for the attack was unclear.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/08/28/downtown-campus-shutters-after-female-student-killed

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-08-28

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EricBerg post # 3

There is nothing wrong with positive competition/rivalry. Would you want to stop all sports events? There just are no simple solutions to complex problems. There is senseless violence in all countries. The mindset of the young ones at times can be narrow as unfortunately shown in this case.

May the girl rest in peace.

Agreed in full Eric. However there is an ongoing promotion of gross violence to achieve the top dog position that is far removed from the ethics of sport.

I recall an incident from my schooldays (1958 ish) when my school was fielding its football team against another school in the area.

One of my fellow class mates Mickey Watts by name called out from the sidelines ,''if you can't get the ball boys kick the player..''

Mr Arthur who was our sports teacher strode up to Mickey and hauled him off to the heads office, at the end of the game we as a school had to apologize for Mickeys comments to our visitors as did Mickey and the school then had a special assembly where Mickey got a bollocking of a magnitude even now I remember and I am sure if he is still alive he remembers too.

Hehehe...yeah that sounds like old Mickey. You just couldn't put anything past Mr Arthur, no sir.

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This was a simple terrorist attack.

Have to catch these terrorist street monkeys and hang them well.

Anyway the formula:

daily soap operas + weak and lazy police + too much guns = this innocent girl had to die

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EricBerg post # 3

There is nothing wrong with positive competition/rivalry. Would you want to stop all sports events? There just are no simple solutions to complex problems. There is senseless violence in all countries. The mindset of the young ones at times can be narrow as unfortunately shown in this case.

May the girl rest in peace.

Agreed in full Eric. However there is an ongoing promotion of gross violence to achieve the top dog position that is far removed from the ethics of sport.

I recall an incident from my schooldays (1958 ish) when my school was fielding its football team against another school in the area.

One of my fellow class mates Mickey Watts by name called out from the sidelines ,''if you can't get the ball boys kick the player..''

Mr Arthur who was our sports teacher strode up to Mickey and hauled him off to the heads office, at the end of the game we as a school had to apologize for Mickeys comments to our visitors as did Mickey and the school then had a special assembly where Mickey got a bollocking of a magnitude even now I remember and I am sure if he is still alive he remembers too.

The whole idea of superiority was based on decency and sportsmanship not violence unlike the Thai University and school system and Thai society in general where might is right

"One of my fellow class mates Mickey Watts by name called out from the sidelines ,''if you can't get the ball boys kick the player..''

Dash it all, didn't have any of that malarkey at my old school whistling.gif


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All this violence is encouraged in the main by the academic staff and the university heads honcho's so as to prove that their establishment is superior to any other.

Then of course to add fuel to those fires one has the daily diet of violence, rape stabbings and shootings on the daily soaps here in Thailand The Land of Violence.

Indeed a primitive mindset among a section of primitive people.

What the Fudge???? Are you sure? Should you be making statements like this with out proof?

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" Meanwhile, police will have the parents of street racers, who had been arrested over the past three years, sign a memorandum of understanding in a bid to stop them from racing on public roads. Police are also calling on motorcycle shops to not sell accessories to young people."


Much better if they start to work on these cases in place of BST messages.

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joshstiles post # 17

What the Fudge???? Are you sure? Should you be making statements like this with out proof?

Lived here very long have you Josh?

I have been here 23 years might be trifle better informed than you think or know.Our children went to Thaia schools and unis hence I we have some insight into the harsh realities of Thai academic life and traditions.

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All this violence is encouraged in the main by the academic staff and the university heads honcho's so as to prove that their establishment is superior to any other.

Then of course to add fuel to those fires one has the daily diet of violence, rape stabbings and shootings on the daily soaps here in Thailand The Land of Violence.

Indeed a primitive mindset among a section of primitive people.

Perhaps, if you permit, a modification to your last line?

Indeed an increasingly primitive mindset among a growing section of increasingly primitive people.

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Parents have to start teaching their children in Thailand what is right and what wrong also about what bad and good behaviour is and how to behave in public and about personal responsibility and moral values just basic life rules. RIP to the student fatally wounded and my sincere condolences to family and friends and I hope her wounded friend makes a speedy recovery

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Situation normal on TV.

Serial RIPping for a farang kid who died of yet unknown causes in a previous thread, and now arguing over the state of the education system in Thailand and reminiscing about the 1950's school discipline in England.

Very little mention of the young lady shot to death.

The hypocrisy.

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EricBerg post # 3

There is nothing wrong with positive competition/rivalry. Would you want to stop all sports events? There just are no simple solutions to complex problems. There is senseless violence in all countries. The mindset of the young ones at times can be narrow as unfortunately shown in this case.

May the girl rest in peace.

