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Yingluck’s lawyer cries foul of the Democrats’ book launch

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I am sure that the darling of Isan, if she has any conscience, will one day read the book when she realizes how much she has hurt Thailand. 500 billion Baht is not a small amount to waste and this is only in the rice scheme, how this monster corrupt PT can continue lying and arguying their decadence?

The army has saved Thailand from a civil war but the brain washed reds are waiting like predators to resume their destruction. How any government can be as bad and murderous as the one we had for almost the past 3 years?

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PT didn't need an underhand coalition to become the government. They won 265 seats. Unlike the Dems who in 2007 won 165, 68 less than PPP. But you can try to legitimise it in any way that makes you happy.

It doesn't matter how many seats PPP won. They didn't win a majority. They needed a coalition to form government. There were a lot of flights to Hong Kong to meet a particular person in self exile ... for some reason. I'm not really sure how you would legitimise that.

check your facts (not flights). The PTP won a majority of the seats in 2011 and also formed a coalition.

Check you eyes. I didn't say anything about PTP.

"Self-exile" is not the same as being a convicted criminal fugitive being in exile to avoid a prison sentence and 15 serious outstanding criminal charges.

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I am sure that the darling of Isan, if she has any conscience, will one day read the book when she realizes how much she has hurt Thailand. 500 billion Baht is not a small amount to waste and this is only in the rice scheme, how this monster corrupt PT can continue lying and arguying their decadence?

The army has saved Thailand from a civil war but the brain washed reds are waiting like predators to resume their destruction. How any government can be as bad and murderous as the one we had for almost the past 3 years?

I doubt she gives two figs about hurting Thailand, the farmers, the poor, or anythings else apart from the clan, increasing the clan's power and wealth, getting back in control and whitewashing big brother.

Conscience - cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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hahahahaha, here come the apologists trying to stop the truth from being told, what a bunch of desperados. As this is a book if there are any untruths in it, yl can simply take the author to court, the lawyer says its not fair then says it doesnt matter, seems the ptp/reds are more worried about the voters finding out the truth then deserting the ptp/reds in droves so they have set the apologists up in their pathetic attempt to change everyones view, after all, we cant have the truth about yl/the ptp coming out can we.

Hey Mr Sea Jay, with respect Ms Yingluk could not take the author of this book to court.

The courts in Thailand are not courts in the sense that we experience courts in other countries.

In Thailand the courts exist, as does the military, to enforce the word of the Bangkok elite.

Ms Yingluk is not a member of the Bangkok elite and therefore has no recourse or remedy if there are untruths published about her.

You also refer to the voters deserting in droves. You may be unaware that only 194 people in Thailand are allowed to vote so it is impossible for voters to desert in droves, 194 is not a number that could be described as a " drove" of voters. To be totally realistic, there are in fact no voters in the normal sense in Thailand as the above mentioned 194 voters only had one candidate, therefore I submit no real politician in Thailand has any voters who can then desert him/her in droves.

I am not a Yingluk supporter but like to point out errors of fact.

"I am not a Yingluk supporter but like to point out errors of fact." Of course your're not. Just an honest Joe observer of fact like Mr. Amsterdam.

You need to look at the all the courts decisions, especially recent ones. before pronouncing such non facts, more repeating PTP propaganda.

Yingluck and the rest of the multi billionaire Shins may not come from Bangkok, and may well be a relatively new clan, but they and their married into families are certainly HiSo elites.

She can sue anybody for defamation - ask the cartoonist she sued, and her caddy can help her has he has great experience is doing so.

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Very interesting to see the pro-Thaksin supporters suddenly starting to comment again after what was a nice quiet period where they stopped spreading their lies, distortions and propaganda . . . ah well, it was too good to last . . . things are getting back to normal.

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Shows ones more how stupid and low leveled the Dems are , if you cant win with good arguments about your group, you just trow mud to your rivals, Shame on you Dems , your all the same.

Have you actually READ the book then?

Is it available in English anywhere?

Of course if you actually haven't read it how do you KNOW what it is all about, or are you just spouting rubbish again?

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they ban a video game,

they stop lawyers from holding a seminar,

fish-mongers can't wear red t-shirts,

but this book is OK to publish?

It' not divisive, it's not color-coded politics, it's ... wth, no idea, it must be reconciliation.

What have the red brethen done lately for the country and reconciliation? When murderous PT was in power those same activities above were welcomed with M-79 grenades killing innocents children in the way. Are you dreaming to come back to power and finish off this beautiful country for the sake of a voracious clan lead from Dubai? The army cannot be worst than rapaceous PTP and we have decided to give them a chance, this is the army constitutional duty to protect Thailand.

I cannot wait and see what the attorney general will decide today concerning the darling of Isan..

you missed the point - rather spectacularly at that.

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Hey Baerboxer, With respect Ms Yingluk cannot sue anyone, at this time, in Thailand because her political party was removed from power. Who is Amsterdam? We are not discussing Holland, we are discussing Thailand and its peculiarities. I do not support any political group in Thailand, read my post!!

Also you need to understand what is happened in Thailand, there is a military ruler therefore the courts will be only answerable to him.Have you never seen a military government before? Martial law my friend maybe new to you but the net result is that all activities are ruled on by the Junta leader.

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Clearly Khun Ken you do not understand the concept of Martial Law.

Martial Law means the suspension of human rights. The Chinese have made it clear to the Hong Kongers that voting is not a human right, but I refer more to the freedom of speech situation here which precludes a full discussion, that is the removal of a human right by the junta and in the long run harmful because no one knows what is going on.

