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Costs For Building Exterior Wall

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I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

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I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

Try http://www.coolthaihouse.com/ and look up the info on perimeter walls


Chukd, I am afraid you are barking up the wrong tree on this forum.

Most members are very unhelpful to say the least.

They will only reply if you want to go on one of there money spinning ideas

ie.. dodgy mini bus trips to Pattaya a piss up in their bar, or a dodgy BBQ with accommodation at your great expense.

As you can see by the lack of response from your simple question.

My advice as an advanced member is to use one of the other forums on offer for ex pats in Thailand.

However some of the other topics in this forum are good, unfortunately it seems the people on the Issan part of the forum are not amongst the most gifted individuals you will ever meet.

Unfortunately I cannot help you with the building of the wall you have in mind.

cheers mate, sw


The wall around my land [about 25km north of Udornthani] is about 2m. high, 2m. between posts and cement rendered on both sides. It was built by a local "builder" he is not qualified but does good work.

The cost is about 2000Baht / 2m run.

This includes foundations, material and labor.

I hope this is what you are looking for.


A lot depends on the kind of wall that you want to build. In my opinion an acceptable type involves contructing a reinforced concrete frame with foundation posts going down a couple of feet into the soil, and filling in the gaps with concrete breeze blocks. The frame is cast in situ around steel rods, and is about 9 inches square. The whole thing is then plastered over with cement and painted. At the front of the house most people opt to have lower concrete wall sections topped with steel or alloy 'wrought iron' style fence sections. A few years ago I paid 60,000 baht labour plus costs of materials to buiild such a wall about six feet high around two rai, and lay some concrete drive. As I recall the concrete, steel and blocks cost a little bit more. I chose fairly cheapish steel and alloy gate and fence sections at about 70,000 baht. Stainless steel would have been nice but cost more than double. Painting the wall was extra, but the labour as cheap. So I probably paid around 220,000 baht to enclose two rai. This was at local labour prices. My design could be improved by using small red bricks rather than blocks, but this would be more expensive.

On the other hand a relative of my wife has just had a much more basic wall built for only 180 baht per metre labour costs. This wall was made by using pre-cast concrete posts, laying a bit of concrete and steel as foundation to join up the posts just below ground level, and then putting in blocks to a height of about one metre. There is no cement rendering, or reinforced concrete top, and this wall is only the width of a single, cheap concrete block.

The problem with walls is that Isan houses are often built on a square of land that has been in-filled to raise the height above the surrounding paddy fields. This means the fence is right on the edge of a small slope. If the foundations don't go down far enough the wall may tip outwards. It helps if there is a fair amount of concrete drive or path adjacent to parts of the wall.


We have 320 meters of two meter high block wall including the steel reinforced cap on the top. I wanted a per meter price for the complete job but my wife told me that the contractor would not use enough cement and would skimp on the re-rod. We ended up buying the material ourselves and contracted the labor. The labor was 200 baht a running meter. That did not include any stucco finish. The workmanship could be better but it's a pretty strong wall.


Chukd, I am afraid you are barking up the wrong tree on this forum.

Most members are very unhelpful to say the least.

They will only reply if you want to go on one of there money spinning ideas

ie.. dodgy mini bus trips to Pattaya a piss up in their bar, or a dodgy BBQ with accommodation at your great expense.

As you can see by the lack of response from your simple question.

My advice as an advanced member is to use one of the other forums on offer for ex pats in Thailand.

However some of the other topics in this forum are good, unfortunately it seems the people on the Issan part of the forum are not amongst the most gifted individuals you will ever meet.

Unfortunately I cannot help you with the building of the wall you have in mind.

cheers mate, sw

What gifts do you possess? By the way, being a wind-up merchant isn't a gift.


I see you have a picture of a muppet on your picture...... I think that says it all.

Ooh, you bitch!

I second that.

Maybe he has not figured out how to post a avatar so he feels the need to criticize those that have accomplished this mighty task. :o

Who is this guy and why is he so ANTI Thailand/Isaan?

If any new members read this flake's posts, they may not return.

Does he ever post anything positive or constructive?

How does that old saying go? "If you do not have anything nice to say.... Keep it to yourself."

Cheers all.


I see you have a picture of a muppet on your picture...... I think that says it all.

Ooh, you bitch!

I second that.

Maybe he has not figured out how to post a avatar so he feels the need to criticize those that have accomplished this mighty task. :D

Who is this guy and why is he so ANTI Thailand/Isaan?

If any new members read this flake's posts, they may not return.

Does he ever post anything positive or constructive?

How does that old saying go? "If you do not have anything nice to say.... Keep it to yourself."

Cheers all.

