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Rejected at the airport with a valid visa!

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Dear readers. I want to explain what has happened to one of my friend 2 days ago at her arrival at Bangkok Airport.

Situation: She had a valid student visa, with a valid re-entry permit (issued at the immigration office in Bangkok, the date of the re-entry was of course not expired), she was coming back from 2 months in Europe.

Result: She was denied entry under the explanation that they do not accept anymore re-entry for student visa. As a remark, she had been student for less than 9 months (also it is not because it is more than 1 year stay, maximum possible extention as explained in few forums for a student visa now).

Going further and reading many blogs, including Thaivisa forums, my conclusion is that it IT IS NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE A VALID VISA THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ENTER THE COUNTRY!!!

I really want to stress out that all the information above are verified and true.

Also now, as i could read that many people seems to take for granted that if they have, for exemple, a tourist visa, they will be able to enter the territory at suvarnabhumi airport: answer: it will depend:

- If the immigration officer sees that they are few back to back TOURIS VISA (done in an embassy, 2 months plus one month extension possible (I am not talking about many back to back 30 days VISA EXEMPTION stamps which we all know now that the crackdown is effective)), then he can decide not to grant you access to the kingdom, as he will presume that you are not a really a tourist.

!! Please, if anyone already had this kind of misadventure at the airport with a tourist visa, please post, as it will greatly help our community.

As a conclusion, if you are really not working as you don't need to, if you can not (gays) or do not want to get married to a thai citizen, if you are less than 50 years old, you have NO SOLUTIONS to stay in the kingdom on a long term basis.

Unless if you would accept to spend 500,000 THB to purchase the Elite card named Thailand easy Access Menbership card. Which is supposed to give you 5 years multi entry visa, one year per one year IF THE IMMIGRATION OFFICER ACCEPT TO RENEW YOUR VISA. Also spending 500,000 THB with NO GUARANTY that this card will still exist tomorrow or that the immigration office will renew your one year visa during the 5 years of your membership.

Or you can also buy a 10 Million Baht NEW CONDO (it does not work with the second hand ones) and ask for an investor visa.

If any one would have more ideas, to help those who are now single, not working and less than 50 year old and constantly supporting Thai economies by spending here and for some having invested millions in condos here; i would really appreciate.

Or may for those in this case the simplest idea is to move and live somewhere else?

Thank you.

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I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

With best regards.

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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

Yes, she was REALLY studying and i totally agree with you that many people do use student visa just to stay. It was not her case. She loves Thailand, the people and wanted to speak the language fluently, read and write. She has been studying 3 hours per day, 20 days a month, during 8 months, and her goal was to get the Thai certificate diploma, which is a state exam. And what is a problem to take 2 months off to be back in her country when you have a re-entry permit?

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The problem is..... they might not her back in !!!

Yes it is possible, also we are already thinking to sell all our assets in thailand and move to another country. 5 thai citizens who had a good job with us unemployed, 50 millions out of the country. Less customers in the restaurants, as we are many in our situation. Good achievement, just because they think she was working illegally (can't they check the assets as a proof?? NO)

And yes i am not happy!

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I don't want to start a new topic about the Thailand Elite card, but...

Visa rules have been changing constantly for students, tourists, retirees or investors, leading to lots of worries and headaches for holders of such visas.

On the other hand, the Thailand Elite visa holders enjoy peace of mind since over 10 years... (I am on my third 5 years Thailand Elite visa).

So, for those how say "we don't know if this visa will still be there next year", I would reply "don't worry, it is there to stay".

Thanks, it is another solution we were keen to look at. We might do it. Thank you for your input.

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I don't want to start a new topic about the Thailand Elite card, but...

Visa rules have been changing constantly for students, tourists, retirees or investors, leading to lots of worries and headaches for holders of such visas.

On the other hand, the Thailand Elite visa holders enjoy peace of mind since over 10 years... (I am on my third 5 years Thailand Elite visa).

