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Spaying and neutering in Thailand?

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meatboy, on 27 Sept 2014 - 06:58, said:
MediaWatcher, on 27 Sept 2014 - 06:31, said:
iamariva1957, on 26 Sept 2014 - 19:10, said:iamariva1957, on 26 Sept 2014 - 19:10, said:iamariva1957, on 26 Sept 2014 - 19:10, said:

GET THE DOG NEUTERED. Besides a that breed of dog in Thailand I know is sort of a usual thing to see. But it escapes me how that could be good for a breed that is more at home along the Arctic Circle. But what do I know. But what I do know is there are too many dogs already in this country that do nothing more than make more dogs. Enough already!

it's NOT his dog, so he really can not have it "neutered," the only really option is to get dog "diapers", if available in Thailand, and next time tell his friends he can not dog sit.

no mw its not his dog so why did he write a full page on her.seems like he is the only one with any interest in the dog.

these are wonderfull dogs as i have one,but as iamariva states they are more at home in arctic conditions and they should have never been allowed to breed in this country in the first place.yet who would take any notice everybody does what they want to do and nobody can tell them different.ours is lucky,we are with him 24/7 and we do everything to help him enjoy life he is our boy.it breaks my heart to think there are many out there that are suffering badly and not only husky's so to the op.have some balls and get the dog spayed.

Following your advise could find him in legal trouble, not being the "owner" and stating he is only the dog sitter, the "owners" could press charges, like I said, would it be worth it. Does he "care" about her, maybe, but his whole article revolves around the bitch being on heat. As for Huskies and hot weather, go read this... http://www.siberrescue.com/huskyed5.html

i just read the the web.above and its so so so true,over the past few yrs.i have posted how intelligent,amazing in what he does and is so loving.

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Well, I have only myself to blame for letting this silliness get so far...especially with Meatboy. I'm actually embarrassed that I've just wasted so much time today acting like a petulant child on the third grade playground playing neener neener neener with a couple of the folks here.

There is an actual, factual, logical and legitimate answer to every one of Meatboy's points from his last post, but I am only willing to give time to the last one. My one year teaching visa expires in a few days, and I borrowed most of the money for my ticket home (with a 9 hour stopover in Dubai - cheapest ticket I could find, as it entails 36 hours travel time and two layovers) from a friend at home, and got the rest by eating a lot of ramen and living here practically rent free for quite a while, thanks to the kindness and compassion of the dog's owners.

So I will say La gorn krap and wish you all well......and leave you with what I hope is a helpful suggestion - I suggest that you check out the Siberian Husky Rescue of Florida, Inc. website - you can find some interesting information at www.siberrescue.com/huskyed5.html You might find it enlightening - I sure did, especially where Huskys (Huskies?) and heat are concerned..........(hint: I always wondered why our Husky absolutely loves to lie out in the middle of our driveway at midday on hot, sunny days!)

Blessings to you all - Michael

P.S. I will delete any further posts on this subject without opening them - so take a deep breath, relax, and go play with your dog!

Contrary to any article from a publication by and for people who want to justify owning huskies in a tropical climate like FL--huskies are not hot weather dogs and can suffer heat exhaustion and death if exercised heavily in hot weather.

Their coat is designed as insulation to keep cold weather out.

The problem with physical exertion is that the energy generated creates heat in dogs just like it does in humans. Mammals have a very narrow internal temperature range before death occurs. They regulate this temperature in a number of methods, one is by blood vessels near the skin that can be cooled by outside air. The thick coat of hair prevents that heat exchange from occurring. I suggest you put on your heavy Antarctic Foul Weather gear and go run around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

One only has to look at the coats of hair of wild animals that exist in tropical climates verse those that live in frigid climates to see what should be obvious to any thinking person.

The husky can live in a tropical climate as long as it is kept inside an A/C house and has plenty of fluids available. You will find that the husky will lay on cold tiles in that house or directly in front of a fan or A/C vent. It is not a pleasant life for a husky to live out its life in such circumstances first and foremost because a husky needs to run. It needs to run as much as it needs air to breathe. Perhaps you need to be a husky owner to understand how critical this need is.

Regardless your own opinion of the dogs owners, anyone who chooses to make a profit by breeding and selling huskies in thailand is a very selfish individual.

