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Regular Headaches - Dry Needling or Trigger Point ?

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I get pretty regular headaches, either from when I wake in the morning, or they start at some point during the day.

I've heard that dry needling or trigger point release can help and was wondering if anyone knew where this type of treatment could be had in Bangkok?

I did a search on here but it seems most of the posts are a good few years old and are also related to fibromyalgia which doesn't sound like what I have.

The headaches are accompanied by pain in my neck and upper back but the headaches are the main problem I'd like to resolve.

The heat and sunlight can be bring them on quickly which is a bit of a pain when living in Thailand!

Any exertion can bring them on quickly too, even walking on some days.

Any tips or advice much appreciated.



stiff muscles in the neck can trigger headache.

Can try light weight exercise for the shoulder, upper back and neck (considering you are healthy there).

It might help or make it worse first and than help after 2 weeks.

It may help or not help, but it is worth to try.


Thanks. I've been doing weight training when the pain permits for years so not sure that would help.

Loosening up the neck would definitely help I think but have never been able to really get it under control.


The following tips work for me. I suffer from similar headaches.

1. Experiment with keeping your temperature in the optimal range. If you exert yourself leading to sweating, an obvious sign of your body tryng to lose heat, head to air con or even an ice bath at the first opportunity. It is okay to sweat but try to quickly get your temperature down again after exercise.

2. Don't grind your teeth or hold your jaw tense, even when you are sleeping! Practise being slack-jawed.

3. Are you wearing a backpack for long periods? If so, is it heavy? Seek an alternative.

4. Regular bowel movements.

5. Avoid coffee.

6. Stretch your shoulders regularly.

Experiment, note down when you get a headache and see if you can identify patterns.


Thanks. I've been doing weight training when the pain permits for years so not sure that would help.

Loosening up the neck would definitely help I think but have never been able to really get it under control.

I had it at my time at the army, when they put me in a small office with 2 fat office women and a degenerated dog as personal slave for them.

I was always tense and didn't relax the muscles and it triggered every day headache....

Since than I don't have it anymore.

When I exercise the neck muscles in a crazy way and overdo it, I get it again.....but doing it regularly makes the muscles stronger and fixes the problem 99% for me.

There are also some medication which helps to relax muscles, but I don't know how good they work and if they have side effects.


Check your blood first to rule out (hopefully not confirm) some deeper cause, like annemia. White Blood Cells Count should be between 4 and 9 million. If less, that could be it. Even a 500m walk could bring a splitting headache.

If you have recent results (say, last 2 months), read there first.


Thanks, I've not had any tests like that.

Is it straightforward getting them done?


It's a basic parameter, even a smal drop sample from your finger would be enough to capture it.

Edit: typo


Check your blood first to rule out (hopefully not confirm) some deeper cause, like annemia. White Blood Cells Count should be between 4 and 9 million. If less, that could be it. Even a 500m walk could bring a splitting headache.

If you have recent results (say, last 2 months), read there first.

That's red blood cells, not white.

But anemia is pretty uncommon in adult men unless there is some underlying chronic disease.

Blood pressure however should be checked to be sure that is not the case of the HAs...and if its is, treat it. Headache is often the first sign of high blood pressure.

Assuming BP is OK, while you may have trouble finding trigger point therapy here, traditional Thai massage from a properly trained person works wonders both for tense neck/shoulders and to relieve a headache once present. Go to the nearest government hospital, they all offer it and the masseuses there are well trained and geared towards treating people with problems like this.

Also make sure you are getting enough sleep and not taking too much caffeine, the combo of inadequate sleep + caffeine can set off nasty headaches.


Check your blood first to rule out (hopefully not confirm) some deeper cause, like annemia. White Blood Cells Count should be between 4 and 9 million. If less, that could be it. Even a 500m walk could bring a splitting headache.

If you have recent results (say, last 2 months), read there first.

That's red blood cells, not white.

But anemia is pretty uncommon in adult men unless there is some underlying chronic disease.

No, it as white as snow.

See this blood test result from a Japanese hospital (Toyota Kosei)? Parameter 23, kanji is for white blood cells, this patient had 2.9 mil /L while (to the right) it says that normal is 4 - 9 mil per L.

Edit: In the picture, hemoglobin is parameter 25, it is also low: 7.6 while normal is 11.5 to 15.5.



check if you drink enough......some people don't drink enough for the amount they sweat in Thailand.

That can trigger headache.

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You say you wake up with them a lot?

Tried a better pillow? even mattress?

Slightly ot but anyways...

We bought a new mattress a while back, and I noticed I was waking up with lots of lower back pains.Started blaming the new mattress but about 4 weeks ago got a new lounge, and within maybe 2 or 3 nights my lower back pains have totally gone! So somehow the old lounge was causing the back pains.

So is it possible your lounge is causing the issue through posture?


New research out yesterday

Researchers Explore Meditation's Capacity to Treat and Reduce Headaches

A pilot study suggests that mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) could help reduce the severity and length of migraines in chronic adult sufferers. Researchers at Harvard and Wake Forest knew that MBSR had been shown to treat other forms of recurring pain, yet had never been tested on migraines. They conducted a preliminary experiment featuring 19 migraineurs: nine received normal treatment, ten were prescribed MBSR. The researchers' conclusions, published in the appropriately titled journal Headache, were that MBSR is a safe and feasible treatment for adults with migraines.

The meditating migraineurs experienced shorter (by 3 hours) and less severe headaches, though it's emphasized that these results not be taken as gospel because the subject sample size was so small. Still, the researchers took these initial figures as a promising sign and encourage the formation of a broader study to assess the value of MBSR to migraine sufferers.

What's more certain is mindful meditation's ability to reduce stress, or at least help people compartmentalize it. As stress is often cited as a key cause of migraines, it's not a stretch to assume MSBR could be used to treat them. We'll keep an eye on the next big study. In the meantime, don't be afraid to give mindful meditation a test trial.


Your in the right country to learn meditation !


Dry needling for headaches works wonders. Available Saturday after 1;00 at Bangkok General. I have the same problem. It releases the muscle spasm which causes headaches . Recommend it

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