So, for those how say "we don't know if this visa will still be there next year", I would reply "don't worry, it is there to stay".

Thanks, it is another solution we were keen to look at. We might do it. Thank you for your input.
If you need some feedback or advice about the card, send a private message on the Facebook page (search for Thailand Elite Members). It is done by members themselves.

Personally I am a "long time tourist" in Thailand since 14 years.

I did learn the language (without ED visa), never worked or had a business here, still not married (argh), entered and exited the country countless times (I still travel a lot), and I am very happy about my own visa arrangements. It makes the enjoyment of Thailand much nicer :)

Edited by gerry1011
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My (ex) Thai girlfriend was on a tourist visa in Canada. Maybe I should also stress that she was rich and had plenty of funds.

She went on a "vacation" with me to Thailand. It was a 2 months vacation.

When we entered Canada, they pulled her. They did not want to let her in. After many phone calls to her immigration lawyer (she was waiting for a permanent residency) she was allowed to stay one week before being kicked out.... otherwise she would have been on the plane back that same day.

Just sayin'

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I don't want to start a new topic about the Thailand Elite card, but...

Visa rules have been changing constantly for students, tourists, retirees or investors, leading to lots of worries and headaches for holders of such visas.

On the other hand, the Thailand Elite visa holders enjoy peace of mind since over 10 years... (I am on my third 5 years Thailand Elite visa).

So, for those how say "we don't know if this visa will still be there next year", I would reply "don't worry, it is there to stay".

Thanks, it is another solution we were keen to look at. We might do it. Thank you for your input.
If you need some feedback or advice about the card, send a private message on the Facebook page (search for Thailand Elite Members). It is done by members themselves.

Personally I am a "long time tourist" in Thailand since 14 years.

I did learn the language (without ED visa), never worked or had a business here, still not married (argh), entered and exited the country countless times (I still travel a lot), and I am very happy about my own visa arrangements. It makes the enjoyment of Thailand much nicer smile.png

Thanks i will!

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Can you please inform us as to her nationality?

Yes, she has a vietnamese passport and granted to live in Europe 20 years ago.
Thanks. Mostly curiosity on my part. This happened to 2 students at the language school I study at. Both non white, non westerners. It would be really great if official guidelines were issued regarding "coming and going" on ED visas........ Edited by inbangkok
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Can you please inform us as to her nationality?

Yes, she has a vietnamese passport and granted to live in Europe 20 years ago.
Thanks. Mostly curiosity on my part. This happened to 2 students at the language school I study at. Both non white, non westerners. It would be really great if official guidelines were issued regarding "coming and going" on ED visas........

Yes it would be nice! But i doubt it will happen one day :( Also good luck to all, just be aware that, never the less you have a valid visa you can be REJECTED at any kind of border, obviously depending of the country of your passport but also of what is already inside :)

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Can you please inform us as to her nationality?

Yes, she has a vietnamese passport and granted to live in Europe 20 years ago.
Thanks. Mostly curiosity on my part. This happened to 2 students at the language school I study at. Both non white, non westerners. It would be really great if official guidelines were issued regarding "coming and going" on ED visas........

Yes and the bit that says ''I am serious about my study, but I'm off school for 2 months'' really needs to be made clearer

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I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

With best regards.

If I read your post correctly you are saying that your friend was not allowed into Thailand because the IO refused to accept her re-entry permit. If she had a re-entry permit presumably she did not have a visa but an extension of stay. You then say "Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA...". What is your reason for making that statement? Education visa requirements have recently changed, while your friend was 'on holiday', but she was on an extension of stay, not a visa so maybe she can apply for a new ED visa, in a neighbouring country, and then return to Thailand. As for a 'crack down' on tourist visas, well that rumour has been proved to be untrue, at least at the moment.

Yes, she had a valid visa, a student visa. Each visa, needs a re-entry permit if you would quit the country during your visa period, in order not to be cancelled, in order for you to be able to re-enter the country on your current still not expired visa.

