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An escape to fantasy land


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Hawaii or CM. DEFINETLY. No comparisons, Hawaii wins hands down million times over... It's cleaner and that's just for starters...

But, each to our own....

Strange as my friend comes to Cm from Hawaii twice a year for 3 or 4 months and is extremely disappointed that he can't live here all year round !

Like I said, "Each to there own".... Glad they think that way..

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Suradtit69- You come across as a tired,bitter,unhappy old man who seemingly derives a sort of sick pleasure in pointing out mistakes of posters. Yes, an exodus to Chiang Mai as defined by Websters Dictionary to mean emigrate or to leave one's place of abode or country for life or residence elsewhere. GET A LIFE.

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The pollution (vehicle and burn season) is really the main thing that is murdering Chiang Mai and stopping it from being a perfect location.

Can't imagine the elderly enjoying the horrible air quality here, especially come burn season.

If you want to see how bad it is, head up Doi Suthep at sunrise and look at the thick layer of crud above the city on any given day. It's awful unless it recently rained. Reminds me of LA in the 80s and early 90s.

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I have spent the last 17-years living in a pretty dry climate (Rocky Mountain region, USA) and I only like the rain at night. IF I was younger (20's, 30's) I could see great freedom in CM and wondrous culture with an open mind, and I won't judge if you don't judge when it comes to the bar scene and whatever else you are into. If you want to drink at noon with bar girl, I really don't care at all. It's not my business. CM is very cheap, and it's nice that the most important aspects of security (food and lodging) is very cheap here. I also don't mind the language, and it's pretty easy to get "lost" in CM compared to other parts of the world. It's also nice to have a feeling of being away from a parallel reality, exploring life and culture in a relatively unique way (compared to history).

It's very, very simple actually. After 1-year, ask yourself "Are you happier here?" Oh, "Yes", then stay. Oh, "No", then try another place. We all know the difference between difficult (traffic, pollution, etc..) and not fun (miserable, must leave, depressed, etc..). nobody is forcing anyone to stay and be miserable. life is short. enjoy it.

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Doi Saket is the capital...

Come on guys get with it...

If your friend really wants to live here why doesn't he? Watch what they do not what they say...

He probably really enjoys his Hawaii and CM part time living...anyone from Hawaii would not put up with the smoky season...he would be thinking "where in the hell are my trade winds?"


Why would he say he want's to live here if he didn't ? by the way, he has commitments in Hawaii thus he has to be their a proportion of the year !

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"Just wondering, now that Chiang Mai has once again made the list of top ten retirement countries in the world"

Please tell me what is the capital of Chiang Mai?

Never was good in geography.

I realize that CM is not a country but to better help with your needed geography lesson, CM city is the capital of CM providence, is it not?

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For those folks who are a little slow I better spell it out for them so they can better comprend the salient points. Thailand, and more specifically Chiang Mai within Thailand, was ranked in the top ten of countries to retire in. Hope this clears up any confusion.

Yes, we understand this and anyone can move to Chang Mai so what is the issue?

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"Just wondering, now that Chiang Mai has once again made the list of top ten retirement countries in the world"

Please tell me what is the capital of Chiang Mai?

Never was good in geography.

I realize that CM is not a country but to better help with your needed geography lesson, CM city is the capital of CM providence, is it not?

Yes it is. Changwat Chiang Mai.

From an historical perspective Chiang Mai was the capital of Lanna T'ai until 1874 when sovereignty was lost to the central government in Bangkok.

A Siamese royal commissioner was appointed whose task it was to oversee local administration.

That was the end of Lanna T'ai's autonomy; but the beginning of its history as an important part of Siam, then modern Thailand.

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