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Rejected at the airport with a valid visa!

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Dear Cram,

Seeing you state, "We have the right", remember you are a VISITOR in Thailand, all of your rights went out the window once you entered the Airport. They make the rules, whether they be right or wrong in our eyes, but after living here many years, I always say to myself, their country, their rules, live with them or leave. I have to laugh when I see post from "Visitors" saying, I'll take my money to another country, do you really think Thai Immigration cares about a few baht?? NOPE.

True but....if enough tourists say screw Thailand too much hassle. You'll see things change fast.
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Dear Cram,

Seeing you state, "We have the right", remember you are a VISITOR in Thailand, all of your rights went out the window once you entered the Airport. They make the rules, whether they be right or wrong in our eyes, but after living here many years, I always say to myself, their country, their rules, live with them or leave. I have to laugh when I see post from "Visitors" saying, I'll take my money to another country, do you really think Thai Immigration cares about a few baht?? NOPE.

True but....if enough tourists say screw Thailand too much hassle. You'll see things change fast.

True but...vast majority of tourists are genuine. Genuine tourists won't have any hassle to go through to enter Thailand. Only the non-tourist tourists who choose to stay in a country months after months would find it too much hassle.

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you dont have the 6 condos for living in,

you have them for rental purpose,

so you work here in Thailand,

so get your B visa and problem solved !!

no O B - that is the correct visa you should have,

Renting or other investment income is not working. it does not require and is not a basis for a non-imm B visa.

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If you doubt about the Elite card do you also doubt that your parents are your parents ? Ridiculous.

If you trust the Thai Elite Card - you may as well trust all things Thai, including a jet-ski operator. cheesy.gif

Ah ah :)

You can't resist bashing the Thailand Elite card, right?

Posters of this forum have predicted all types of things about the Thailand Elite program and none of these predictions have ever materialized.

I am on my third 5 years Elite visa. The fourth will be next... Then the fifth... Then the sixth...

For those of you who worry about how to stay in Thailand, consider the Elite card. Have a look at their website. It's not free, but it is the best way to enjoy trouble free long (or very long) stays in Thailand.

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I am on an Education visa and will be leaving Thailand for two-weeks' holiday in Myanmar at the end of October. My Thai language school informed me that you are not allowed to be out of the country for more than 30 days when on a Ed visa. More than that invalidates the re-entry. Could that have been the issue? From your original post, it doesn't seem that way, but I just thought I'd throw that in. Anyway, I've got my re-entry permit and will see how it goes.

Now this really concerns me because my niece, who is in a degree program at Mahidol, is conducting field work for her thesis in Cambodia and will have been out of the country more than a a month doing so. All as part of her education. Are you saying this invalidates her re-entry visa and she will not be let back into the country???

Perhaps a letter from university would help, although formal study in first place is different than going to a Thai language school.

Also, when "refused" at the airport, it's possible to appeal, although I understand most people do not want to do that, to avoid being detained.

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All these questions about visas and border runs Etta drive me crazy, reading between the lines on nearly all of them. They are trying to beat the ( ridiculously complicated and at times obsurd). system. Why can't people just play the game, get the correct visa and abide by the rules, it's far easier than breaking the rules and then trying to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves

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All these questions about visas and border runs Etta drive me crazy, reading between the lines on nearly all of them. They are trying to beat the ( ridiculously complicated and at times obsurd). system. Why can't people just play the game, get the correct visa and abide by the rules, it's far easier than breaking the rules and then trying to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves

Because they think Thailand is a 3rd world country and they think they are so much better than the Thai people....

Some fat American clicked his fingers at the bar staff in the bar I was in tonight, Do you know how ignorant that is ? Bit like thinking you are above the system.

There is nothing complicate or obsurd about the Thai visa system, don't like it ? F OFF

Edited by bertty
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All these questions about visas and border runs Etta drive me crazy, reading between the lines on nearly all of them. They are trying to beat the ( ridiculously complicated and at times obsurd). system. Why can't people just play the game, get the correct visa and abide by the rules, it's far easier than breaking the rules and then trying to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves

OP's friend had the "correct visa". The rest is insinuation and attack by the usual people.

She probably didn't have a visa. But an extension of stay

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Last 4 pages and OP disappears.

So if they say you can't enter Thailand. How does that work?

Do you get on next plane?

Must br shocking coming ready to relax and have to go back home.

