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Any Spiritual Seekers Lurking Here?

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I've certainly enjoyed all your comments. Alas, I fear I am no closer to a solution than ever before.

I despise certainty, which is why most religions turn me off. So perhaps there is no solution to my problem. Either accept what someone else says as true (believe in their certainty), or ... what?

Well, anyway ...

Just take another big 'ol hit offa that bong & you'll be all right...

Don't bogart the bong, my friend. :o

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We're all living in a universe that's located inside a tiny particle of an atom at the end of somebody's thumbnail. And one day, that somebody's going to slip with a hammer and nail.


I've been on a spiritual journey for 18 years.

What is the meaning of life? I don't have a clue, and I don't trust anyone that claims to.

Bible< Koran ect, great guides to living life< for the masses

Prayer and meditation, yes everyday.

Go to prostitutes, you bet, I belive if the great teachers were here today, they would judge us not on what some percieve as sin, but on how we treat people, do I treat them with dignity and respect, do I pay them fairly?

I treat religion like a buffet, go to them, take what I like or need. Just remember all religions are influenced by man, I was a catholic ,altar boy, and while they have some good things, find that it was a wonderful way for them to control people, and a lot of it has nothing to do with God.

Stop and think about it, we were taught by women who belived they were married to Jesus. If the church were not so powerful they would have been put in the looney bin.

Priests were not allowed to marry, if we study history do we find an early Pope was gay?

Me thinks we were sold a bill of goods by control freaks.

This post makes me feel good.

And don't forget if you touch yourself there you will go blind. :o



You've brought up a subject that I've also noticed over the years of spiritual meandering: When it comes to organised religion, why are there so many structures in place designed to control and manipulate? Catholics have 'em. muslims have 'em (they're not called priests, they're called clerics, as if there was a real difference!).

I, too, have grown quite suspicious of such control mechanisms, which don't seem to have much to do with God and everything to do with power and influence over the masses.

I am also quite suspicious of anyone who is too certain. Why shouldn't be allowed to experience "truth" for ourselves?

I think one of the reasons why the churches have emptied out in the West is because more than a few people have become uncomfortable with the control mechanisms. I also think most people are still spiritual, by nature, but are more willing to explore their own spirituality rather than have it handed to them on a 'take this and eat' platter.

How to account for the often-cited survey about how 95 percent of Americans say they believe in God?


I've certainly enjoyed all your comments. Alas, I fear I am no closer to a solution than ever before.

I despise certainty, which is why most religions turn me off. So perhaps there is no solution to my problem. Either accept what someone else says as true (believe in their certainty), or ... what?

Well, anyway ...

Start your own religion ... then you make the rules. Virgins, sacrifice, tithing, Rolls Royces, sounds like a good thing. :o

And don't forget if you touch yourself there you will go blind. :o

That's what a priest once told me. I replied that i would stop as soon as i wear glasses.



  And don't forget if you touch yourself there you will go blind. :o

That's what a priest once told me. I replied that i would stop as soon as i wear glasses.

Adjan jb~

Get back to the "Pit" and answer those questions! :D

Should I go back to the Catholic Church and try to make a confession of the past twenty years of living the low life? Do I really have to try to estimate the number of people I've slept with over the past 40 years? Should I include the priests who abused me when I was a lowly altar boy?

Where have you been? They're sueing the #&@*# out of the catholic church here in the U.S. for knowingly keeping abusive priests in the church. Go find a good lawyer. The $$$$$$ might make you feel better. If that doesn't work, go to the round church. that way, the devil can't corner you.


If you go back to the catholic church and confess for whatever, they will give you pennance (spelling?) I have found among healthy minded spiritual people, that sincerly trying to not commit the same offence again, is the true path to enlightenment.

You could go back to the catholic church with an attorney, and help them make a financial amends to you, that would help them to become a better church :D

On this journey I have also achived wisdom, and wisdom to me is the knowledge that I really don't know anything. :o

what a choise of words: lurking !!!



You have to admit that "Lurking" is the most appropriate term to use when one does not want to join the fray. It must take some tremendous strength not to post one's opinion when there's so many crackpot ideas being floated here. :D

what a choise of words: lurking !!!


I admit !

in fact I was just curious and desided to look at top 10 posting members and then got carried away and gone through most of 172 pages of members list....

so I started from the last page flipping back but I couldn't finish my research - stoped on page 120 may be... it takes too long

so the fact is - there were still all the "newbies" there - actually even those who never posted any single post. many of them were registered for several years.....

well, that makes u very much right: many are "lurking" ! :D or feel shy or afraid or whatever their reason might be....





I found reading a few books by Ajahn Sumedho,an american who was ordained as theravadin bhikkhu in thailand in 1966 great help,it really helped me get over the Thailand blues when back in the UK.Being away from your loved ones isnt easy,many times i would be up all night thinking of Thailand & my TGF & her little girl.These books have helped me relax & understand the situation a little bit more.




I found reading a few books by Ajahn Sumedho,an american who was ordained as theravadin bhikkhu in thailand in 1966 great help,it really helped me get over the Thailand blues when back in the UK.Being away from your loved ones isnt easy,many times i would be up all night thinking of Thailand & my TGF & her little girl.These books have helped me relax & understand the situation a little bit more.


What I find works for me when I've got them 'ol Thailand Blues again Mama is to get myself down to a Thai restaurant in whatever city I'm in. Works every time. A good chat with the Thai or in some cases Lao waitresses and a few plates of that terrific Thai food does wonders.

There's loads of Thai restaurants in the UK now - especially in the big cities up in Scotland and in the Smoke.

Good luck! :o

Boon Mee


Hi Boon Mee,

Im quiet lucky that i have a few Thai friends here in the UK.

But its those moments of a night that were the worse just after coming back.

But thats all in the past now,no more panic attacks.. :o

Hi Boon Mee,

Im quiet lucky that i have a few Thai friends here in the UK.

But its those moments of a night that were the worse just after coming back.

But thats all in the past now,no more panic attacks.. :o

Hang in there, 32x! :D


If there is an anwser, in my humbme opinion, it is, "Live, live, live, live simple with high tinking and know that this is the game of life. Like all games, they come to an end. So enjoy, and keep in mind the golden mean while you have that third cocktail."



You folks have been enormously helpful. it's good to know that when it comes to cluelessness, I'm not alone ...

I've heard the Thorazine Sisters provide a right good time. Could anyone verify that?

My only conclusion thus far: God is not a real estate developer. More than that, I dare not assert.

You folks have been enormously helpful. it's good to know that when it comes to cluelessness, I'm not alone ...

I've heard the Thorazine Sisters provide a right good time. Could anyone verify that?

My only conclusion thus far: God is not a real estate developer. More than that, I dare not assert.


Now, now, don't think we haven't tried to assist you in your time of need. If you do feel the need medicate yourself then no worries, Mate! In Thailand you don't need a "scrip" to buy most drugs... :o

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