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Australians face death in China over drugs


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I know I don't want to be hanged, so I don't traffic drugs into Singapore. I don't want to be marched out into a field and shot, so I don't traffic drugs into china. How about we don't take drugs into countries that have death penalty for doing so.... how about we just don't traffic drugs.

There are always the weak willed amongst us who cannot live without the use of mind bending drugs .

I'll drink crazy.gif to that

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Deserve it

Why do they deserve it?

1. What was the drug?

2. Were they smuggling?

3. Were they selling?

4. What quantity?

If it was a drug purchased in China for personal use I think death is a bit harsh and I believe, so would you, if it was you or someone you love.

if you are told not to stick your hand in the fire because it will burn you and you bare your naked behind at the warning and go ahead and do it, you deserve everything you get. They knew the consequences and they spat in the face of authority and now they and the bleeding hearts think they need a hug and nice cup of tea.

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Deserve it

Too bloody right, if they are so 'hooked'and stupid, then Australia does not need them back. I have no sympathy at all, as far as i am concerned, let them pay whatever price that China wants. If they need that extra help to enjoy life on earth, send them off to another planet. Good riddance.

Good riddance, no sympathy at all, wow you’re a real tuff guy, I’ll bet you would be crying like a little baby if one of these people being put to death was your son or daughter.

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Deserve it

Nonsense. The death penalty is always wrong.

Yes, I feel the same way, but so far have not lost someone close due to criminal action.

Come back when your daughter has been raped and murdered (God forbid) and we shall see if feelings change.

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I am an Australian.

I have never used any "drugs" thus I am not a user or an addict.

To those sympathising the addicts - my question is "Why start?".

To those who oppose the death penalty - my answer is "Respect different countries and their Laws" or stay home.

To the Australians in this predicament in China - my advice is choose a country where you will get a nice cell with a view, a tv set and a gym.

BTW where is Corby today? The poor innocent 'set up' victim? Passed the family busines to her brother?

NOTE: nobody has to agree with me. This is MHO on the matter.

Edited by ABCer
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Bringing drugs into a country with a death penalty means you have taken the risk of trying not to get caught

Now that u are caught ...why expect mercy ?

There is no room for recreational drugs ...medicinal drugs should be controlled to prevent abuse

As for recreational drugs ...there is a lot of fun out there in the world that does not involve any usage of drugs at all

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Deserve it

Nonsense. The death penalty is always wrong.

My opinion is that for drugs, yes it is harsh. But for animals that rape and kill children and for serial offenders of major crime, I totally agree with executing them.

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Deserve it

Nonsense. The death penalty is always wrong.


..dealing in drugs is always wrong.

Doctors and pharmacists deal in drugs.

great argument, a doctor / pharmacist who study for 8 yrs and a dickwit who drops out of school at 14 and enters a career of crime. Yep I see they are equally educated and qualified in the fields of administering drugs to those in need. You have got me hands down, a total moron brain dead drug addict who peddles things like ice is just as qualified as a Doctor. Geez why did these idiot doctors waste 100'S of K on an education when they could have simply just dropped out of school at 12 and become a drug dealer. Oh but wait then there would be no one to save the lives of the dealers victims.

Edited by chooka
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Bringing drugs into a country with a death penalty means you have taken the risk of trying not to get caught

Now that u are caught ...why expect mercy ?

There is no room for recreational drugs ...medicinal drugs should be controlled to prevent abuse

As for recreational drugs ...there is a lot of fun out there in the world that does not involve any usage of drugs at all

I agree that if you know that a country has draconian penalties for drug activity, and are stupid enough to engage in that activity anyway, then you garner little sympathy from me if you get caught. However, having said that, the global "War on Drugs" has accomplished zero. It has been about as successful as Prohibition was in the US in the 1920's. It only served to create a black market for alcohol, enrich criminals, and result in untold numbers of violent deaths...and the alcohol still flowed. So it has been with the "War on Drugs". How many trillions of dollars have been spent combating drugs, money that could have gone to infrastructure improvements, education, health care...things that would have benefited society? Instead, all of that money disappeared into a black hole, and we have zero to show for it. Drug activity is higher than ever, the cartels prosperous beyond greed, violence escalating exponentially, and corruption rampant. How many law enforcement personnel have died in the useless fight against illegal drugs? How many innocent people have suffered at the hands of drug dealers? If you legalized all drugs, had the government oversee manufacture and distribution, and taxed the hell out of it (like tobacco and alcohol), you would, overnight, eliminate an entire arm of criminal enterprise, end the violence, and free up police personnel to fight other, more detrimental activities, such as terrorism (both foreign and domestic). The tax revenues would help reduce deficits, shore up educational programs, and enhance healthcare availability. In the US, the state of Colorado legalized marijuana, and has seen several millions of dollars become available for education. Incarceration for possession has plummeted, creating a cost savings in the prison budget. People will acquire the means of satisfying their illicit desires, be it drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, you name it. Outlawing sin has never worked, and never will. There will always be someone willing to profit from others' desires, and willing to risk the penalties in order to enrich themselves.

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