Yes the rules have changed for student visas and she had to pick up the new papers from her school to extend it for 3 months more. But this will not happen, as she has been refused the entry to the territory. And as a result her visa is dead.

An additional interesting point, yet not said above is that, even so Vietnamese people have the right to enter the country, like europeans or americans, for 30 days, with an Exempted Visa stamp, she would not be able to use this solution. Why? Just because her student visa was still valid!! Also, if she would not have stayed, on her arrival card, that she had a visa, she would have been admitted for a 30 days visa on arrival. After talking with the immigration officials, they said yes, it would have been no problem if her student visa was "Mot Ayu" meaning expired. As a result she had to take a flight to Vietnam. When people make rules, unclear, changing, depending on the officer you talk with, may be on his mood, or his nice or disastrous night, then all this shit can happen. And we will not be the only one, i guess that this forum will be busy in the coming weeks.

Yes, we could try a new student visa, with the new rules. We even might get it at an embassy. But we will never know if, at arrival, we would not be refused the entry of the territory.

It is why, posts like this are important, as it shows the exact actions of immigration, in real time. Also all, please post your experience. It helps a lot.

Thanks you.

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"On the other hand, the Thailand Elite visa holders enjoy peace of mind since over 10 years... (I am on my third 5 years Thailand Elite visa)

So, for those how say "we don't know if this visa will still be there next year", I would reply "don't worry, it is there to stay".

Sounds fine but if an IO can stop entry to a visitor with a valid visa, which has been reported on several posts, what is to stop one from refusing entry to an Elite Visa holder??

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My (ex) Thai girlfriend was on a tourist visa in Canada. Maybe I should also stress that she was rich and had plenty of funds.

She went on a "vacation" with me to Thailand. It was a 2 months vacation.

When we entered Canada, they pulled her. They did not want to let her in. After many phone calls to her immigration lawyer (she was waiting for a permanent residency) she was allowed to stay one week before being kicked out.... otherwise she would have been on the plane back that same day.

Just sayin'

Two things:

!) your post is off topic - the thread is about ED VISA re-entry to Thailand;

2) the situation which you describe is impossible under Immigration Canada regulations on several issues (eg one normally waits for "permanent residency" visa in one's home country unless they are a refugee; there is no re-entry on a Tourist Visa ( unless it is a multi); Tourists visa are usually not issued to persons waiting for "permanent residency" visa)

Just Sayin'

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I'm sorry it didn't worked out for your friend. It's quite outrageous, not to mention that Thai students got the longest break time in the world, nearing 3 month holidays! I can only sympathize with you now, but I'd have asked to talk to a superior at the immigration, asking him to show any policy that shows students can't take 2 months off in order to get a knowledgeable decision and prove you are serious about it.

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"An isolated incident, the details of which have been muddled and he's clearly promoting a one-sided agenda portraying himself and "friend" as victims."

The OP is a woman not a man.

I do find it hard to believe that your "friend" has invested 50 million baht in condos and cannot get a non B visa. There are many options besides tourist and ed visa for people who have money.

Also before you say that this is a crackdown, you might want to think that it was just bad luck. Personally, I don't believe all the particulars. I think that there was something else.

What kind of visa are you on and why didn't you have the same problem. Why weren't you hindered since you were traveling together.

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OP, you are confusing a visa with an extension of stay because of study.

These extensions have been reduced to 90 days in most cases.

I really believe her extension of stay ran out while she was out of the country.

Posting scans of the relevant PP pages and stamps would prove your accusations.

Barring that, I remain skeptical.

'nuff said

PS... Isn't renting out condos and collecting those rents working?


Edited by 'nuff said
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I think the part about a 2 month holiday from her studies was the straw that broke the immigration officers back.

She should have at least tried to be less obivious.

Who gives you the right to judge?! WE DO NOT NEED YOUR KINDS OF EXPATS HERE. GO HOME!

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