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overstay solution...but not for all

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Hi all you who are overstaying.

I think the new military government should impliment an amnesty for all.

I would suggest a 1 month period to allow for everybody on overstay to get amnesty for their wrongdoiing

and a free pass out of the country. This would enable those who cannot afford the fines a free exit.

They should show up to any immigration offices within the month and be given an exit stamp valid for 7 days.

I don't have to worry about , but I'm sure there are many that do.

It would certainly allow people to get back on track.

What do you think?

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yes but overstayers overstay cos they dont want to leave thailand.

So in your mind that gives them the right to break the law. xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.pngxblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.pngxblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png

They would have to be mad to do that. You know that madness gives people the right to avoid prison....but I hear the Thai mental hospitals are worse.

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yes but overstayers overstay cos they dont want to leave thailand.

So in your mind that gives them the right to break the law. xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.pngxblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.pngxblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png

Easy Tiger.

I think what he was saying is that an amnesty would be useless because they are on overstay because they dont want to leave Thailand.

I dont think he was condoning breaking the law.


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"I think the new military government should implement an amnesty for all."

They don't need to implement an amnesty because there always has been one. It costs twenty thousand Thai baht or one hundred days of "working" in prison. Take your pick and buy your amnesty.

Seriously, the type of amnesty the OP mentions will be issued if the illegal Alien resident situation becomes critical to national security. Personally I would like to have seen the recent situation with the Cambodian exodus handled better than it was, although if the Thai immigration police really wanted to catch those evil criminals they could simply have rounded them all up as they approached the border posts attempting to exit and sent them off to prison. They didn't do that.

Lack of, or lax enforcement of existing laws is a lot like an unofficial amnesty.

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