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Partner tested before no condom...


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I always have protected sex with untested partners or with those whom I am not sure of their current status regarding STDs. I must add that many among my older friends and acquaintances here just don't care and are barebacking their partners (even prostitutes) as often as they can, thinking that at their (relative) advanced age, condoms are more an annoyance than a protection.

Alas, it seems that they can very easily found partners who don't mind having this kind of risky sexual intercourse with them in this country, thus, everybody should be aware that a significant percentage of the population might have caught something nasty because of their lack of safe sex knowledge and/or because of their negligent attitude.

It is not negligent, it is criminal.I here blokes bragging about riding bb,how much do they pass on.I call them what they are,and move on.

I was also speaking about how negligent their (Thai female) partners may be in not insisting to have protected sex with them.

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Hands up anybody know a Thai bloke that covers up.Mmm,i thought so.

I know at least one: one of my Thai neighbours. His wife found condoms one day in one of his pants' pocket and she was not exactly happy, to say the least! She was cheated of course, but at least, my neighbour was having protected sex with the 'mia noi' or with other women, as it seems.

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I had a friend living with an absolutely stunning Thai girl for two years when she started losing a lot of weight and got very sick. He had her tested for everything and finally found out she had HIV. He told me he had been having unprotected sex with her twice a day virtually every day since they were together. Needless to say he was devastated; he was tested for HIV and waited for the results. Unbelievably he tested negative! He was retested again, negative. He subsequently was tested every four months for the next two years with the same results, negative. Maybe he is one of these people that are resistant to catching the virus or the other possibly, HIV is more difficult to transmit than it is being portrayed. This experience left me really confused, back then I thought one time with someone infected and I was assured to contract the disease, suffer and die a quick death.

8 years of regular unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female gives you a 50% chance of catching HIV.

1 time is about 1 chance in 8,000.


Wow that is incredible information! I have never heard of this Cecil Adams is he a credible source? I have suspected that it is much more difficult to get HIV than is being portrayed by the medical community.

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I had a friend living with an absolutely stunning Thai girl for two years when she started losing a lot of weight and got very sick. He had her tested for everything and finally found out she had HIV. He told me he had been having unprotected sex with her twice a day virtually every day since they were together. Needless to say he was devastated; he was tested for HIV and waited for the results. Unbelievably he tested negative! He was retested again, negative. He subsequently was tested every four months for the next two years with the same results, negative. Maybe he is one of these people that are resistant to catching the virus or the other possibly, HIV is more difficult to transmit than it is being portrayed. This experience left me really confused, back then I thought one time with someone infected and I was assured to contract the disease, suffer and die a quick death.

8 years of regular unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female gives you a 50% chance of catching HIV.

1 time is about 1 chance in 8,000.


Wow that is incredible information! I have never heard of this Cecil Adams is he a credible source? I have suspected that it is much more difficult to get HIV than is being portrayed by the medical community.


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I had a friend living with an absolutely stunning Thai girl for two years when she started losing a lot of weight and got very sick. He had her tested for everything and finally found out she had HIV. He told me he had been having unprotected sex with her twice a day virtually every day since they were together. Needless to say he was devastated; he was tested for HIV and waited for the results. Unbelievably he tested negative! He was retested again, negative. He subsequently was tested every four months for the next two years with the same results, negative. Maybe he is one of these people that are resistant to catching the virus or the other possibly, HIV is more difficult to transmit than it is being portrayed. This experience left me really confused, back then I thought one time with someone infected and I was assured to contract the disease, suffer and die a quick death.

8 years of regular unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female gives you a 50% chance of catching HIV.

1 time is about 1 chance in 8,000.


Would you be willing to stake your life on those percentage figures? Because that is exactly what you would be doing.

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Sounds like the OP has barebacked the wrong girl and looking reassurances from other people who have been equally cavalier. unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeC.png Definetley better to go get checked than post on a forum.

Whilst HIV in Europe in still massively a gay disease the strain in Thailand is different and much easier to get through vaginal sex - http://www.justanswer.com/medical/2o71a-tell-know-hiv-strain-subtype-e.html

wow- we had to wait till post#18 before crap like this get posted.i expected it much earlier.

A sizable majority of HIV cases in Europe are in the MSM (men who have sex men) category. Due to ever increasing African immigration the amount of heterosexual cases is increasing it`s share but, on the whole, if someone in Europe has HIV they are more likely than not to be gay.

Can you point out what exactly is "crap" in my post?

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It is horrifying the cavalier attitudes of some men towards STD,s in Thailand,especially in this modern day and age, I remember accompanying a young RAMC Officer as he did a sick parade short arm inspection, on talking to a young soldier, he asked the soldier what was wrong , the soldier replied got Gonorrhea Sir!! how do you know for certain asked the officer the reply was, Had it 5 Times before sir, thasad to see attitudes have not changedt was in the early 60,s before Pattaya was invented

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1. Meet in the grocery store (Lotus). A. Best section raw meat department. a. For chubby ladies - bakery department.