OP. You say you have a restaurant and 5 condos and that you have a right to live here

i'm thinking if you use that attitude at the immigration they're not gonna let you in

i wouldn't let you in

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I am sorry for your friend and what they had to go through at Swampy. I am one of those 'club members' (see below). But I have to say that I have a feeling that there is more to this story. Though the Immigration Officer has the right to use their own discretion, they are NOT the final word. One can always ask to see a supervisor. Through not many folks take this course as it might, I stress might, require you to be "detained" in a back office at Swampy. Then there is always the "Appeal" road you can go down if all else fails. But it has been my experience that the former though takes a bit of time, in the end will be work out if only to get rid of you and allow the officer to get on with whatever they were not doing.

However, I am going to have to agree with most of the posters here on TV... It was the 2-month 'vacation' your friend took. No language school give their students that much time off from classes. But it does look like she had an Extension of Stay and not a visa. But how do we know. It could also have been her inability to speak enough Thai to satisfy the officer... or there could have been a myriad of things that just failed to work out and even a mistake on the part of the officer themselves (not unheard of and so correctable)

Again I am sorry for your friend, and it is a horrible thing to have to go through. I went through it in Samara (Russia) when I was told that my Russian Embassy (in Switzerland) issued visa was invalid. I sat for 4 hours in the cold on a bench just outside next to the Taxiway. I also went through it at Swampy 2 years ago. I was being denied re-entry on a Re-Entry Permit (long story but all legit and I followed all the rules) Both times I was finally I was allowed in ... there were no explanations, very few discussions, and no issues. They just wanted to get rid of me and wanted to 'shut me up' I dare say.

As for the Elite Card... if you can afford it... get it. Works just fine.

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you dont have the 6 condos for living in,

you have them for rental purpose,

so you work here in Thailand,

so get your B visa and problem solved !!

no O B - that is the correct visa you should have,

Renting or other investment income is not working. it does not require and is not a basis for a non-imm B visa.

So you are saying that the Thai tax people don't want their cut of this income produced in Thailand?

That sounds, at the least, uncharacteristic.

'nuff said


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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

On your last paragraph here is the situation: We do not need to work, we have money. We invested in 6 condos in Bangkok, none are new so investment visa of 10 million can not apply, we are not 50, also we can not retire, we can not marry as we are gays and even so we would be married inout country, it will not be accepted by immigration as a Spouse Visa when one of us will become 50, and obviously NO, you can not study ( i mean you can, but no more on a long ter student visa). I agree with you that people are abusing the system. We are not. And we brought money in this country and everyday spending money from abroad in this country. We are the victims of the new regulation.

Sorry but based upon your last line, you have to know that you have no more rights in the this country than any of us on a Tourist Visa, Marriage Visa, Ed Visa, or any of the others. Being Gay, invested in 6 Condos, fluent in Thai, or under 50 does nothing for you either. You are still a Farang... period... and so in the same 'boat' as all of us these days as well as historically.

Things are changing with regards to the Visa issues in this country. Some say that it a long time in coming. Others are fearful (usually for themselves). Then there are those that just do not want the hassle of it all and Cambodia is easier (like the now "old days" here in LOS). Oh the government is saying that all is fine and that they are working to "make things better". But only time will tell if anything that they are now doing will last. But the rules are what they are and we all have to play along. I know, I know, why should we "play along" but hell this is not our country and so we sort of have to.

Though, as I have said elsewhere, that I am sorry to hear about your friend at Swampy, and though I will take what you have reported as the complete story (?) there were ways for her to fight the findings/discretion of the immigration officer. Difficult and time consuming yes, but as you said elsewhere that you "were there" she would not have been alone and your language skills and financial pull could have been put to good use.

As for being "victims"... really? I do not think so. They just got things wrong and lives are not over. It can all be fixed, if one is ready and willing to put in the effort. "Victims" rarely do.

I am just saying....

Edited by iamariva1957
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I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

With best regards.

dont make excuses for someone. "Your friend" is not on an education visa for education.
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My (ex) Thai girlfriend was on a tourist visa in Canada. Maybe I should also stress that she was rich and had plenty of funds.

She went on a "vacation" with me to Thailand. It was a 2 months vacation.

When we entered Canada, they pulled her. They did not want to let her in. After many phone calls to her immigration lawyer (she was waiting for a permanent residency) she was allowed to stay one week before being kicked out.... otherwise she would have been on the plane back that same day.

