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British backpacker arrested for suspected murder of fellow Britons at Koh Tao


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update on thai pbs shows 2 sets of dna found and also 2 seperate weapons used. now clear more than one attacker involved


There are 5 stages to extracting a DNA profile and each step takes anything between a few hours and a few days. Almost impossible for all 5 steps to be taking the shortest of time.

Then after that it can take several weeks to compare two samples because the code is so vast that they have to line up a part of a string against the entire code of the second sample. To think they have been able to do all of this extraction and matching in a day is quite frankly ridiculous.

So just another case of Thai media boll*x.

I have now discounted ALL media information and 'so called' police quotes as figments of the imagination because it is all contradictory hearsay.

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Why should the police be responsible for the actions of adults? They are required when the adults throw tantrums. Unfortunately adult tantrums result in a bit more than tears.

.Let me spell it out for you. Westerners only behave in this manner in Thailand because the Thais do nothing to prevent it. In fact they encourage it. A case in point is Hadrin. There you will see people rooting at the steps of cactus bar. If you did this in Australia, you'd be arrested instantly... but not here. Because there is an aire of anything goes, anything does indeed generally go. This is the Thais fault for allowing it. I get a bit annoyed when I hear Thais being judgemental of the farang idiots at the FMP... if you don't like their behaviour, don't let them do it... the laws are in place to stop indecency, and public nudity,,, but no, it's all ok here. They can't do it at home, so if they are told not to do it here, they are sure to understand. BUT NO, they allow it , they encourage it, and then it makes the whole place slovenly, dangerous, bawdy and ugly

Seriously? You must have a different travel agent than most.

The presence of uniformed police acts as a deterrent to those contemplating crimes. It works. That's why you see them on every street corner in Melbourne CBD. On the islands, they are nearly all undercover with the sole intention of catching someone in the act and making money on the side. I'm sorry that I had to point this out to you. You must come from a Forrest Gump style world, where naivety and trust reign supreme. It surprises me that some people here still maintain trust and faith in people they don't know. In Thailand you trust very few people, and if you don't realize this, then you are very vulnerable. I am not sure what your travel agent remark applies to, I am a business man. A successful one who pretty well thinks in Thai. So without sounding pompous, I can assure you that I am right.

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What the article doesn't mention is the fact that the lad returned to the island as he'd seen the news suspecting him. He was not arrested, he went to them. I just looked at the CCTV footage and the person the police say they are looking for from the CCTV (apparently he walked past the crimes scene at 4 in the morning quite a few times) is clearly not this lad. The person on the CCTV has long black (or dark) hair and looks local rather than European. The mobile phone had blond hair on it. This lad has very short dark hair. It seems to me that he presented himself for an interview and the local plod have assumed his guilt. I'm not buying into this at all.

I think we need to be careful about hair colour in CCTV images. I'm sure that someone could give the technical reasons if they haven't already. I remember doing some part time security work back around 2000 and the B/W video always showed cars looking the wrong colour. Dark looked light and light looked dark and some weird ones in between.

In the 60s there was a UK police series called Z Cars in black and white where the cars were yellow so they looked white on screen.

I remember Z Cars! I also remember the snooker commentator telling us Davies was going for the brown and for those watching in black & white, the brown was the ball behind the blue... No Kimamey, the person on the CCTV was quite obviously not the lad with the police he has a totally different body type and long, straight hair (whether that be blonde or black, it's so different that confusion is not possible)

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Why should the police be responsible for the actions of adults? They are required when the adults throw tantrums. Unfortunately adult tantrums result in a bit more than tears.

.Let me spell it out for you. Westerners only behave in this manner in Thailand because the Thais do nothing to prevent it. In fact they encourage it. A case in point is Hadrin. There you will see people rooting at the steps of cactus bar. If you did this in Australia, you'd be arrested instantly... but not here. Because there is an aire of anything goes, anything does indeed generally go. This is the Thais fault for allowing it. I get a bit annoyed when I hear Thais being judgemental of the farang idiots at the FMP... if you don't like their behaviour, don't let them do it... the laws are in place to stop indecency, and public nudity,,, but no, it's all ok here. They can't do it at home, so if they are told not to do it here, they are sure to understand. BUT NO, they allow it , they encourage it, and then it makes the whole place slovenly, dangerous, bawdy and ugly

They are not responsible for there actions, unless their actions are illegal... which they usually are, public indecency, nudity lewd behaviour willful damage etc, and then it is their duty to arrest them.... Do you not think that 2 raped and dead people on a public well touristed beach does not rate "tantrum" status? I think you should get out more.