He can use this if he wants to post-478-1153200751.gif :o

A lot depends on the kind of wall that you want to build. In my opinion an acceptable type involves contructing a reinforced concrete frame with foundation posts going down a couple of feet into the soil, and filling in the gaps with concrete breeze blocks. The frame is cast in situ around steel rods, and is about 9 inches square. The whole thing is then plastered over with cement and painted. At the front of the house most people opt to have lower concrete wall sections topped with steel or alloy 'wrought iron' style fence sections. A few years ago I paid 60,000 baht labour plus costs of materials to buiild such a wall about six feet high around two rai, and lay some concrete drive. As I recall the concrete, steel and blocks cost a little bit more. I chose fairly cheapish steel and alloy gate and fence sections at about 70,000 baht. Stainless steel would have been nice but cost more than double. Painting the wall was extra, but the labour as cheap. So I probably paid around 220,000 baht to enclose two rai. This was at local labour prices. My design could be improved by using small red bricks rather than blocks, but this would be more expensive.

On the other hand a relative of my wife has just had a much more basic wall built for only 180 baht per metre labour costs. This wall was made by using pre-cast concrete posts, laying a bit of concrete and steel as foundation to join up the posts just below ground level, and then putting in blocks to a height of about one metre. There is no cement rendering, or reinforced concrete top, and this wall is only the width of a single, cheap concrete block.

The problem with walls is that Isan houses are often built on a square of land that has been in-filled to raise the height above the surrounding paddy fields. This means the fence is right on the edge of a small slope. If the foundations don't go down far enough the wall may tip outwards. It helps if there is a fair amount of concrete drive or path adjacent to parts of the wall.

Hi I have recently had a wall built round my two rai plot. I had a lot of wrought Iron on top of a low rendered block wall as I did not want to obstruct the beautiful views I have from my house. The blocks are tied in to the pillars with steel and they even put a butress from every forth piller(underground).Not cheap but very good value.Materials such as steel and cement are far more expensive now.I spent around 500,000 baht for the completed wall. cheers


I can well believe this, because I've heard that the cost of materials has gone up a lot. On the other hand, work opportunities stilll seem quite limited in the part of Mahasarakham where our wall was built and I'm fairly confident that the labour element wouldn't be too much more now. I found quite a lot of variation in prices for wrought iron and eventually got that part of the job done by a firm from Khon Kaen. Presumably the wrought ironwork was quite a fair slice of your ha sen.

I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

Everybody seems obessed wioth amazingly ugly concrete cased walls. Monks are particularly environmentally unsound.

Why not plant a hedge which would be more in keeping with the countryside.


I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

Everybody seems obessed wioth amazingly ugly concrete cased walls. Monks are particularly environmentally unsound.

Why not plant a hedge which would be more in keeping with the countryside.

Everybody seems obessed wioth amazingly ugly concrete cased walls. Monks are particularly environmentally unsound.

Why not plant a hedge which would be more in keeping with the countryside.

Hey Raslin, that is a good idea. My good friend planted a special bamboo around his new property, 13 rai, and it is so thight that not even a thaidog can force it.

I just bought 20 rai and will add another 20 rai to that property and I only been thinking of concrete poles with 5 - 6 wires.

But after reading your post I remember my friends idea. Much more friendly to the environment, much more beautiful, much better to keep the dogs outside AND much cheaper!!!

Thanks for reminding me!



I too have had a wall built around my property. Typically the wall is 2.4m wide, to suit the block size, and 1.8m high with columns to 2.2m for ironwork on top. The wall is rendered on both sides ready for paint or tile finish. You buy the materials so that costs what it costs and you should pay about 600 Baht per 2.4m section. I also had about 2.6m high sides to the rear and sides awy from the road. These were 900 each but an earlier suggestion to buttress 1 in 4 is a wise one as I found out when 9 panels collapsed into my neighbours paddy field.....haha! You live and learn here for sure. Additional info....painted steel fencing and gates run at about 2500Bht sqm and stainless steel at 6000-7000 Baht sqm (all fitted prices). I like the posts about hedges and bamboos and the links to coolthaihouse are a must see. Good luck....Moron from Isaan ?;-)

  • 4 months later...

I will revitalize this old thread with a progress report for anybody that cares.

My father-in-law built the wall around the front 1450 square meters (72.5 x 20) for a total of 69,000 baht, including materials and somebody to help him with the labor. The wall is nine (9) blocks high with a concrete top and is in 2.5 meter sections. Any more technical than that I cannot get. I have lots of digital pictures but I am not smart enough to post them.

He seems to have done a really nice job as the thing looks sturdy, is straight and hasn't fallen down in the past 4 months since it was finished. He is a former builder and is doing this largely labor free for his daughter (my wife). It looks like we will be able to build a 3 b/r-2 bath house of 160 square meters, including nearly two rai of land for about 1.2 million.

This, in a small village some 80 kilometers west of Udorn. :o

  • 1 month later...
my wife would never allow a bamboo hedge around our house because bamboo drops leaves all year round....constant yard work.

I too like the idea of a hedge - bamboo would be ok for me, as the garden is large and the outer bits are not "formal". It might get too high though, and block the views. I have been considering Bougainvillea as a hedge, as it is not only thorny and prolific but very attractive too.

I must say my experience of the Isaan forum is very different to that of steven_w - I have found members to be very helpful, and, with the exception of him, friendly and polite.



