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Is 1 million $ enough for retirement in thailand?


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35 million baht. Good for 50 scamming gf's in Patts. One per year. OK if you are in your forties. I suspect by the substance of the OP this was the type of answer you were looking for? If your IQ is higher than a peanuts you would be able to do the math on interest of such a sum on deposit. 100k baht per month income is very comfortable for a single guy provided their is no thai lovely scamming gf milking your ATM

please update your USD THB exchange rate whistling.gif

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Best to buy in to the social stratus where you plan to be in a few short years from now. That'll take roughly 1/4 million for all the bells and whistles - flash condo on the beach finished with top quality kit, flash ride and a ticket into the VIP visa residence program. I mean really, as an aspiring millionaire, you don't want to be rubbing shoulders with others of your ilk, then have to sneak out the back door from the party at 3am, and ride a Scoopy to a studio flat with 1 naked light bulb and no air con. What if somebody sees you?

It's just going to get more expensive in the future, so splash out and get it done now. That'll leave you with about 1/4 mil of your 500k. Invest it wisely and you should have some extra each month to pull the cream of the crop from any Darkside hootch you choose. Take her up the serviceman's lift at your hi-so condo but if anyone sees you, just say you're slummin'. They'll understand. wink.png

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