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Terrified Briton flees Koh Tao after 'mafia' death threat

Jonathan Fairfield

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BANGKOK —Thailand’s new police chief has brushed off media reports that there is "mafia" network on the resort island in Southern Thailand where two British tourists were murdered last week.

He must have a different definition of "Mafia" to the rest of Thailand.

And Thailand has a different definition of mafia to the rest of the world. Why does everyone continue to refer to this loosely organized group/gang that lacks true organization, structure and code as mafia? Italian, Russian, Albanian, Triad, Yakuza, Mexican...This is mafia.

It is not loosely organized.It may be loosely connected, but it is rigidly organized. It walks the very halls of society.

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BANGKOK —Thailand’s new police chief has brushed off media reports that there is "mafia" network on the resort island in Southern Thailand where two British tourists were murdered last week.

He must have a different definition of "Mafia" to the rest of Thailand.

And Thailand has a different definition of mafia to the rest of the world. Why does everyone continue to refer to this loosely organized group/gang that lacks true organization, structure and code as mafia? Italian, Russian, Albanian, Triad, Yakuza, Mexican...This is mafia.

It is not loosely organized.It may be loosely connected, but it is rigidly organized. It walks the very halls of society.

"rigidly organized"... Are you saying there is a hierarchical structure?

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BANGKOK —Thailand’s new police chief has brushed off media reports that there is "mafia" network on the resort island in Southern Thailand where two British tourists were murdered last week.

He must have a different definition of "Mafia" to the rest of Thailand.

And Thailand has a different definition of mafia to the rest of the world. Why does everyone continue to refer to this loosely organized group/gang that lacks true organization, structure and code as mafia? Italian, Russian, Albanian, Triad, Yakuza, Mexican...This is mafia.

It is not loosely organized.It may be loosely connected, but it is rigidly organized. It walks the very halls of society.

Definitely NOT loosely connected but connected by blood which we

all know, is stronger than water! So pretty sure, the son would never

ever stitch up his father or uncle.

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mojorison, on 24 Sept 2014 - 02:39, said:snapback.png

traviss, on 24 Sept 2014 - 02:34, said:snapback.png

Chang_paarp, on 23 Sept 2014 - 02:25, said:snapback.png


BANGKOK —Thailand’s new police chief has brushed off media reports that there is "mafia" network on the resort island in Southern Thailand where two British tourists were murdered last week.

He must have a different definition of "Mafia" to the rest of Thailand.

And Thailand has a different definition of mafia to the rest of the world. Why does everyone continue to refer to this loosely organized group/gang that lacks true organization, structure and code as mafia? Italian, Russian, Albanian, Triad, Yakuza, Mexican...This is mafia.

It is not loosely organized.It may be loosely connected, but it is rigidly organized. It walks the very halls of society.

Definitely NOT loosely connected but connected by blood which we
all know, is stronger than water! So pretty sure, the son would never
ever stitch up his father or uncle.

Mojorison, please explain the meaning of "stitch up". Thanks...

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Definitely NOT loosely connected but connected by blood which we

all know, is stronger than water! So pretty sure, the son would never

ever stitch up his father or uncle.

Mojorison, please explain the meaning of "stitch up". Thanks...

I didn't write "stitch up".that was the next post @traviss. My comments were in regard to crime in Thailand. But this is not the time or place to discuss it. There is a lot of info out there in the etherspace, you just need to search. (oh and have a good non-logging VPN...thumbsup.gif )

Edited by mojorison
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Oh and for those who claimed he was so drunk that he passed out then all of a sudden he was able to wake up and leg it, still drunker than a monkeys uncle, how come his frantic texts were almost perfect ?

Last time I was as drunk as described by others here, when I was sending texts, they were like the writing of Johnny aged 3, and didn't make sense either, not only that trying to see the phone itself was a challenge on its own.. yeah yeah yeah I know all about predictive text, but those who have been smashed out their faces will know where I'm coming from when it comes to being in control of your fingers, mind and keypad all at the same time, when you're swaying like a palm tree in the wind!!

If he was able to use his phone and text like it was an everyday thing, whilst out of his nut, on whatever and pised out his brain at the same time, then he's a LOT smarter than a good few posters here!!!!

Fat Haggis...keep writing...you make more sense than the majority on this thread.

Drunker than a monkeys uncle! I like that...akin to, 'like a pigs orphan'...this whole chaotic and fantastically irrational thread is strewn with entertaining b****x, but laughable.

But just my opinion as a consumer...

PS Pissed is pissed...not pised, unless you're drinker than a minkeys incle...respect!

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Corruption is so ingrained in the culture of Thailand and many other south east asian countries, it will never be eradicated .

Unless dare i say it a Pol Pot moment.


Police forces in the European Union have made more than 1,000 arrests in their biggest-ever co-ordinated crackdown on organised crime.

Pol Pot? More like pot calling kettle black...

Off topic, but should be said!

