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Looking For: Movie Club Pattaya / Jomtien


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Does anyone know about a private movie club (english speaking) in Patts or nearby? If not - Is there anyone out there interested to start one with me? The purpose of the club would essentially be sharing movies and arranging movie nights.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm hugely into movies. I see a LOT of movies. When it's raining. When I'm depressed. When I'm happy. When my girlfriend booted me out of her apartment because I refused to giver her my pincode to my Mastercard - Then I start a movie.

I know a lot of people knows about downloading. I'm not saying you are, but I know you know. I know too. But I also happened to be a movie collector. And I know many of you like movies too. And why not start a group with other lonesome movie freaks to share, enjoy and gossip movies about? Well... if you are civilized, without fangs, it's terribly ok too.

My gameplan is short but fairly consistent:

1. Send a message if you are interested. Not have to tell me all your favourite Clint Eastwoods at once.

2. I gather up for a meeting, maybe my place or somewhere dark (er).

3. You bring at least 2 friends so it's going to be nice and crowded, especially since my AC is a bit unreliable...

4. First movie to watch will be something that everyone will understand - hence a horror-flick (screams are universal, aren't they?)

5. Because I'm your host, I provide with everything you need to survive the next 2 hours. Including tissues and pillows.

...or just go for number 1 and then we see what happens :)

UNLESS there already is a club out there but I happen to be uninvited. So, please INVITE ME then :)

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