The courts and everything else are answerable only to the junta. This is the way it works. I have seen Martial law in many countries and that is the way it works. I have not met your MR Amsterdam nor any wish to. Now that Thaksin is long gone not sure what his relevance is.

The courts for the time being are answerable to the current ruler, not the former rulers.

Yes I concede that you may have the personal connections to proceed for a favourable case in the Thai courts but the average Thai person and certainly members of the previous administration will not have your rights because they no longer have the connections and Martial law will be the superior force against them.

I repeat from my original post in case you missed it, the courts in Thailand are not courts in the normal sense, they are the enforcement agency of the Bangkok establishment. There are thousands of examples but probably the best known one is the young man from the establishment who drove a Ferrari over a policman, killed him , failed to stop and render assistance, blamed one of his employees and 2 years later does not have to even attend the court nor spend any time in jail. There is a much more horrific case of the teenage daughter of an establishment family who as an unlicensed driver killed a number of people, no jail time. Compare that to your homeland where ever that may be. I make these points to illustrate some knowledge of the Thai legal system.

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Just read in the Nation that Yingluck is not going to be indicted for the moment. More investigation?

Quote The Attorney-General's Office on Thursday decided to set up a joint committee of public prosecutors and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to conduct further investigations into the rice-pledging case against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra.
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Khun Ken, You are better with words than I am. I salute you.

" Flaws exist and the culture, mindset & law enforcement are different & imperfect."

That is what I was trying to say in my original post re the book. However you have said it much better than I could ever.

Have a good day.

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Clearly Khun Ken you do not understand the concept of Martial Law.

Martial Law means the suspension of human rights. The Chinese have made it clear to the Hong Kongers that voting is not a human right, but I refer more to the freedom of speech situation here which precludes a full discussion, that is the removal of a human right by the junta and in the long run harmful because no one knows what is going on.

The courts and everything else are answerable only to the junta. This is the way it works. I have seen Martial law in many countries and that is the way it works. I have not met your MR Amsterdam nor any wish to. Now that Thaksin is long gone not sure what his relevance is.

The courts for the time being are answerable to the current ruler, not the former rulers.

Yes I concede that you may have the personal connections to proceed for a favourable case in the Thai courts but the average Thai person and certainly members of the previous administration will not have your rights because they no longer have the connections and Martial law will be the superior force against them.

I repeat from my original post in case you missed it, the courts in Thailand are not courts in the normal sense, they are the enforcement agency of the Bangkok establishment. There are thousands of examples but probably the best known one is the young man from the establishment who drove a Ferrari over a policman, killed him , failed to stop and render assistance, blamed one of his employees and 2 years later does not have to even attend the court nor spend any time in jail. There is a much more horrific case of the teenage daughter of an establishment family who as an unlicensed driver killed a number of people, no jail time. Compare that to your homeland where ever that may be. I make these points to illustrate some knowledge of the Thai legal system.

It seems you don't understand what's happening in Thailand. The courts are still functioning normally. They're not answerable to anyone ... except the King.

Edited by whybother
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Shows ones more how stupid and low leveled the Dems are , if you cant win with good arguments about your group, you just trow mud to your rivals, Shame on you Dems , your all the same.

Have you read this book? Yes? Yes? That's OK then you are entitled to make comments. I haven't read it so I cannot comment.

By the way if you write "your all the same" then you are incorrect. Try "You are" or "You're". How about "cant"? "Cant" means hypocritical talk and perhaps that's what you mean. "Can't" on the other hand is a shortened form of "can not".

"Low leveled" .... Can you explain?

"trow mud". Do you mean "Throw mud"? "Trow" means a number of things: in Scotland it is a small fairy-like creature.

Your overall comments suggest to me that you too are in fairyland.

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Hey Ian F. Just a moment, Ikke may come from Israel but on the other hand he may come from Glasgow. If he is from Glasgow we will need an interpreter. But it is possible that trow pronounced as in true may mean trouser, he may wish to throw mud with his trouser but sh*t would be more likely in the trouser than mud.

In any case Ikke may not be a native speaker so we should cut him some slack.

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Yes exactly Why Bother. Well said " Courts are functioning normally " which I was trying to say. Ms Yingluk has no chance to sue someone in a normally functioning Thai court.

Thaksin has had a few wins in Thai courts, particularly while he hasn't been here. There is no reason Yingluck wouldn't have the same success.

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Hey Ian F. Just a moment, Ikke may come from Israel but on the other hand he may come from Glasgow. If he is from Glasgow we will need an interpreter. But it is possible that trow pronounced as in true may mean trouser, he may wish to throw mud with his trouser but sh*t would be more likely in the trouser than mud.

In any case Ikke may not be a native speaker so we should cut him some slack.

You get nitwits trying to post as if they are in command of the subject when they haven't even read the book. Pure ignorance, emphasized by the poster's inability to write basic English. Yep! We can all make typos, but come on ......but, sorry: I couldn't resist it!

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Shows ones more how stupid and low leveled the Dems are , if you cant win with good arguments about your group, you just trow mud to your rivals, Shame on you Dems , your all the same.

As opposed to the holier than thou teds.

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The public can not be mislead by any book or writing.

They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.

The courts have already made up their decision.

So, Mr Lawyer, stop crying wolf out.

They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.

So does it follow that,

They have brains to think and judge as to who vote for in elections?

(Or are they still not quite smart enough to be free yet?)

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