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Your First Time In Thailand


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Just for fun...

I was going to make this a poll, but couldn't figure out how to do the multiple options...

Anyway, Stickman et Al warns us all about the 'classic' scenarios that seem to arise with Thai women. I wonder how many of them you fell more? (My own comments in brackets)

Did you buy her a new mobile phone? (Er, yes I did, well more than one actually)

Did you buy her some gold? (Hmm, did that as well)

Did you send her money every month? (Yep, did that as well, too much money!)

Did you go and visit her family and eat dead frogs and bugs? (Yes! I didn't want to appear rude so I ate everything!!)

OK, what about building a house for her mum cos the old one was falling down? (Drat, I fell for that one too!)

OK, the classic one. DID YOU BUY HER A BAR? (AAAAhhhh, I did, I did!! I can't believe you are asking me this!! [but there was actually a real motive for doing so])

So, I seem to score 6 out of 6 for being the most gullible guy in Thailand. At least I can have the last laugh by managing to get a successful relationship out of all this?

Did anyone else fall for these 'scams'? (Maybe scam is too strong a word....)

Or did you fall for any other classic Thai 'scenarios'? (Sick buffalo syndrome etc)


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I think everyone makes mistakes when they move to Thailand, or anywhere else for that matter.

I think I fall into the bracket of people who were warned off by the likes of Trink, spilling the beans on what was actually going on.

Even then I got caught for a few thousand Baht now and again with a sob story or two, small change and more a tax on my unwillingness to give out the boot is the way I see it.

But, and here’s a caution to us all. Some of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen guys make in Thailand have been by guys who have been in Thailand for years and should have known better. I’m talking being ripped off for serious amounts of money.

Somehow guys just let their guard down.

While another bunch bring it on themselves, settle into marriage with the girl of their dreams, buy some land, build a house and then throw it all away when they get caught in a Bht1000 sh@g.

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Didn't go in for all 6 things, but that was probably more to do with the fact that I didn't have a lot of money. When I met her I would have given her the world, unfortunatley for her my whole world was about $2.50!

I did buy her a phone (because her old one was broken and kept frying me with static when I called her)

I did pay a sinsot (although I volunteered to do it and she negotiated the amount down with her family....which I thought was rather nice actually.)

I offered to go and shoot one girls buffalo as 'Oh my god he sounds really sick!' She dropped that tack soon after.

I managed to escape financially pretty well, but emotionally I paid the price during the first few months of being in the LOS. Fortunatley a mate snapped me out of it before I became another lost soul....

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man,why not just give her your wallet,bank account,and power of attorney.

if one wouldn't give all that to women back home unless it was to a wife,why the change and suddenly give girlfriends more than dinner and a movie and the occasional flowers?

i was in an elevator alone with beyonce knowles twice in the last month in my mother's building where jay-z has a penthouse,and she flirted with me and i just gave her a smile.i love my money too much no matter who the girl is.

Edited by thaiknot
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Just for fun...

I was going to make this a poll, but couldn't figure out how to do the multiple options...

Anyway, Stickman et Al warns us all about the 'classic' scenarios that seem to arise with Thai women. I wonder how many of them you fell more? (My own comments in brackets)

Did you buy her a new mobile phone? (Er, yes I did, well more than one actually)

Did you buy her some gold? (Hmm, did that as well)

Did you send her money every month? (Yep, did that as well, too much money!)

Did you go and visit her family and eat dead frogs and bugs? (Yes! I didn't want to appear rude so I ate everything!!)

OK, what about building a house for her mum cos the old one was falling down? (Drat, I fell for that one too!)

OK, the classic one. DID YOU BUY HER A BAR? (AAAAhhhh, I did, I did!! I can't believe you are asking me this!! [but there was actually a real motive for doing so])

So, I seem to score 6 out of 6 for being the most gullible guy in Thailand. At least I can have the last laugh by managing to get a successful relationship out of all this?

Did anyone else fall for these 'scams'? (Maybe scam is too strong a word....)

Or did you fall for any other classic Thai 'scenarios'? (Sick buffalo syndrome etc)


Just for fun?

You might have read another post about a man who murdered his 'Thai girlfriend' because she was allegedly unfaithful.

It is not uncommon for gentlemen to buy lovers gifts, in any country of the world. Mobile telephones and gold jewellrey included; (maybe better to start with a pearl necklace!?)

However; the 'money every month' is usually a mistake; unless you intend to leave for two months or less; unless you send a large amount of cash: ie. 40 thousand plus per month; she might not have the self-control or discipline to 'wait'.

I assume that you are talking about 'bar-girls': don't get the wrong impression; there are certainly honest 'bar-girls' if you look long and hard.

The building of a house is reasonable if you have been together a while and you trust her and live in Thailand yourself.

The barpurchase, though is foolish. Does any farang make money from a bar? I have yet to meet one.

I do not have the 'stickman' mentality: he seems to have a chip on his shoulder, but the older gentleman visiting Thailand for the first time, must guard against 'falling in love' or becoming C--- Struck. Often these visitors have not had a 'jump' for ages and fall for it all 'hook, line and sinker'.

Men in successful relationships with Thai women need to advise Thai-relationship-neophytes. I do my best, but it is never enough............

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Donz, did you mean Virgin or Vagina?

Did the gold (number 2) but only a couple of cheapish 1 Baht bits (neckolace and bangle I think). Next time I was there (just a couiple of months later as I had been back to the UK and Turkey in the mean time) we bought each other rings (Fairn rings).

