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Thai Visa Forums IGNORE feature. Question.

Frank James

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During the recent period of strife and upheaval in Thailand, there was a lot of bad feeling generated as people exchanged views on the political situation herre on Thai Visa forums. I began to make use of the IGNORE feature, so that I would not have to see postings by certain people whose views clashed with my own. As events rolled on, I ended up with 16 pages of names to ignore. I am not saying these are bad people. If we met socially, and didn't know each other, we would probably get along fine. I just got tired of the squabbling, and tired of my own responses. I'm sure my screen name must reside in many users' IGNORE box, and that's fine. I deserve it.

Now I find that names are starting to reappear that are in my IGNORE pages. Naturally, their posts and views are much the same as before, and I would prefer not to read them. Is there a statute of limitations on the feature? Is it like the penalty box in hockey, that after a given amount of time the player is back in the game? When I tried to put the name back in my IGNORE file, it tells me that name is already there. I am wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

I got so tired of the politics, I rarely respond to those topics now, aside from a rare "LIKE". I didn't come here to be a keyboard warrior. Live and let live. I'm not mad at anyone. It's rather like the line Charles Bukowski threw out one time, when asked about his feelings toward the police: "I don't hate the cops; I just feel better when they're not around."

Best wishes to all fellow TV users.

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As the forum runs on pre-packaged software where the developers have modified, tweaked and mangled it over time -- it would take more than an hour or two to fix it.

Im not so sure of that, Im a programmer myself, but even so, thats not a reason not to fix it

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I don't disagree with you.

If the "Ignore" glitch can be validated and easily replicated/repeated then the logic routine should be examined.

I would think that ThaiVisa wouldn't be the only licensee of the Forum Software having the issue, unless it was a custom tweak/patch that is causing it.

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Arent the posts you disagree with the most interesting ones?

You can really flesh out the issue in question.

Of course, TV is packed with posters who would rather misrepresent (or are simply incapable of reading for comprehension) what you said then attack that misrepresentation, but I enjoy battling these morons (there are a few serial offenders like wilcopops but I wouldnt dream of ignoring him - answering his posts gives me some of the more interesting moments in my week).

But more power to you! I hope Im not on your list!

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Arent the posts you disagree with the most interesting ones?

You can really flesh out the issue in question.

Of course, TV is packed with posters who would rather misrepresent (or are simply incapable of reading for comprehension) what you said then attack that misrepresentation, but I enjoy battling these morons (there are a few serial offenders like wilcopops but I wouldnt dream of ignoring him - answering his posts gives me some of the more interesting moments in my week).

But more power to you! I hope Im not on your list!

for myself Im not worried about posts I disagree with, its posts that seem to be written by school kids that just trying to be annoying, and there are a lot of them, and posts from people that obviously dont have a clue or have a very childish sense of humor. or people just doing personal attacks. Im all for them posting, but life is too short to read them all

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