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What Did You Do On The Weekend?


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I did something really exciting..........

I went to coffeeworld and eat a sandwich!!!!

Oh and I almost forgot, I also had an iced coffee!

Maybe next weekend I will do it again but then try a different location.....



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Bkkmadness...Quite a Virtual Dust Up between the two of you!

An awaful (sic) state of affairs.

Interesting to see the old Thai pecking order being taken on board by Farangland.

Bargirl vs. Oh not for me, Sir!

Bangkok vs. Village

Patters vs. YeGodsNotThatPlace!

Bug eaters vs. Bu**er Off!!

(endless list scrolls by...)

But the site is all the better for it!

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it's a bit worrying the regarding the amount of bored farangs in thailand on a weekend..!

i'm moving there in just over a year and thats my greatest fear boredom..! :o

my sat wasn't exactly exciting but i was content, :D .....woke up had a lovely coffee and croissant at my fav cafe in Belfast by the river, took my new born son for a walk with my wife around the city shopping then had a barbecue for family and friends with plenty of yummy seafood and chilled white wine.....sat around chatting until it was time for bed....pretty chilled actually, the weather here has been great for about a month now...bit of heat wave...

i just fear i will miss the simple things here....being able to walk to the shops /cafe etc without choking of pollution or sweating my pants off.....chilling watching tv in english etc....the freedom the undertand everything around me in my own language, friends and family close by....cheap flights to great cities and europe....

i wonder sometimes why am i going thailand ??

and judging by the bored posts, im beginning to worry.....

tell me im making the right move..lol.. :D

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I was in Jakarta on Satuday and sat by the pool in the hotel, met a friend for coffee and took her out to dinner at a great Chinese Place in Kuningan, flirted with her outrageously and dropped her off, before heading to BATS (those who know, know!) and ended up at home at 3am.

Flew back to Bangers on Sunday. Messed around on the Mac and started the process of loading all my favourite tracks onto iTunes.

Went for a couple of sherberts onSunday evening, and so to bed.

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Went for a curry with friends on Friday, then on Saturday..... went to the library, got the dry cleaning and just chilled for the day while my wife was out at a friend's garden party. Watched a couple of films in the evening.

Sunday, finished off a rugby coaching course in 35 degree heat. Full contact, tore my legs and arms to ribbons. Then had my 5 year-old grandson over to stay the night. Outstanding!

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Ok guys. I'm bored and thought i'd start a new thread but couldnt really think of any. So i came up with this one. So shoot me if you think its shit. Firstly this is not... I'm better than you thread. You are a saddo no mates thread(cause he stayed home). This is just what the title says. What did you do on the weekend?

Personally i went to Singapore on Thursday to Sunday to see some friends. We drank and ate so much all weekend. Also when they working me and the wife just chilled out. So no big deal. What did you do? In Thailand or wherever!

Weekend? I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing since one day is pretty much like the next here. Went out for a few beers and some pool night before last tho.

Was that tuesday then? Oh sorry, no I guess it was monday :o

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Weekend? I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing since one day is pretty much like the next here. Went out for a few beers and some pool night before last tho.

Was that tuesday then? Oh sorry, no I guess it was monday :D

On a perpetual holiday there sbk? :o

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Weekend? I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing since one day is pretty much like the next here. Went out for a few beers and some pool night before last tho.

Was that tuesday then? Oh sorry, no I guess it was monday :D

On a perpetual holiday there sbk? :o

Don't I wish :D

Nope, but my life isn't structured around days of the week, saturday is no different than tuesday or thursday. Only know what day it is when bills are due :D

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Well I spent the whole weekend drinking magners cider, soaking up the beautiful British summer sun with my best mate from Thailand who had come to visit me over the weekend - it was almost like being back in Thailand :o

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Spent the weekend digging a 9 foot by 6 foot by 3 foot hole in the d4nmed heat. Sunday everning struggled with a pool liner and then spent a few hours filling the bugger up with water.

Next weekend I have to put in pond plants and build a waterfall (with the earth removed from said hole and a cheap water pump) and the weekend after fish and snails go in. Oh, its a garden pond.

Also looking forward to digging another bloody hole as we seem to have sprung a leak and have water pouring out of the wall into the garden from the foundations! :o

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I'll be doing my share of that soon. I have to dig under the house, make a stream and another small pond in the center of the yard. I hope it will be as beautiul in reality as it seems in the wife's plans. I've got to get my guest room built in the back first, then it's to the shovels. It's our work in progress. My wife and I have been putting this together for 3 years now. Our carport will be done in about 8 days, Yee ha!!!! I think that I've got every weekend that I'll be home planned for the next 3 years.

Spent the weekend digging a 9 foot by 6 foot by 3 foot hole in the d4nmed heat. Sunday everning struggled with a pool liner and then spent a few hours filling the bugger up with water.

Next weekend I have to put in pond plants and build a waterfall (with the earth removed from said hole and a cheap water pump) and the weekend after fish and snails go in. Oh, its a garden pond.

Also looking forward to digging another bloody hole as we seem to have sprung a leak and have water pouring out of the wall into the garden from the foundations! :o



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Went to the pub on friday and was waiting to be served at the bar. These 2 women where having a slanging match, when one of them threw a glass of beer over the other woman. Unfortunately for me, the other woman was quick and ducked. I got covered :o The lunatics boyfriend then got hold of her, as she was going histerical at this woman.

Doormen came in and just saw the boyfriend holding her. They got hold of him and launched him out, even though he was protesting his innocense. This left the lunatic to throw another beer of the woman (by which stage i had retreated :D ) and she got covered. The doormen returned and threw the said lunatic out.

Saturday was a quiet one in comparison. :D

You can't beat the Rochdale ladies for that touch of class.... :D


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Last weekend I got really pissed on friday night with friends, had to wake up a 5AM to go to work, still felt drunk when I woke up and felt like crap all day selling crap.

Sunday I was selling more crap and was still tires from friday night (signs of getting old I think)

This weekend I will probaly repeat above

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Went to the pub on friday and was waiting to be served at the bar. These 2 women where having a slanging match, when one of them threw a glass of beer over the other woman. Unfortunately for me, the other woman was quick and ducked. I got covered :o The lunatics boyfriend then got hold of her, as she was going histerical at this woman.

Doormen came in and just saw the boyfriend holding her. They got hold of him and launched him out, even though he was protesting his innocense. This left the lunatic to throw another beer of the woman (by which stage i had retreated :D ) and she got covered. The doormen returned and threw the said lunatic out.

Saturday was a quiet one in comparison. :D

You can't beat the Rochdale ladies for that touch of class.... :D


I've never seen her in there before, Scouse. I think she was an "out of towner" :D

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Saw the nice house and garden some posts back.

No digging for me!

Starting organising new part of family firm.

Wongsa Neo Thai.

This part designs and builds custom houses.

All conducted in English language. No Thai talking.

Started website. Waiting call from Thai Chamber of Commerce regarding promotion.

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Relaxed by the pool with a good book , few bottles of wine and a little BJ.

Well now how does painting the outside of the house sound.! keeps you out of trouble until 6pm when I'm told I turn into a alcoholic :o


Pianno Man , Uptown Girl fantastic.

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