The gold wasn't her idea, but my friend and business partner at the time (a Thai and her uncle-in-law). He said to allways give a girl you are interested in a pressent to remember you by and she may keep remembering. I didn't give her enough time to forget :D two years later we swapped rings again :o

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I'm a giver and the missus is a taker so we sort of complement each other


Made by side ache there Meom. The office now think I'm nuts (again!).

Got out of eating insects on account of me being vegetarian :D Wife didn't like them either except for ants eggs.

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Given lots over the years, but nothing I was not prepared to lose if it came to it. Still going strong now, lost nothing and got a beautiful daughter out of the deal! I've lost a hel_l of a lot more to my falang ex-wife!

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I think I get 4 out of 6 , but that was in a previous life.

I see a few naysayers here (with their "how could anybody be that stupid" lines)

but you will always hear from people who neeeever make a mistake.

Part of life's rich pageant and all that.

I think if you did the cost benefit study on the Thai GF and the European wife

you might end up thinking you weren't ripped off after all.

Your refreshing honesty is just that ..... refreshing



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I think if you did the cost benefit study on the Thai GF and the European wife

you might end up thinking you weren't ripped off after all.

Ah, now that did cost me - I'm still limping with the missing arms and leg!

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So, I seem to score 6 out of 6 for being the most gullible guy in Thailand. At least I can have the last laugh by managing to get a successful relationship out of all this?

I think Quasi Modo could get a successful relationship if he did the below. :o

Did you buy her a new mobile phone? (Er, yes I did, well more than one actually)

Did you buy her some gold? (Hmm, did that as well)

Did you send her money every month? (Yep, did that as well, too much money!)

Did you go and visit her family and eat dead frogs and bugs? (Yes! I didn't want to appear rude so I ate everything!!)

OK, what about building a house for her mum cos the old one was falling down? (Drat, I fell for that one too!)

OK, the classic one. DID YOU BUY HER A BAR? (AAAAhhhh, I did, I did!! I can't believe you are asking me this!! [but there was actually a real motive for doing so])


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Well, being divorced from a poor uneducated American woman who tried to make me do all those things and was quite good at spending money faster than I could make it I decided to only marry again if I could find someone with an equal education and who made at least as much money as I did. In any event while visiting a friend in Bangkok I accidentally met my wife who met the criteria (ok she didn’t make as much but close to it and by Thai standards and tax ratio she did make more than I did in the USA). This woman treats me like a king and after living in my country for 2 years she didn’t want to see me killing myself trying to get ahead in life so she packed me up and moved me to Thai. With in 3 months of being here she got me a motorbike, a car, a house, all new furniture and appliances but to top it all off she got me a good job working in a great university. So, in conclusion or more to the point what I am trying to say is if your with someone who is not trying to do this for you or is looking for gifts and money from you and does not meet a decent standard it doesn’t matter what country they are from, they will soak you for what ever you got and take anything they can get out of you.

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the only mistake I really made was buying 3 cashmere blazers from a tailor.

still waiting for winter to set in so i can wear them.


You can go on holiday to Chiang Mai.. I hear it gets a bit cool up there... :D

totster :D

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Some good replies! :o

Yes, I made some mistakes and lost some money. But the outcome was, (surprisingly), very, very good.

There were some good reasons why I purchased the bar, and not just about money. The bar served it's purpose, so it was the right decision at the time. (I still own a bar in BKK and that makes some money...)

But, if I compare how much money I have spent on my wife with how much my ex-wife got out of me, then the difference is truly staggering, (like think $1 million ++ for the ex-wife)

Yep, much happier now and I still have a few baht to buy a beer now and again :D


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Here's my answers to the questions (although I swing the other way):

Phone: No, never bought one--I inherited the old one when the other 1/2 bought a new one

Gold: Never bought any.

Send Money: Never sent money every month.

Eat Bugs & Frogs: Never did that--the family can provide suitable food for me as a guest or I

take them out to eat and the closest thing to a decent restaurant in the village.

Buy a House for Mom: Not even a consideration.

The only thing I've ever bought for the family was a fan. The old one was definitely on it's way out out--had to be "jump started" to get it going. They were very happy and thankful. When it came time to leave, it was back in the box and they sent it home with me, but thanked me for letting them use it!

They are a nice, but unusual family. They seldom come to the city, but when they do I try to treat them extra well, but they seem to be content with a less extravagant lifestyle. Mum doesn't really like AC, so we have to eat outside or in the hole-in-the wall type places.

We are always given great amounts of produce from the farm--loads of fresh tomatoes, mangoes etc. etc.

Like I said, unusual family, but very nice.

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ate the "food"

bought a phone

2 out of six isnt bad i suppose :o

edited to say that I have just remenbered that I bought a gold buddha for her necklace so I guess that makes it three out of six ........

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This should be pinned for the poor saps who are going to go over and get conned...

I'm too nice of a guy, and though I don't p4p, I still am too loose with $$ for people who appear to be in need. This Marine will have to get back into opperations mode before the move.

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Why do the mistakes have to be bar girl related?

My first time in Thailand I made a few mistakes but none were female related other then I was running away from a ex-girl friend.

My biggest Mistake was

Should have done more research before going(I knew nothing about Thailand)I could have been better prepared..I must have look like a deer in head lights after clearing Don Muang customs :o Fresh meat for the slaughter

Edited by Minburi
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The very first time here, I paid too much for tuk tuks, and bought a third class ticket on the train but did not realize this was what I had got as I did not understand what the ticket seller was saying - went to sit in the second class compartment, and was charged some kind of extra fee for this - unclear if it was only the difference to a second class ticket, or an additional fine as well.

Never got involved in the bar scene, never considered dating a bargirl, so none of the above apply.

My wife's family has never asked me for money, but I have helped out on occasion anyway.

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