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2nd visitor visa to uk

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Long way off, but my gf has almost completed her 5 month stay in UK and I'm thinking about the next application.

One basic question - do we treat it the same as the first and included evidence from day 1 or can we simply produce evidence from her return as presumably there is a record kept of the first application?

Also will the fact she now has three succesful commonwealth visas count in her favour.


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Each application is treated on it's own merits, so leave nothing to chance and cover everything fully again.

The fact that she has already had one UK visa and complied with Immigration rules can go in her favour, as will visits to other countries, assuming she indicated that it was her intention to spend five months in the UK on holiday, but don't take things for granted.

You are probably aware that visitors cannot normally spend more than six months in the UK in a twelve month period.

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Yeah am aware of that - she won't be coming until April of next year but want to get the application in and approved 3 months before to hopefully get a better deal on flights

She stated would stay for full 6 months but I've had to go away for work so made sense to bring flight forward.

Looks like the file will be getting bigger then!

If Cameron is reelected I will have to consider getting married before he raised barrier yet higher

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A stay of nearly 6 months is a heck of a visit. Not against the rules but an ECO on a bad day may suggest this is an attempt to circumvent the settlement visa route. My wife (gf then) went too and fro for a number of years but we made a point of talking up her life and responsibilities in Thailand. Family commitments and probably helped that she owned(s) a house and land there.

There really is no visa that satisfactorily covers this type of visit pattern!

If Cameron is reelected he probably will be a lot more relaxed about immigration. Much of the talk is posturing ready for the next election.

The barrier most likely to be raised is the cost of the visa!

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Yeah it's a long time, but was clearly stated on the original application this would be the length, and reasons why - main being I work so want to save time off etc - if these reasons are accepted once I can see no reason why they wouldn't be again, it would be inconsistent.

Thinking about it she came start of May and is leaving end of August so it's about 110 days here and visa was valid April - October

Could go two ways politically - if UKIP start taking labour seats then they could hold the balance of power - however as the surge in LD support before the 2010 GE and the actual result show intentions don't always match the action.

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