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How many times has it happened in Koh Phangan, girls getting raped or even killed. And im pretty sure the majority are Thai's commiting those crimes.

I can't believe theres not even ONE thai suspect.

Have to disagree with you on this one, considering the bulk of the people that are on these Islands are Foreign Tourists.

Have you been there to see how many actual Thais live and work there ? Even in Koh Tao, a lot of the workers are migrant workers from Mynanmar or Malaysia.

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It would be very convenient if a fellow Brit could be found guilty as then Thailand would remain a safe place to visit except for the occasional deranged Brit.

The British foreign Office seems to think a British visitor to Thailand is 17x more likely to be murdered than that same person visiting any other country.

(Gleaned from the info, 10% of British citizens murdered overseas happen in Thailand, but Thailand only accounts for 0.6% of British overseas travel)

When asked why this information was not made public, an official said, it would have an unfair effect on Thai business interests.

The <deleted> place is <deleted> deadly.

Jack Cole and April Jones, Krabi, couple of years ago. They nearly bought the farm too.

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update on thai pbs shows 2 sets of dna found and also 2 seperate weapons used. now clear more than one attacker involved


There are 5 stages to extracting a DNA profile and each step takes anything between a few hours and a few days. Almost impossible for all 5 steps to be taking the shortest of time.

Then after that it can take several weeks to compare two samples because the code is so vast that they have to line up a part of a string against the entire code of the second sample. To think they have been able to do all of this extraction and matching in a day is quite frankly ridiculous.

So just another case of Thai media boll*x.

I have now discounted ALL media information and 'so called' police quotes as figments of the imagination because it is all contradictory hearsay.

I dont know if its any different but paternity dna test u get results in 2 days in good lAb
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update on thai pbs shows 2 sets of dna found and also 2 seperate weapons used. now clear more than one attacker involved


There are 5 stages to extracting a DNA profile and each step takes anything between a few hours and a few days. Almost impossible for all 5 steps to be taking the shortest of time.

Then after that it can take several weeks to compare two samples because the code is so vast that they have to line up a part of a string against the entire code of the second sample. To think they have been able to do all of this extraction and matching in a day is quite frankly ridiculous.

So just another case of Thai media boll*x.

I have now discounted ALL media information and 'so called' police quotes as figments of the imagination because it is all contradictory hearsay.

Really, this DNA Forensic Scientist says around 60hrs as standard......


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Yes, I think they would care a lot considering this Chris is a lifelong friend of their son who will in fact be a friend of the family.

So yes, I think at this moment in time they care very much who the actual killer is, and even more so if they are starting to get an inkling that if it was indeed a local, that the police are not going to be motivated to bring their son/daughter's murderer to trial for the sake of tourist revenue.

The case, as presented thus far, against Chris Ware doesn't sound too convincing. The police initially let him go after questioning, as they presumably thought the Burmese were a slam dunk as the murderers, and only came back to him when that theory didn't work out.

Let's look at the circumstantial evidence the police are going on:

1. He left Koh Tao quickly. But we don't know his reason for that. Maybe after such a harrowing experience as losing his friend to a horrible murder and being questioned by some unsubtle Thai police who could hardly speak English he just wanted to get away. Maybe he had already planned to leave then.

2. He has a strange looking horizontal scab on his right hand in one of the pictures. We don't know his explanation for that. Maybe he cut it on a rock while diving. It is too low down to be from a punch thrown by him and injuries sustained defending oneself in fights are more likely on the front of the hands as they are put up to protect the face or body.

3. He was said to have been seen strolling near the scene before or after the murder. But they had all been partying, so going for a stroll by the sea to get some fresh air before going to bed is not unusual.

Some of this sounds not too good but the overall picture so far leaves a lot of room for reasonable doubt. Now let's see what seems against the police theory.