2. Best pick up line - How about lunch at MK?

3. Condo decorations that seem to work. a. Put extra large condoms on bedroom table. b. Life size photos of Hello Kitty land on walls.

4. What to talk about after? Tell friends you have taken up horseback riding to explain the walk.

This post made me ... laugh.png

Doesn't mean I agree with it ... but a wry smile non the less.

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I had a friend living with an absolutely stunning Thai girl for two years when she started losing a lot of weight and got very sick. He had her tested for everything and finally found out she had HIV. He told me he had been having unprotected sex with her twice a day virtually every day since they were together. Needless to say he was devastated; he was tested for HIV and waited for the results. Unbelievably he tested negative! He was retested again, negative. He subsequently was tested every four months for the next two years with the same results, negative. Maybe he is one of these people that are resistant to catching the virus or the other possibly, HIV is more difficult to transmit than it is being portrayed. This experience left me really confused, back then I thought one time with someone infected and I was assured to contract the disease, suffer and die a quick death.

8 years of regular unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female gives you a 50% chance of catching HIV.

1 time is about 1 chance in 8,000.


Would you be willing to stake your life on those percentage figures? Because that is exactly what you would be doing.

I have several times,

As the report says, more chance being struck by lightning, that getting HIV from heterosexual sex.

Not sure why governments want to spread the idea that everyone is at risk, but that is what they are doing.

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My wife was very romantic..she told me that we weren't doing jack <deleted> until I went for a full STD suite. She quite sweetly told me that it wouldn't hurt a bit.

In fact it was great reassurance that we had both been open enought to be tested for nasties before we ever did anything.

In hindsight I appreciate the guts she showed in asking me to do that testing before we progressed.

And thank god I passed.

Very smart thing to do before any long term relationship. BUT mongers be warned - a full STD suite will not pick up "the viruses" such as genital herpes, HPV and genital warts. Yes you can get checked for HIV, syphilis. gonorrhoea, chlamydia, Hep B and C but that's about the extent of what they can check up on.

All short time experiences - the guy should always wear a condom.

There's always the situation where the guy could actually be giving something to an otherwise "clean" girl because he just doesn't care.

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My wife was very romantic..she told me that we weren't doing jack <deleted> until I went for a full STD suite. She quite sweetly told me that it wouldn't hurt a bit.

In fact it was great reassurance that we had both been open enought to be tested for nasties before we ever did anything.

In hindsight I appreciate the guts she showed in asking me to do that testing before we progressed.

And thank god I passed.

Very smart thing to do before any long term relationship. BUT mongers be warned - a full STD suite will not pick up "the viruses" such as genital herpes, HPV and genital warts. Yes you can get checked for HIV, syphilis. gonorrhoea, chlamydia, Hep B and C but that's about the extent of what they can check up on.

All short time experiences - the guy should always wear a condom.

There's always the situation where the guy could actually be giving something to an otherwise "clean" girl because he just doesn't care.

  • Herpes viral culture. Cells or fluid from a fresh sore are collected with a cotton swab and placed in a culture cup. ...
  • Herpes virus antigen detection test. ...
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. ...
  • Antibody tests.

Genital Warts

  • A complete pelvic exam and Pap smear (for women)
  • A specialized test for HPV, collected in a way similar to a Pap smear
  • Biopsy of cervical tissue to make sure there are no abnormal cells that could develop into HPV-related cervical cancer; a biopsy involves taking a small sample of tissue from the cervix and examining it under a microscope.
  • Examination of the rectum

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I've lived in Bangkok for 9 years and never heard of a friend or a working gal that I knew who had aids, nor did any of them look sick.

I've lived in San Jose, Costa Rica, 5 blocks from the infamous Hotel Del Ray for 11 years and never heard of a friend or a working girl that I knew have aids, nor did any of them look sick. I even asked my medical doctor who practiced in the private hospital, Clinica Biblica 8 blocks away how many AIDS patients he had. In 11 years he had none.

My research revealed that it is extremely difficult for a man that gets proper nourishment and has a healthy immune system to aquire AIDS unless he is an intravenous drug user, or participates in gay sex.

A heterosexual male should be more concerned about riding local motorcycle taxis and crossing the streets!

Wash before and after, take a pee soon after sex and pour hydrogen peroxide down Mr. happy's one eye and you'll be good to go.

Edited by Kabula
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I had a friend living with an absolutely stunning Thai girl for two years when she started losing a lot of weight and got very sick. He had her tested for everything and finally found out she had HIV. He told me he had been having unprotected sex with her twice a day virtually every day since they were together. Needless to say he was devastated; he was tested for HIV and waited for the results. Unbelievably he tested negative! He was retested again, negative. He subsequently was tested every four months for the next two years with the same results, negative. Maybe he is one of these people that are resistant to catching the virus or the other possibly, HIV is more difficult to transmit than it is being portrayed. This experience left me really confused, back then I thought one time with someone infected and I was assured to contract the disease, suffer and die a quick death.