Just sayin'

Two things:

!) your post is off topic - the thread is about ED VISA re-entry to Thailand;

2) the situation which you describe is impossible under Immigration Canada regulations on several issues (eg one normally waits for "permanent residency" visa in one's home country unless they are a refugee; there is no re-entry on a Tourist Visa ( unless it is a multi); Tourists visa are usually not issued to persons waiting for "permanent residency" visa)

Just Sayin'

It is a little of topic, but not much. Also, you are wrong.

She was on a study permit in Canada. She travelled with me 2 for months. She got denied entry into Canada.

What is so surprising about OP post? Nothing really. Immigration officer can refuse entry for any reason.

Not that I agree with this decision, but it is what it is.

OP may think it is not because of 2 month absence, but it is exactly because of that,

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maybe some one can help me, i have a 60 day double entry visa obtained in Australia at the Thai embassy in Melbourne it expires on the 21st October what do i need to do ,do i need to leave the kingdom by air or can i do it at the border ,and do i need paper work as when i first applied, any help would be helpful.

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You need to leave the country (by land or air) and enter another country before returning to Thailand the same day. No docuemnts are required besides your passport.

You would need a visa for the other country you will be entereing, which you can get at the border.

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thanks for that, i thought just crossing the border and back was a visa run which is now stopped, also when do i need to do this?

You can get a 30 day extension at immigration of your 60 day entry before needing to use your 2nd entry.

You should plan on doing the border run the day before your permit to stay ends or the enter before date on your visa. You can do it on that date but best to allow a day in case of delay.

It is only visa exempt entries that are being restricted. There has been a lot of confusion because of people incorrectly calling exempt entries a tourist visa.

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thanks for that, i thought just crossing the border and back was a visa run which is now stopped, also when do i need to do this?

You have a valid visa so no problem to reenter.

Agencies like us, from Bangkok, or other companies from Pattaya take you to the border.

Process is usually done within a hour.

As of 1st October cost of Cambodian Visa will go up,expect topay around THB2,300.- for a Visa Run in October.

You can extend your initial 60 day stay at Thai Immigration for THB1,900.-, than do the visa run, but double check the ENTER BEFORE date on the visa.

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Jut because you want to live in Thailand doesn't mean you can, and buying condos without qualifying for a visa other than a education or tourist isn't the smartest thing to do. I am here on a retirment visa and wouldn't buy a property just because of the actions of the government over the last few months as well as the fact nothing is ever for sure in Thailand.

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All these questions about visas and border runs Etta drive me crazy, reading between the lines on nearly all of them. They are trying to beat the ( ridiculously complicated and at times obsurd). system. Why can't people just play the game, get the correct visa and abide by the rules, it's far easier than breaking the rules and then trying to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves

Because they think Thailand is a 3rd world country and they think they are so much better than the Thai people....

Some fat American clicked his fingers at the bar staff in the bar I was in tonight, Do you know how ignorant that is ? Bit like thinking you are above the system.

There is nothing complicate or obsurd about the Thai visa system, don't like it ? F OFF

Ahh, bertty hits the proverbial nail on the head. Thank you bertty! And if your judgments are like this, please let them flow freely :-)

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Can you please inform us as to her nationality?

Yes, she has a vietnamese passport and granted to live in Europe 20 years ago.
Thanks. Mostly curiosity on my part. This happened to 2 students at the language school I study at. Both non white, non westerners. It would be really great if official guidelines were issued regarding "coming and going" on ED visas........

Yes and the bit that says ''I am serious about my study, but I'm off school for 2 months'' really needs to be made clearer

Why? Kids are off school here in Thailand for nearly 4 months in a year!

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Thanks. Mostly curiosity on my part. This happened to 2 students at the language school I study at. Both non white, non westerners. It would be really great if official guidelines were issued regarding "coming and going" on ED visas........

Yes and the bit that says ''I am serious about my study, but I'm off school for 2 months'' really needs to be made clearer

Why? Kids are off school here in Thailand for nearly 4 months in a year!

But kids at school in Thailand are not using their education as a loop hole to get a visa.

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foreign students studying in the UK must meet minimum attendance on the course criteria, if they dont turn up for class for two months they may well find thier student visa cancelled.

i dont know if this is the case in thailand but it should be to stop visa abusers who make things difficult for the vast number of people who understand and follow the visa rules.

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Kids in school do 6-8 hours 7 days a week, strange to try to compare that with someone doing 2 hours twice a week.

try to work out the average holidays ... say 7 hours 7 days a week and 2 hours twice a week,,,, my guess would be the 2x2 would on average be somewhat more than the 7x7.

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