1. The commander of the the Phang Na police came out with a completely half baked a theory that Ware and Miller were homosexual lovers and that Ware murdered Miller and Witheridge in a fit of jealousy. Perhaps Ware is gay but Miller had a girlfriend back home and was presumably attracted to Witheridge. That he was bi and in a relationship with Ware seems a big stretch. Also Ware and Miller were apparently sharing a room with Ware's brother in the hotel. So perhaps the policemen imagined the three of them were having gay sex with occasional breaks to pot pretty young tourist girls that came their way. This theory just seems to be libellous nonsense that should be dealt with via a criminal defamation suit.

2. Miller and Ware were long-term friends from home. Friends do get into drunken arguments but, unless, Ware was paranoid schizophrenic, it is hard to imagine him brutally murdering his best friend and a virtually complete stranger as a result of a drunken argument.

3. A garden hoe would not be most farangs' weapon of choice, although one might pick one up in desperation to defend oneself or in a fit of rage. SE Asians from the countryside are much more likely to have used them to kill animals or seen them used to kill animals. Granted the hoe might just have been left on the beach or a farang might have spotted it in a hotel garden during the daytime and made a mental note of it as a potentially useful piece of equipment. But some one working around there would be more likely to know where to find it and what could be done with it.

I rest my case here, until more evidence comes to light.

Very Dogmatic if I may say so.

I don’t believe one solitary thing, regarding this British guy (his friend) did anything other than scarper under pressure. WTFeck is all this about them being both raped by him as well? Nobody comes on holiday murders his mate, rapes the girlfriend, and then seemingly heads back to get a flight back home. This is a huge cover-up operation and the way things are going ‘somebody better spill the beans’ cause there is going to be enormous pressure to find the murderous Bastards who done this and personally don’t believe it was single assailant. This case stinks to high hell !!!

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About 'bikinis' aso, the Siamese women were not wearing any bra, not hiding their breast at all, till some Buddhist 'integrist' newcomers succeeded in introducing a, new, craze of (fake, unnatural) 'modesty' rules, during the reign of H. M. King Rama III (until today I have not been able to find one single expert in Buddhist scripture able to find any kind of legitimation for it). I would be very disappointed when it would be true that Gen Prayuth would have been expressing such kind of a comment. I know there is an 'army'(!?) of several millions(!) of Thais, here and more so abroad, 'following' a bunch of true nutcases, power hungry, loony, integrist 'monks', even having their own TV channel, telling tales full of magic and superstition, 'able' to 'explain' all of their believers past and future, ...as long as they are good 'contributors'. But when the strong man of Thailand, the head of the NCPO, and Thai PM, would prove to be 'inclined' or in need to follow their, weird, fantasies, it would for sure create a dangerous precedent, which would rather weaken than strengthen the message of the new leaders of the Thai nation, IMO that is.

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I really wish when something like this happens they'd immediately invite the British to rush some of their best people to aid in the investigation.

If nothing else it would show concern, and also prove transparency in the investigation.

does Britain invite foreign police to help with the investigation of a foreigners murder?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What a twist. It will be interesting to see if they really have their killer or ae just tryin make a foreigner guilty to save their tourism. Good they were able to track down a single tourist and make an arrest however leaving the island (quickly) does not mean running from the scene of a crime

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

As a US native I can tell you that when the words Military Junta are mentioned, Farangs will almost unfailingly chose another destination. Nothing against the NCPO but those two words have received such a negative and dangerous connotation from their application(s) in the past in different countries and on different continents...

Likewise, the recent treatment of Farang English teachers making the visa runs they must because of dishonest schools not following through on what they claim they do, coupled with the recent announcement of free Visas for the Chinese has sent a clear message to Farang tourists. The use of the phrase National Security Risk in connection with those very same Farang teachers will also help any westerners who were undecided about Thailand chose another destination.

It was too much for me. Instead of teaching Thais English, I will be training sled dogs in Norway. I really do not like the cold. But warmth can, and will, be measured in more ways than just temperature. Just no way around that. Until some positive signals start appearing, all we have is negative ones to go on. And the funny thing is the positive signals evaporate very quickly compared to the decay rate of negative ones.

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Sad to see so many posters here taking the opportunity to bash Thailand from any angle, the police, the news reports, the investigation, perhaps the most remarkable one was where a poster wished that the UK police had been asked to investigate, how arrogant is that!

And for the poster who asked the question, should we demand the same penalty for a farang murderer as a local one, no, the penalty should be increased because the assumed educational levels are higher in the UK than in Thailand, a Brit murderer really would have had every opportunity to learn that what he had doing was wrong.