Edited by ParadiseLost
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Has anyone wondered why Sean ran that night? He was drinking in a public bar apparently it was the bar that hannah and david were last seen? I find it strange that he would be back in that bar... there is also photo floating round of him drinking in it another night since the murder

Sean wouldn't have been drinking on his own? If he was approached by the three men in the Bar and they sat him down at a table and started questioning him about what he knew, he claims they said "you did this" "you will die tonight" "we will watch you hang" And so he said he got up and just ran and that's when they followed in to the 24/7 shop?

I wouldn't run straight out the bar ...surely you would tell someone who you were with what was going?, One of his friends must of been watching this conversation taking place? and they would go with you? or contact the police straight away. The bar wouldn't have been empty so there would be witness's to what was going on if a scuffle had broken out in the bar and surely people would have stepped in?

Something isn't adding up, i can't put my finger on it but it's just not making sense.

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Definitely NOT loosely connected but connected by blood which we

all know, is stronger than water! So pretty sure, the son would never

ever stitch up his father or uncle.

Stronger than a Thai police interrogation?

We'll see ....

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So they're still trying to pin it on a foreigner.

I don't see why the new Prime Minister doesn't send the army into this lawless place and audit everyone who lives there to weed out the seemingly endemic corruption.

Martial law is still in effect isn't it ?

Who are these 5 families who are so important that even the prime minister can't touch them ?

i like this , but where did you get 5 important families from ???

Previously we were told that 3 powerful families "own" the island and its police, now you have found 2 more families, where did you learn this and can you please name them.

He is getting Koh Tao mixed up with New York

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Has anyone wondered why Sean ran that night? He was drinking in a public bar apparently it was the bar that hannah and david were last seen? I find it strange that he would be back in that bar... there is also photo floating round of him drinking in it another night since the murder

Sean wouldn't have been drinking on his own? If he was approached by the three men in the Bar and they sat him down at a table and started questioning him about what he knew, he claims they said "you did this" "you will die tonight" "we will watch you hang" And so he said he got up and just ran and that's when they followed in to the 24/7 shop?

I wouldn't run straight out the bar ...surely you would tell someone who you were with what was going?, One of his friends must of been watching this conversation taking place? and they would go with you? or contact the police straight away. The bar wouldn't have been empty so there would be witness's to what was going on if a scuffle had broken out in the bar and surely people would have stepped in?

Something isn't adding up, i can't put my finger on it but it's just not making sense.

Well the police have now conducted dna tests on the room he was staying in and the motorbike he was using.

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Without wishing to appear to "large it up" nor appear to be a "Thai Apologist", I was just wondering where you are with your conspiracy theories and courageous convictions of innocence and guilt?

Did the butler really do it in the drawing room with a gun or were most of the players actually barking, woof!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of ...


23 Sep 2014 - SEAN McANNA admitted possessing indecent images of children last year, it has emerged.

Good morning Graham,

maybe you start reading all the relevant threads before you post

Sure this has been on TV since the start of all this s**t. and been

discussed a hundred times already.

Edited by JoeLing
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Has anyone wondered why Sean ran that night? He was drinking in a public bar apparently it was the bar that hannah and david were last seen? I find it strange that he would be back in that bar... there is also photo floating round of him drinking in it another night since the murder

Sean wouldn't have been drinking on his own? If he was approached by the three men in the Bar and they sat him down at a table and started questioning him about what he knew, he claims they said "you did this" "you will die tonight" "we will watch you hang" And so he said he got up and just ran and that's when they followed in to the 24/7 shop?

I wouldn't run straight out the bar ...surely you would tell someone who you were with what was going?, One of his friends must of been watching this conversation taking place? and they would go with you? or contact the police straight away. The bar wouldn't have been empty so there would be witness's to what was going on if a scuffle had broken out in the bar and surely people would have stepped in?

Something isn't adding up, i can't put my finger on it but it's just not making sense.

You don't know Thai culture do you, Thais will never call or get involved with any other Thais business. Because unlike tourists they have to live there with no Human rights to fall back on . Vendettas go on for years in Thailand.

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Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of ...


23 Sep 2014 - SEAN McANNA admitted possessing indecent images of children last year, it has emerged.

Good morning Graham,

maybe you start reading all the relevant threads before you post

Sure this has been on TV since the start of all this s**t. and been

discussed a hundred times already.

Good morning joemonkey maybe I should do what I want and treat patronising sarcasm with the contempt it deserves

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  • 2 months later...

Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of ...


23 Sep 2014 - SEAN McANNA admitted possessing indecent images of children last year, it has emerged.

Good morning Graham,

maybe you start reading all the relevant threads before you post

Sure this has been on TV since the start of all this s**t. and been

discussed a hundred times already.

Good morning joemonkey maybe I should do what I want and treat patronising sarcasm with the contempt it deserves

Looks Like Sean McAnna has reinvented himself

He is now Gianni DeLupo type that in ya search bar on Face Book and you will find him.

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