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Anti-graft body not investigating 140,000-Baht microphones


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what do they need a TV for when they've all got fancy little gadgets ? Surely nobody should be watching anything else other than each other during a session of cabinet ministers, and paying attention to what's being debated?

Debated? You're referring to a hand-picked panel of stooges here. There is no room for "debate" in a military dictatorship.

Maybe they'll debate the colour of the wool they're going to use for pulling over peoples eyes?? :D Or what shade of green for the Army uniforms?

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This is something the NCPO really does not need. Especially when they are hammering for an 'anti-corruption' platform for the new government, but then engage in behavior that could be considered suspect. If it's buried and pushed under the rug, then I have to question the veracity of virtually everything being issued by the new government. I believe the NCPO needs to hop on this issue and quickly. Up to this point they are commanding the respect of a large contingent of the Thai and foreign community. Misuse that trust and then there will be problems for sure. Any suspected collaboration between the new government and business entities for the benefit of either entity will be viewed under a microscope. Anyone calling for the end of corruption need to strictly maintain the moral high-ground.

Well said, what an opportune time for the NCPO to show they mean business, they should seize the moment and there popularity would shoot through the roof. They appear to be doing well so far, but its often the negative things that stick in our minds.thumbsup.gif

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"Although we have the power to investigate it, we can't just simply do it without adequate information. Right now, the NACC has no information at all,”

Can anyone be so stupid? The whole reason to "investigate" is to find "information."

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Chotthee, you can try and spin it all you want, 500,000 baht for a TV is ludicrous, my 51" plasma, made by Samsung cost me 16,000 baht and the mount was about 3,000 baht, and the labour cost to mount it was 2 bottles of beer... so someone in a position of power is taking the piss over the procurement of IT equipment for the new cabinet.

I'm willing to bet you 500,000 baht that when viewd from a distance greater than 2-3m 16.8 Million colours is not even notcieable to the human eye, and my Plasma would show as good a picture!!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Begs one question.

Why the hell is the cabinet meeting room got so many seats? How many ministers do they need?

32 cabinet members + 32 deputies = 64 persons ?

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This is something the NCPO really does not need. Especially when they are hammering for an 'anti-corruption' platform for the new government, but then engage in behavior that could be considered suspect. If it's buried and pushed under the rug, then I have to question the veracity of virtually everything being issued by the new government. I believe the NCPO needs to hop on this issue and quickly. Up to this point they are commanding the respect of a large contingent of the Thai and foreign community. Misuse that trust and then there will be problems for sure. Any suspected collaboration between the new government and business entities for the benefit of either entity will be viewed under a microscope. Anyone calling for the end of corruption need to strictly maintain the moral high-ground.

Spot on !

The NACC doesn't need this and start to look like the DSI under Tarit where everybody except the incumbent masters are fair game plus ridiculously weak excuses for not touching any case.

All the hope of change under the junta will evaporate quickly if old habits and practices creep back and are accepted by the top.

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Is a link available to the website with the microphones?

And is it just the microphone? Does the desk mount and monitor come as part of the deal or as an optional extra?

How much were the tables and chairs?

Very valid questions. Furthermore , was green the only colour or could we have about any other?

Don't worry though, PM Prayuth ordered a committee to dig up all sordid details.

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Who would dare file a complaint? When it could mean life in prison for defamation or summary execution by a firing squad? Better get use to life under a military junta.

It would seem that the new PM would dare to complain, to start an investigation even.

PM promises investigation into the cost of Cabinet audio system

Nathapat Promkaew,

Anapat Deechuay

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha has said there will be a probe into the purchase of an alleged overpriced audio system for the Cabinet's meeting room.

Better get used to life under the new government.

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what do they need a TV for when they've all got fancy little gadgets ? Surely nobody should be watching anything else other than each other during a session of cabinet ministers, and paying attention to what's being debated?

porn looks better on a big screen

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"...the NACC chairman said he has not received any complaints about the expensive audio system."

What an incredible lame excuse for not investigating. How dumb are these people. Who do they blame now that the "red shirts" are out of office. The NCPO backed government? Yeah, right!

"When a reporter asked why the NACC has not taken any action despite the public outcry, Mr. Panthep explained that the agency lacks "information" about the purchases."