Never in my life have I seen a dumb post like this one but then again you yourself mentioned education.

I'll second that... insane post that defies logic ......

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I really wish when something like this happens they'd immediately invite the British to rush some of their best people to aid in the investigation.

If nothing else it would show concern, and also prove transparency in the investigation.

does Britain invite foreign police to help with the investigation of a foreigners murder?

No not at all .. Why, because they're probably the most experienced Police in the world .... hope that answers your question .......

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Perhaps they've got the results but are still no closer to knowing who did this or at least the results didn't go to script. It's all looking very awkward for the BIB whichever way you slice it.

"Dr Pornchai said he expected results of DNA tests on the two victims would be known by Thursday afternoon."

One thing I never understand in these types of cases here, is that the crime scene is never sealed off for forensics, just a few hours after and there are all sorts of people all over the crime scene.

Been to some? Seen what happens? Or just a casual observation from pictures in the press?

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Let's hope there's more genuine evidence than ' seen strolling near the scene ', I presume if it's him he was strolling before and not after the crime.

They have found a bloodstain on his clothes but wasn't he already interviewed and allowed to go and the stain wasn't seen then ?

I'm not saying he's innocent but the BIB get everything arse for elbow and it raises doubt especially when told from the very top to get it solved ' yesterday '.

He is the one they wanted to talk to but couldn't as he had disappeared on the first ferry out after the murders had taken place.

Was it just a coincidence he left in a hurry or was he fleeing the scene............You decided

YOU seem to have already decided, how do you know he did not already have a ferry ticket to leave when he did, that doesn't make him a murderer, wait for DNA facts before you hang him please (trust it to be a Scot to 'find' an Englishman guilty)

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What a twist. It will be interesting to see if they really have their killer or ae just tryin make a foreigner guilty to save their tourism. Good they were able to track down a single tourist and make an arrest however leaving the island (quickly) does not mean running from the scene of a crime

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

As a US native I can tell you that when the words Military Junta are mentioned, Farangs will almost unfailingly chose another destination. Nothing against the NCPO but those two words have received such a negative and dangerous connotation from their application(s) in the past in different countries and on different continents...

Likewise, the recent treatment of Farang English teachers making the visa runs they must because of dishonest schools not following through on what they claim they do, coupled with the recent announcement of free Visas for the Chinese has sent a clear message to Farang tourists. The use of the phrase National Security Risk in connection with those very same Farang teachers will also help any westerners who were undecided about Thailand chose another destination.

It was too much for me. Instead of teaching Thais English, I will be training sled dogs in Norway. I really do not like the cold. But warmth can, and will, be measured in more ways than just temperature. Just no way around that. Until some positive signals start appearing, all we have is negative ones to go on. And the funny thing is the positive signals evaporate very quickly compared to the decay rate of negative ones.

Sorry but as you say you are a US native I feel I should ignore all travel advice given by you. (Nice way of saying something)

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Asians dont have blond hairs.

They do when they dye it, you really need to get out more and take a look around the shopping malls all over Thailand, there you will see plenty of Thai females with blonde hair..

Yeh but its easy to determine dyed or natural. But got ur point
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Perhaps they've got the results but are still no closer to knowing who did this or at least the results didn't go to script. It's all looking very awkward for the BIB whichever way you slice it.

"Dr Pornchai said he expected results of DNA tests on the two victims would be known by Thursday afternoon."

One thing I never understand in these types of cases here, is that the crime scene is never sealed off for forensics, just a few hours after and there are all sorts of people all over the crime scene.

Been to some? Seen what happens? Or just a casual observation from pictures in the press?

Your having a laugh mate criticising this bloke cause he's BANG -ON and is part of the course for these Mickey Mouse investigations as we've seen over the years in murder/suicide scenes albeit in video format or pointy finger pictures ................

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update on thai pbs shows 2 sets of dna found and also 2 seperate weapons used. now clear more than one attacker involved

because the code is so vast that they have to line up a part of a string against the entire code of the second sample.

Actually they only require 13 markers (FBI requirements for accuracy) and not the entire code. Most of the very long times you hear about is due to backlogs and reviews. Even if put on the front burner it can take 2-3 days unless taking shortcuts by reducing the number of markers to get a preliminary result, plus with blood more basic tests (non-DNA) can be done to quickly eliminate some suspects. There are systems being developed to do it in 90 minutes to 4 hours but obviously not available here or widely available anywhere.

