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Is my Father racist?...


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So, you think referring to Asian people as Asians is racist?

Seems you're the one with the problem.

It's not the word, it's the meaning he meant to convey. The closet racists are the ones who claim not to be, but would prefer their kids not marry someone of another race.

Yes, OP, your dad is a racist. Which means that if he were in Thailand, he'd be one of those farangs accusing the Thais of being racist.

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Your old man hasn't moved with/adapted to the times.

My guess would be he hasn't travelled much. Travel opens eyes, makes one less insular and accepting.

This is 2014, closer to 2015, and 'inter racial marriages/unions' (for want of a better term), are here to stay, and our older generation/s need to change.

Is he racist? Probably not, but maybe a discreet word with him may be required.

I'd guess that your Asian in laws are racist though, but that may be fixed by some baht changing hands.....at least superficially.

Right saying hasn't moved with the times

Wrong saying hasn't travelled much. He's been everywhere, including backwater middle eastern countries no one would go these days.

I think it's a case of he is what he is.

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Could be worse Krisb you could have a pohm in the family then he really would have something to complain about.

But Hay, racism is just another of the PC bits of BS that didn't exist in your fathers day.

Can you clairfy what you mean, if it could be worse having an Australian in the family (POHM - prisoner of his majesty) or a person from the UK - the slanderous 'POM'? I'm going with Pohm but ,mostly that's unfair, come on Robby, they've done their time, you should give them a break now.

Alwyn, there are 2 types of people in this world. Australians and those that wished they could be. thumbsup.gif

I do love a bit of banter! I used to live quite near Heathrow and I could always tell when a Qantas planer had landed. it carried on whining for 30 minutes after the engines had been shut downdrunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

That is a well travelled joke except when i first heard it it was British Airways. And then Air New Zealand. All in good fun heh !

Edited by xen
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Mate, I think it is a bit of that dry Aussie humour all we Aussies are guilty of at times. Tongue in cheek humour. i don't know the bloke but that is my take on the comment. i hear it everyday amongst Aussies, people having a shot at somebody but they still remain best mates.

Go to any bowling club or workplace you will hear this type of banter. It is only racist when it becomes either violent , bulling or they (the victim) is denied a fair go that is not based on their abilities or is based on ignorance.

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