I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

hey chuckd,

i've been building a wall lately(not in isaan) but in chaam, but mine was including fundation about 3500 bath per lock...1 lock about 3 meters...

i you would like some pics sent me a PM and i'll sent the to you !



I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

hey chuckd,

i've been building a wall lately(not in isaan) but in chaam, but mine was including fundation about 3500 bath per lock...1 lock about 3 meters...

i you would like some pics sent me a PM and i'll sent the to you !




I will revitalize this old thread with a progress report for anybody that cares.

My father-in-law built the wall around the front 1450 square meters (72.5 x 20) for a total of 69,000 baht, including materials and somebody to help him with the labor. The wall is nine (9) blocks high with a concrete top and is in 2.5 meter sections. Any more technical than that I cannot get. I have lots of digital pictures but I am not smart enough to post them.

He seems to have done a really nice job as the thing looks sturdy, is straight and hasn't fallen down in the past 4 months since it was finished. He is a former builder and is doing this largely labor free for his daughter (my wife). It looks like we will be able to build a 3 b/r-2 bath house of 160 square meters, including nearly two rai of land for about 1.2 million.

This, in a small village some 80 kilometers west of Udorn. :o

Chuck, i am interested in the comments about the house 3 bed 2 bath 160sqm for 1.2 million! we are going to build close to roi-et and have a forum on here about looking for a builder. that sounds like a good price. would like to know more about the house and design if possible. thanks mate Greg .................

oh yes and as for that other ###### making comments about Issan located members i guess he is just living in a condo in pattaya with his 18yr old bf! Sorry, but those types should just keep their comments to themselves! cheers to all ! greg


I have dilligently searched for, and have been rejected at every turn, in my search for finding out how much it should cost to build a tile block wall around some property. :o

I remember seeing it somewhere on this forum but I just can't find it.

Can somebody help with either a link or some first hand information about costs? The property is located some 80 kilometers from Udon Thani.

Thanks for any help. :D

Everybody seems obessed wioth amazingly ugly concrete cased walls. Monks are particularly environmentally unsound.

Why not plant a hedge which would be more in keeping with the countryside.

Old Munks and old Thais are smarter than most, A hundered years ago the walls were to help keep out tigers and things, that was also the reason you see high and dry houses up on stilts, the tigers are pretty much long gone now but traditions carry on. They are pretty helpful at keeping snakes at bay to by having activity inside the walled area and providing a better snake environment outside of it. A couple months ago I had a snake come right through my front gate, he decided not to stay and weve not seen another inside the wall. I would not want to live in a home with no wall for many reasons.

As far as wall building the first thing to do is get yourself a concrete mixer for 15 to 20 thousand baht, you can sell it after the project. Hand mixing concrete for structural things like wall supports is a bad deal, having a good mix of concrete will add years to the life of the wall. My suggestion is to hire local concrete workers and supervise the project yourself, there are loads of experienced brick layers around and others who have gone off to work in concrete in Bangkok and would like a few weeks local work. I realize this is not for everyone but if you have any do it yourself skills its amazing the things you can get done here.

Just yesterday I was over looking at a new home being constructed, The work was ok but the price was over the top. As we were talking the project manager showed up driving a new fancy truck yet all the workers didnt even have a motorcycle between them. This was a typical set up for one guy who over charges and then under pays the actual workers making a hefty proffit for himself. If you can cut out that glorified supervisor who usually just sits around anyway you can save money and get a better job done in the end most of the time.

For those who are not do it yourself types I reccomend buying a place thats already finished just the way you want it, Dont bother with the headache of construction unless you like a little adventure.


I will be returning to LOS in the next couple of weeks and will be able to give you more of an update than I can from Saudi.

My wife's parents have been overseeing this little project as well as doing much of the work. My father-in-law was/is a building contractor and has built many of the buildings in the village. I haven't seen any of this yet but I have seen some of his other buildings and they are fine.

Progress report will follow after I arrive. If I can figure out my digital camera, I might even try and post some pictures.

So far I have the following into the project:

265,000 Baht - 1.8 rai of land on a paved road, 1 kilometer from Udorn/Loei highway

25,000 Baht - Electric connection and meter

69,000 Baht - Exterior wall (only around the front 1,300 M2.)

20,000 Baht - water well and pump

440,000 Baht - House construction costs

Total cash spent so far - 819,000 Baht

The house, I am told, has roof, exterior and interior walls, foundation completed and ready for finishing. I hope to get a better grip on total cost in the next couple of weeks.

Greg: The house is set up as 10 meters wide and 16 meters long with an open living/dining/kitchen on the right half and 3 b/r, 2 baths on the left side. The master b/r will be 5 X 6 meters and the other two b/rs at 5 X 4 meters. I like the open spaces of the living area and will only divide it with counters or see through room dividers. My wife wanted to enclose the kitchen but I am building her a Thai kitchen out back, Besides, I enjoy the aroma of cooking food. The durian goes outside in the Thai kitchen. The plan is basically the same as my house in Pattaya but a little larger and with no carport on the front. We will park our cars to the side of the house and not in front.

Hopefully the favorable reports will continue.

  • 7 months later...

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