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Children not packed like sardines, Thai school bus driver claims


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A school bus is a luxury. In my day we had to walk 10 miles through the snow to get to school, with nothing more than a stale crust for lunch ... before trudging home again.

In shorts too & were grateful for it

Shorts? you wuz lucky,we yersed to wear Chinese jock straps cooked in chip fat on a greasy Sunday afternoon as we crawled to skool...

sill we woz happy for less is more....

Chinese jock-strap ? I used to dream about a chinese g-string ........ Oops, sorry wrong thread

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A school bus is a luxury. In my day we had to walk 10 miles through the snow to get to school, with nothing more than a stale crust for lunch ... before trudging home again.

At least you did not as a parent have to worry about accidents, crazy drivers, motorbikes, and I could go on. all you had was a bit of snow, which I really love though :D cheers m8

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This is typical all over Thailand and the incompitant police in many areas will do nothing about it. The police in these rural communities where this happens every day do not even know the laws they are supposed to be inforcing.

Not much point knowing the laws when they have zero intention of enforcing them, outside of the traffic regulations and litttering they need to enforce on foreigners near the end of the month.

Edited by jacko45k
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It doesn't get better than the Monty Python sketch but: Isn't that the van that takes kids to Clown College?

Besides, if that was my kid inside, I'd be having a very stern talk with the headmaster. Crowded bus or no seat belts, there's no excuse either way.

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A school bus is a luxury. In my day we had to walk 10 miles through the snow to get to school, with nothing more than a stale crust for lunch ... before trudging home again.

Walk to school? You was lucky... we yurs to crawl to school through mud an puddles with nout but crusty cold semolina porridge for lunch.The edmaster woz stand over us with snooker cue saying, 'eat every last piece of stodge you ungrateful sissies, there's kids in Africa who'd die for a plate of this'

Aye, they would have, god knows how we survived, but we woz happy.

School!!! Aw you looky buggers, when I were a lad my old man sent me straight to work 'ouse at half past five int mornin'. We had to catch our own food if we wanted the luxury of eatin'. Cockroaches, mice and an occasional fat rat if we was lucky. School, you dunno 'ow lucky you was.

But we managed a smile even when we was walkin' five miles 'ome at nine at night in't pourin' rain.sad.png .

Right. We had to get up half an hour before we went to sleep, pay the mill owner to let us work there for 18 hours a day, and when we got home in the evening our father would murder us in cold blood and dance upon our graves singin 'allelujah.

Course these kids today have it easy..

Easy to spot the Christian!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Driver Innocent as usual would the kids be playing and laughing if the uninsured van unregistered School bus was sandwiched between two lorries breaking the speed limit.

Unfortunately not only would the kids be laughing but so would the driver, the lorry drivers and police and onlookers sine no one seems to have any sense of responsibility about these things in a Thailands.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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A school bus is a luxury. In my day we had to walk 10 miles through the snow to get to school, with nothing more than a stale crust for lunch ... before trudging home again.

That would do some of the pampered fatties here good. Just replace snow with blazing heat, 10 miles with 15 km, crust of bread with pot of noodles. 555

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A school bus is a luxury. In my day we had to walk 10 miles through the snow to get to school, with nothing more than a stale crust for lunch ... before trudging home again.

Back on topic, private van, not registered, what kind of school allows this one asks?

Since when did schools here care. Underaged, unlicensed, non helmet wearing, 3 or more on a motorcycle in a common site at most schools in Thailand.

And they call themselves educators! They couldn't educate themselves out of a paper bag. Oops sorry this is Thailand ... PLASTIC bag.

Edited by Keesters
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I like this bit. : "In the end, he was fined THB1,000 for not registering the van as a school bus,...."

1000 baht. No insurance for the carriage of passengers, I am sure. SSDD.

Actually, they were probably packed like anchovies.

"In Thailand, there is no emergency or crisis until it happens."

This eliminates the requirement of responsibility, accountability and of feeling obligated.

Because of this, people fail to realize that once you remove these things and engage in the proverb (stated above), one also loses the justification of feeling and or acting out anger, sorrow, sadness, etc. when something goes awry.

There was no problem.

Someone reported it.

It went viral on www.idiot.com

Hence, in idiot land, it became a problem.

It became a problem, not on the basis of principle or of any typical practice of enforcing anything remotely close to this behavior... no!, it simply became a problem, ...singularly, isolated and without any relation to the aforementioned.

This triggered the next action in the typical string of triggered events: a tracking down and fining and then that calm state of forgetfulness to all other things in the environment.

People only want to see, "In the end, he was fined THB1,000 for not registering the van as a school bus,...."

...but they fail to realize that their lunacy will more than likely breed actualities the like of, ""In the end, the mother and father paid dearly for the death of their son and daughter because they did not see the forest for the tree,...."

Again, I blame the parents for most of the caustic things which exist in the environments around their children. It's always after the fact... ALWAYS!

If Thai parents were some breed of animal in the jungle, they would have been extinct long ago over their little ones being eaten by predators, simply because the mother and father let them stray, and nothing more would happen other than the mother and father experiencing their "emotions" being triggered when the consequences of life and its laws of nature and natural selection hit them like a cold, hard truth.

"In Thailand, there is no emergency or crisis until it happens."

The driver did not get punished. He simply paid the service fee for the idiots, fools and cowards, who wanted someone else to do what they themselves should do for the benefit, well-being and safety of their children.

Who is the animal, the ones who eat the children, or the ones who let the children get eaten, and who do nothing to prevent it... ever? ... and then they lament!

Lunatics all.

That's the way I see this.

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