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I can see some people hoping here that the killer turns out to be a non-farang

When it's a Farang, or a migrant, let him get the full load! But, when it's a Thai, why should it be wiped under the RTP's carpet? Pride, face, 'Thais don't do that', negative image for tourism, money...? Sorry, Lukecan, all utter BS, but oh sooo common and frequent here, maybe you're lucky enough not to be aware of it, and, trust me, it, always, comes 'from high up', to a point that many a criminal police officer I personally know get deeply demotivated, truth and evidence are of no count, 'how much you can give me' is how the higher echelon solves the case (when not 'unfortunately' mediatised like here, big waste of money for the Tao, Pha Ngan and Surat coppers this one...)

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update on thai pbs shows 2 sets of dna found and also 2 seperate weapons used. now clear more than one attacker involved


There are 5 stages to extracting a DNA profile and each step takes anything between a few hours and a few days. Almost impossible for all 5 steps to be taking the shortest of time.

Then after that it can take several weeks to compare two samples because the code is so vast that they have to line up a part of a string against the entire code of the second sample. To think they have been able to do all of this extraction and matching in a day is quite frankly ridiculous.

So just another case of Thai media boll*x.

I have now discounted ALL media information and 'so called' police quotes as figments of the imagination because it is all contradictory hearsay.

Really, this DNA Forensic Scientist says around 60hrs as standard......


If you read it properly he said that was in a simple and straightforward case with good sample, and that is 60 hours not counting the fact that those are each process time and not including the fact that the anylist actually does not work 60 hour shifts so that will actually take a week

Then take into account that this is just the extraction process to get the finished tag.. They have to repeat the process again for sample from victim (or evidence) and sample from the suspect and any other parties involved and here we have at least three.

What it does not take into account is the actual matching, and that can literally take weeks. They only use a small portion of a massive DNA tag and then have to match it up with the entire other tag which is so huge it is mindblowing.

So I think I am being accurate when I say that it can take weeks and even months to make the match or to rule out with 100% accuracy that there is no match.

The other poster who said paternity tests take 2 days to publish the results.... I think you will find that is not DNA, that is simple genetic testing, I think they match cromozones. DNA is 99.999% exclusive to a single person, you won't find anything of my dad in my DNA, it is exclusively mine.

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Perhaps they've got the results but are still no closer to knowing who did this or at least the results didn't go to script. It's all looking very awkward for the BIB whichever way you slice it.

"Dr Pornchai said he expected results of DNA tests on the two victims would be known by Thursday afternoon."

One thing I never understand in these types of cases here, is that the crime scene is never sealed off for forensics, just a few hours after and there are all sorts of people all over the crime scene.

Been to some? Seen what happens? Or just a casual observation from pictures in the press?

Your having a laugh mate criticising this bloke cause he's BANG -ON and is part of the course for these Mickey Mouse investigations as we've seen over the years in murder/suicide scenes albeit in video format or pointy finger pictures ................

Not a laugh. Why pose a question on totally unfounded evidence? Similar to what he is accusing the authorities of.

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What is taking so long with these DNA tests.?? They should only take 90 minutes!

90 minutes?

Are you getting confused with a blood match?

DNA profiling can take up to 2 weeks.

The world has the technology now. Very expensive machines in California. I'm betting Thai forensics shipped it out somewhere that has these machines.


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Perhaps they've got the results but are still no closer to knowing who did this or at least the results didn't go to script. It's all looking very awkward for the BIB whichever way you slice it.

"Dr Pornchai said he expected results of DNA tests on the two victims would be known by Thursday afternoon."

One thing I never understand in these types of cases here, is that the crime scene is never sealed off for forensics, just a few hours after and there are all sorts of people all over the crime scene.

Been to some? Seen what happens? Or just a casual observation from pictures in the press?

Your having a laugh mate criticising this bloke cause he's BANG -ON and is part of the course for these Mickey Mouse investigations as we've seen over the years in murder/suicide scenes albeit in video format or pointy finger pictures ................

Bangon is what's needed in this country before it loses the last bit of itself. Actually it's the name I use in 'the other paper', but they've become 'shy' (biased?) and lately trash 9/10 of my posts, long live TV where opinions can be freely expressed!

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