Agreed in full Eric. However there is an ongoing promotion of gross violence to achieve the top dog position that is far removed from the ethics of sport.

I recall an incident from my schooldays (1958 ish) when my school was fielding its football team against another school in the area.

One of my fellow class mates Mickey Watts by name called out from the sidelines ,''if you can't get the ball boys kick the player..''

Mr Arthur who was our sports teacher strode up to Mickey and hauled him off to the heads office, at the end of the game we as a school had to apologize for Mickeys comments to our visitors as did Mickey and the school then had a special assembly where Mickey got a bollocking of a magnitude even now I remember and I am sure if he is still alive he remembers too.

The whole idea of superiority was based on decency and sportsmanship not violence unlike the Thai University and school system and Thai society in general where might is right

"One of my fellow class mates Mickey Watts by name called out from the sidelines ,''if you can't get the ball boys kick the player..''

Dash it all, didn't have any of that malarkey at my old school whistling.gif


That must have been quite a Harrowing experience.facepalm.gif

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Situation normal on TV.

Serial RIPping for a farang kid who died of yet unknown causes in a previous thread, and now arguing over the state of the education system in Thailand and reminiscing about the 1950's school discipline in England.

Very little mention of the young lady shot to death.

The hypocrisy.

OK..so we're all hypocrits in your view.

But the murder of a young girl is not normal school/college competition/rivalry. It is a serious social pathology that needs dealing with before too many more young people die.

The references to the UK are not hypocrisy, but simply a way of trying to illustrate the point that school or college kids can be highly competitive without commiting murder. The place for rivalry is on the sports pitch, not the street.

Despite your comments I think we all feel for the parents of this young, girl but public blubbing is not going to help them; swift action by the authorities might however just prevent other families suffering the same pain.

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Situation normal on TV.

Serial RIPping for a farang kid who died of yet unknown causes in a previous thread, and now arguing over the state of the education system in Thailand and reminiscing about the 1950's school discipline in England.

Very little mention of the young lady shot to death.

The hypocrisy.

OK..so we're all hypocrits in your view.

But the murder of a young girl is not normal school/college competition/rivalry. It is a serious social pathology that needs dealing with before too many more young people die.

The references to the UK are not hypocrisy, but simply a way of trying to illustrate the point that school or college kids can be highly competitive without commiting murder. The place for rivalry is on the sports pitch, not the street.

Despite your comments I think we all feel for the parents of this young, girl but public blubbing is not going to help them; swift action by the authorities might however just prevent other families suffering the same pain.

I remember multiple deaths virtually every year I have been here resulting from school rivalry & all you hear are some inane platitudes followed by absolutely no action. You are right about sport but the sad fact is that there is hardly any organized sports between schools. Teamship & pride in playing a good game would help to instil better moral standards & build self esteem which IMO is what these kids are sadly lacking.

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This is so, so, so sad, as it always is every time it happens. But there's no use just blaming Thailand or school rivalry, the problem is much deeper routed and the fact that kids, and so many others, can kill without any thought to it other than some sick 'we win' mentality shows that this world is sick because of how anaesthetised our kids are becoming to what should be seen by them as horrors, through TV and especially stupidgames [edited to get rid of an ad link opp - go away!!!].. I think here (Asia) even more so than in the west generally, where there is a culture of follow follow follow (not that it doesn't happen in our countries), none of it seems to really matter.. maybe these killers should be made to sit through endless days-and-nights [edited to get rid of an ad link opp! - go away!!!] of stupidvideos [edited to get rid of an ad link opp! - go away!!!] of the bereaved families going though their grief, interviews of crying relatives and the like.. until these people, unfortunately real (but actually very sick) people, get a grasp of true realities, nothing will change.. this, because they think it's all a f* game!!!!!!!

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thainess in full action ... in what other country than here & US do you see regular school shootings ?

yeah just blame 'Thai-ness', that'll do for everything, won't it?!!.. nevermind that this is a pretty sick world we're all living in, with endless amounts of pretty sick people who really can't grasp the enormity of such tragedies as murders.. no, let's just do the usual and the blame the country we've chosen to live in, won't go 'home.' [edited-links!] from, but absolutely luv [edited-links!] to endlessly criticize as much and as heavily as possible as the root of all evil.. can I join the gang, yeah? clap2.gif

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The only punishment that is likely to bring these young thugs to their senses is a harsh custodial sentence, with hard labour every day. Or perhaps it won't. Perhaps it's time to look to Singapore and what penalties they might impose.

And '... there weren't enough traffic police officers to cover every area of Bangkok.' Kill two birds with one stone. Get the computers running the traffic lights, thus improving efficiency - though not necessarily drivers' competence - while getting the police off their a . . es and on to more useful tasks.

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