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For all you negatives out there, here is my defence/ praise of Pattaya, I have probably seen more places on this planet than most.

I went to LOS on a stopover from Aus, for four days, I ended up staying 5 weeks !!!! why you may ask ! I loved it,

Do you reaaly think any city worldwide is safer than Pattaya, ok some clever dick will come up with one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can go to many English towns at night and feel more threatend than Pattaya, " groups of youths drunks etc, must I spell it all out ! I walked home many nights from walking street at 3, 4 , 5 in the morning to allmost Jontiem, and never once had a problem.

I can give a good a smile, if I want to any Thai, and say hello, if one treats anyone worldwide as second class citizens, they will treat you in kind.

This is a great website, I love it, but too many negatives jump in to condem whatever.

No dissrespect here, but if I move to LOS, IT WILL BE TO GET AWAY FROM MY OWN KIND !..........................................ROY

Guest endure

Have you been anywhere else in Thailand apart from Pattaya and Bangkok?

Guest endure
Why does that matter? :o

It matters because there's more to Thailand than 'big city' areas. A fascination with Pattaya or Bangkok shouldn't prevent people from going to Isaan, the North or the South to see what other parts of the country have to offer. And take that scowl off your face - stop being arsy.


Why does that matter? :D

It matters because there's more to Thailand than 'big city' areas. A fascination with Pattaya or Bangkok shouldn't prevent people from going to Isaan, the North or the South to see what other parts of the country have to offer. And take that scowl off your face - stop being arsy.

Being arsy? :o Not me.

The op was'nt talking badly about Thailand or other area's he was just saying that he felt safer than he did at home!

I've been around Thailand a bit and i'd feel safer walking down the street in Pattaya than out in the sticks after dark. :D Stray buffalo or some div on a bike with no lights.

Guest endure

I couldn't agree more. Going out in my Midlands town on a Saturday night is asking for trouble. :o


Why does that matter? :o

It matters because there's more to Thailand than 'big city' areas. A fascination with Pattaya or Bangkok shouldn't prevent people from going to Isaan, the North or the South to see what other parts of the country have to offer. And take that scowl off your face - stop being arsy.

If the guy's happy there why shouldn't it prevent him from going anywhere else? He probably wouldn't like it anyway.

He's as happy as a cart load of monkeys or a pig-in-shit, let him enjoy himself

For all you negatives out there, here is my defence/ praise of Pattaya, I have probably seen more places on this planet than most.

I went to LOS on a stopover from Aus, for four days, I ended up staying 5 weeks !!!! why you may ask ! I loved it,

Do you reaaly think any city worldwide is safer than Pattaya, ok some clever dick will come up with one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can go to many English towns at night and feel more threatend than Pattaya, " groups of youths drunks etc, must I spell it all out ! I walked home many nights from walking street at 3, 4 , 5 in the morning to allmost Jontiem, and never once had a problem.

I can give a good a smile, if I want to any Thai, and say hello, if one treats anyone worldwide as second class citizens, they will treat you in kind.

This is a great website, I love it, but too many negatives jump in to condem whatever.

No dissrespect here, but if I move to LOS, IT WILL BE TO GET AWAY FROM MY OWN KIND !..........................................ROY

Roy you are exactly the type of tourist Thailand is trying to attract. You came for a few days and stayed for 5 weeks. You stayed in Hotels and spent money at the local attractions. You treated the locals well and had fun. You spent more money drinking at bars and enjoyed yourself. Pattaya is much safer than most western Countries and you certainly know how to have a good time, well done. :o



I'm with ya-Pattaya works for me-too much traffic in BKK and living with the buffalo aint gettin' it-cheaper than most reasonably civilized places-the night scene is there if you want it but easy to ignore if you dont-downside is that its a really small town after you've been here a while-perfer Phuket but its even smaller in terms of permanent residents-and we know how people love to talk


Pattaya is safe enough to walk around. Apart from the risk of falling down a hole in the pavement and breaking your neck, or having to walk in the road, because shops and restaurants block your path. :o

Pattaya is safe enough to walk around. Apart from the risk of falling down a hole in the pavement and breaking your neck, or having to walk in the road, because shops and restaurants block your path. :o

True ! I've come closer to being hurt/injured by the conditions of the sidewalks/roads than I have for any other reason.

I had thought about bringing my roller-blades on my trip in 2000, but decided it wasn't worth it due to the poor pavings. Nothing has improved since then. :D

I do find that the conditions can make it a fun challenge while walking from place to place. Dodging, swerving, hopping, sudden stops, twisting and weaving through the people/vendors/dogs and the conditions of the roads/sidewalks can make it a good workout !


I don't really care for Pattaya that much, but it seems safer than Fort Worth or Dallas.

The last time I was robbed in Pattaya was in 1973.

Anyone else go back to those days?



Thank's fellas, we are starting to aggree, Pattaya ain't that bad ! I live between Portsmouth and Southampton, yes the prosperous south ! last night in southampton 16 youths fighting with knives, one seriously injured and in hospital, stabbing up here big time ! Bournmouth the same !, would I walk round them at midnight or gone ,or after a football match with the wrong colour jumper................ no way.

I did not see one fight in Pattaya, tell a lie Thai boxing ! I saw no one spewing on the streets, why because people were having tooooooooooooooo good a time !

I met some drunk Thais at night walking home, a quick smile, a sawadi, or a thumbs up and they did the same back.

For all the negatives OUT THERE try going to Bogata, or Mexico city, you need two bodygaurds Pal.

Have fun where ever you travel, Pattaya I'LL BE BACK......................... rOY


Sounds to me as though you have a serious case of withdrawal symptoms Roy. :o

As for Pattaya it has gone downhill "trouble" wise both foreign and thai over the last 5 years or so.............seems to be more petty and not so petty crime about these days.

Above said still probably safer than the UK and i for one won't be moving anywhere else in the near future.

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