Isn't that what the agency is SUPPOSED to do...INVESTIGATE to get the information. Wow! These are the lamest excuses I have ever heard. I would think the website of the company listing this system at 99,000 baht, but charging the government 145,000 and then overnight the price on the website goes to 199,000 baht when this hit the news would be MORE than enough to cause an investigation. It sure didn't take a lot for the NACC to go after YL like a rabid dog. Here is something everyone can understand and sink their teeth into and the NACC stands idle.

I guess we now know where the sympathies of the NACC lay...with the new NCPO backed government.

Most everyone is forgetting the fact that these communication devices are outfitted for the Southeast Asian region. Extra humidity and heat protection for the anticipated hot air and slobbering to come. That's expensive protection.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The list price for them is 2000 USD, 64.320 baht.

Just add the stupid import tax on all foreign stuff and you are up there easily.

When we want facts we will ask you for them.smile.png In the mean time let us point fingers.sad.png I have no idea what the mark up is on that kind of equipment but it does not surprise me that it would be high. It is not exactly a high volume selling item. As has been conveniently overlooked or shall we say shoved to the side the actual price will more than likely end up under 100,000 baht. As for the possibility of corruption. Defiantly there is still a lot of the bureaucrats from the Thaksin regime. Many from the early 2,000s

I wonder how many other clients of Bosch bought these at the "wrong" price, and have since recieved their 35% discount?

NACC didn't seem to have crossed the T's and dotted the i's over the Rice scheme either... perhaps a reform is on the cards for them too?

Reform for them is defiantly needed since Yingluck cut their funding in an attempt to cripple them.wai.gif

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This is something the NCPO really does not need. Especially when they are hammering for an 'anti-corruption' platform for the new government, but then engage in behavior that could be considered suspect. If it's buried and pushed under the rug, then I have to question the veracity of virtually everything being issued by the new government. I believe the NCPO needs to hop on this issue and quickly. Up to this point they are commanding the respect of a large contingent of the Thai and foreign community. Misuse that trust and then there will be problems for sure. Any suspected collaboration between the new government and business entities for the benefit of either entity will be viewed under a microscope. Anyone calling for the end of corruption need to strictly maintain the moral high-ground.

I think you are being a bit unfair here.

In the first place it is public knowledge and the supplier has agreed to reduce his price. You conveniently over look that. Also it is a 65.000 baht item in the states. No telling how much gets added on by all the middle men and the shippers.

In addition to all that in order to get rid of corruption you must first find it. You forget that a lot of this is handled by

bureaucrat's who have been here for years some dating back to the Thaksin years when the corruption channels were being opened up. Also the corruption commission is overloaded with work this is just a small item. the NACC is badly understaffed at this time and the new Prime Minister should be beefing it up.

You are looking for instant success. You have no idea of the size of the problem the new government is faced with. the P M said even before he was P M that after the election there would still be a lot of work to do. It doesn't get much more transparent than that. Name me one PM who has said he would not be able to do all the work that needs doing in his term.

Give them a chance. There is still a lot of the old guard in the government employee who it will take a long time to weed out. In my opinion the press did us a favor bringing it to the attention of the public. They are now trying to use it as a weapon to undermine the government.

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what do they need a TV for when they've all got fancy little gadgets ? Surely nobody should be watching anything else other than each other during a session of cabinet ministers, and paying attention to what's being debated?

Debated? You're referring to a hand-picked panel of stooges here. There is no room for "debate" in a military dictatorship.

You are absolutely rite there is no room for debate in a hand picked military dictatorship. Or for that matter in your mind either.

Fortunately we do not have a hand picked military dictatorship. We have a P M who cares about the Thai people and is working to make things better for them.

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what do they need a TV for when they've all got fancy little gadgets ? Surely nobody should be watching anything else other than each other during a session of cabinet ministers, and paying attention to what's being debated?

Debated? You're referring to a hand-picked panel of stooges here. There is no room for "debate" in a military dictatorship.

You are absolutely rite there is no room for debate in a hand picked military dictatorship. Or for that matter in your mind either.

Fortunately we do not have a hand picked military dictatorship. We have a P M who cares about the Thai people and is working to make things better for them.

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