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Koh Tao seeks budget to install CCTVs, lighting for higher security


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Koh Tao seeks budget to install CCTVs, lighting for higher security

SURAT THANI, 19 September 2014 (NNT) – The mayor of Koh Tao has requested a budget for the procurement of CCTV cameras and additional street lamps as part of a measure to increase tourist safety following the recent murder on the island.

Koh Tao Mayor Chaiyan Thurasakul disclosed that he has submitted a letter to the Surat Thani provincial administration, asking for an allocation of 20 million baht for putting up CCTVs and extra lighting around the island. The move seeks to deter any future crimes in the famous tourist destination in response to last week’s killing of two British vacationers.

The mayor affirmed that local villagers and business operators on the island have always been looking out for crimes and watching over tourists and a violent incident never happened until recently. He admitted the murder has greatly tarnished the image of Koh Tao in the eyes of foreigners and thus urged the media to focus on the facts and avoid exacerbating the situation.

Following days of rigorous investigations, mystery continues to surround the death of two Britons, identified as David Miller and Hannah Wetheridge. Several individuals were previously suspected of involvement but have all been let go after DNA tests indicated otherwise.

-- NNT 2014-09-19 footer_n.gif

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If the murder island wants to convince potential future tourists that they are safe they should make sure that all inhabitants, in particular all members of the three influential families compare their DNA with that of the perps. And without cheating.

Otherwise the suspicion will remain that the murderer/s is/are still there, waiting for the next victims.

Edited by sweatalot
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If the murder island wants to convince potential future tourists that they are safe they should make sure that all inhabitants, in particular all members of the three influential families compare their DNA with that of the perps. And without cheating.

Otherwise the suspicion will remain that the murderer/s is/are still there, waiting for the next victims.

If the murder island ?

How ridiculous can you get ? Have you ever been here ? Would you call for the same for every murder back where you live ?

Crime here thankfully is very rare and is mostly opportunistic theft.

I have lived and travelled all over Thailand for over 10 years and never once felt threatened or been the victim of any crime.

10 Months living in South London and 6 people tried to mug me on the way home from work.

Tourists will still come to this beautiful island regardless of scaremongering people like you as they realise that crime happens everywhere.

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I don't know how much this is going to help. The police have completely botched the murder investigation, and their stubbornness to nail it on a foreigner was a big part of that. Can anybody really believe that they have any integrity left in this matter? Some people will be offered up as the sacrificial lambs in hopes of resolving the situation, but we'll all be extremely suspicious that the real perpetrators remain at loose.

The way they handled the investigation should give potential tourists very good reason to reconsider. If a similar fate befalls one of your travel companions, you could very likely be the accused and might just find that there's damning evidence in your luggage, intended or not.

Edited by waynethor
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Ah, knew some money towards local gov would pop up eventually, with appropriate tea money of course. Pattaya should be lit up like an operating considering amount of crime that goes on here. Here's an idea: have cops out and about, creating a presence? Training them how to conduct an investigation. Lights great idea, but what about the other 99.9% of beaches in Thailand?

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Why only Koh Tao? by the same logic, a popular tourist destination "wins" those security measures

only after of when a terrible crime has happened there?

Why not install those CCTV's in all Major tourist spots where there is high volumes of tourist about?

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