Best of luck in Seattle and I wish you would have been around here long enough to tell me some stories of you years as a Merchant Seaman.


so so true CC to write about them you must have experiance because what you say i can only think you must be a chinchok in true life living in our home.

plenty of water,loves to sleep in the down stairs shower room ALL TILED,at night in our bed in front of the AC and fan.

and as you say you need to be an owner to understand how critical this need is.

as me and mrs meat have no children we have committed our lives to looking after ours as long as we are alive.

have a good trip op.and if you ever come back to thailand come and meet my beloved, no not the wife but my dog.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just in case anyone is still following this thread:

Speyed female dogs have a lower incidence of mammary cancer (cf. unspeyed females).

They can't get pyometron, a truly disgusting and sometimes lethal condition.

And they don't attract all the local males,

which will smash windows, leap fences, and fight each other for a piece of the action.

The best dog is a neutered dog. AA

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Just in case anyone is still following this thread:

Speyed female dogs have a lower incidence of mammary cancer (cf. unspeyed females).

They can't get pyometron, a truly disgusting and sometimes lethal condition.

And they don't attract all the local males,

which will smash windows, leap fences, and fight each other for a piece of the action.

The best dog is a neutered dog. AA

yep i will second that,its almost 3yrs.since we had ours done,he is an absolute gentleman,he doesnt even give the cats a second look.ours is known not to bark much but people thinks he's dumb like his owner.

meatboy 7.40am.sober.

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  • 6 months later...

OP is a nub. Glad he has left the country.

Dogs with heavy coats will be very uncomfortable in Thailand - I would recommend not encouraging that trend. Short hair dogs for everyone... Spay and neuter or don't - but you are responsible for your own dog.

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OP is a nub. Glad he has left the country.

Dogs with heavy coats will be very uncomfortable in Thailand - I would recommend not encouraging that trend. Short hair dogs for everyone... Spay and neuter or don't - but you are responsible for your own dog.

i hate to think [mind you i know] what would have happened to ours if we had not took him.with him having a double coat and temps.40+ i spend most of the day trying to make him comfortable[fans outside] aircon inside.at night he sleeps with us although i go to bed with him around 7pm.as he knows the aircon has been on earlier.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just in case anyone is still following this thread:

Speyed female dogs have a lower incidence of mammary cancer (cf. unspeyed females).

They can't get pyometron, a truly disgusting and sometimes lethal condition.

And they don't attract all the local males,

which will smash windows, leap fences, and fight each other for a piece of the action.

The best dog is a neutered dog. AA

Unless you are intending to breed I can think of no reason NOT TO sterilise your dog. A sterilised dog is generally a healthier dog.

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Just in case anyone is still following this thread:

Speyed female dogs have a lower incidence of mammary cancer (cf. unspeyed females).

They can't get pyometron, a truly disgusting and sometimes lethal condition.

And they don't attract all the local males,

which will smash windows, leap fences, and fight each other for a piece of the action.

The best dog is a neutered dog. AA

Unless you are intending to breed I can think of no reason NOT TO sterilise your dog. A sterilised dog is generally a healthier dog.

Actually I can think of several reasons why NOT to spay/neuter before a dog is mentally and physically matured:


A truly responsible dog-owner makes sure his/her dog or bitch can not put unwanted puppies in this world ever, and will not spay/neuter for his/her own convenience.

For stray dogs it is a different story, naturally. As the mating can not be properly controlled, early spaying/neutering is indicated.

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Just in case anyone is still following this thread:

Speyed female dogs have a lower incidence of mammary cancer (cf. unspeyed females).

They can't get pyometron, a truly disgusting and sometimes lethal condition.

And they don't attract all the local males,

which will smash windows, leap fences, and fight each other for a piece of the action.

The best dog is a neutered dog. AA

Unless you are intending to breed I can think of no reason NOT TO sterilise your dog. A sterilised dog is generally a healthier dog.

Actually I can think of several reasons why NOT to spay/neuter before a dog is mentally and physically matured:


A truly responsible dog-owner makes sure his/her dog or bitch can not put unwanted puppies in this world ever, and will not spay/neuter for his/her own convenience.

For stray dogs it is a different story, naturally. As the mating can not be properly controlled, early spaying/neutering is indicated.

Have and always will sterilize my dogs. Any bad effects are far outweighed by the good. Most rescue centers will not release dogs to new owners without sterilization. They cannot be wrong. People do not sterilize just for their own convenience. They do it for the dog, their neighbours, the community they live in to ensure no unwanted pups.

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