8 years of regular unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female gives you a 50% chance of catching HIV.

1 time is about 1 chance in 8,000.


Would you be willing to stake your life on those percentage figures? Because that is exactly what you would be doing.

I have several times,

As the report says, more chance being struck by lightning, that getting HIV from heterosexual sex.

Not sure why governments want to spread the idea that everyone is at risk, but that is what they are doing.

I have to admit from my experience I would tend to agree with you. I think the governments might want to mislead possibly because of their desire for population reduction.

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I've lived in Bangkok for 9 years and never heard of a friend or a working gal that I knew who had aids, nor did any of them look sick.

I've lived in San Jose, Costa Rica, 5 blocks from the infamous Hotel Del Ray for 11 years and never heard of a friend or a working girl that I knew have aids, nor did any of them look sick. I even asked my medical doctor who practiced in the private hospital, Clinica Biblica 8 blocks away how many AIDS patients he had. In 11 years he had none.

My research revealed that it is extremely difficult for a man that gets proper nourishment and has a healthy immune system to aquire AIDS unless he is an intravenous drug user, or participates in gay sex.

A heterosexual male should be more concerned about riding local motorcycle taxis and crossing the streets!

Wash before and after, take a pee soon after sex and pour hydrogen peroxide down Mr. happy's one eye and you'll be good to go.

Yeah I am sure a little hydrogen peroxide will kill about twenty other nasty things you can get like Herpes and you'll be "good to go". How did all the health care experts miss that one? Herpes is also for life but I guess some people don't care what they spread to others as long as they are "good to go"....keep it up and "mr happy" may not be so happy...

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Yeah I am sure a little hydrogen peroxide will kill about twenty other nasty things you can get like Herpes and you'll be "good to go". How did all the health care experts miss that one? Herpes is also for life but I guess some people don't care what they spread to others as long as they are "good to go"....keep it up and "mr happy" may not be so happy...

Lot of ignorance about herpes in this thread.

Just to point out, herpes is infected by rubbing against blisters on the skin of the infected person.

The blisters are not on the area covered by a condom, but mainly on the areas that surround bodily openings.

Stomach, thighs, cheeks, lips, in some cases arms and hands. It can often be mistaken for eczema as the blisters form in similar places.

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Yeah I am sure a little hydrogen peroxide will kill about twenty other nasty things you can get like Herpes and you'll be "good to go". How did all the health care experts miss that one? Herpes is also for life but I guess some people don't care what they spread to others as long as they are "good to go"....keep it up and "mr happy" may not be so happy...

Lot of ignorance about herpes in this thread.

Just to point out, herpes is infected by rubbing against blisters on the skin of the infected person.

The blisters are not on the area covered by a condom, but mainly on the areas that surround bodily openings.

Stomach, thighs, cheeks, lips, in some cases arms and hands. It can often be mistaken for eczema as the blisters form in similar places.

According to multiple sources like center for disease control it would seem that although not guaranteed that condoms also reduce your odds of getting herpes....as for pouring hydrogen peroxide on "mr happy" .....good luck with that.


If you are sexually active, you can do the following things to lower your chances of getting herpes:

  • Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results;
  • Using latex condoms the right way every time you have sex.

Herpes symptoms can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered by a latex condom. However, outbreaks can also occur in areas that are not covered by a condom so condoms may not fully protect you from getting herpes.

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I've lived in Bangkok for 9 years and never heard of a friend or a working gal that I knew who had aids, nor did any of them look sick.

I've lived in San Jose, Costa Rica, 5 blocks from the infamous Hotel Del Ray for 11 years and never heard of a friend or a working girl that I knew have aids, nor did any of them look sick. I even asked my medical doctor who practiced in the private hospital, Clinica Biblica 8 blocks away how many AIDS patients he had. In 11 years he had none.

My research revealed that it is extremely difficult for a man that gets proper nourishment and has a healthy immune system to aquire AIDS unless he is an intravenous drug user, or participates in gay sex.

A heterosexual male should be more concerned about riding local motorcycle taxis and crossing the streets!

Wash before and after, take a pee soon after sex and pour hydrogen peroxide down Mr. happy's one eye and you'll be good to go.

The Camillian social center in Rayong is a charitable institution in Thailand, established in 1995 by Saint Camillus Foundation and an Italian priest, Father Giovanni Contarin.

The Center provides shelter and care to homeless, indigent, and rejected people living with HIV/AIDS. Special emphasis is placed on women and children, as the most vulnerable members of the society.

In 2001, there were 50 adults and 19 children living with HIV in the social center.


My research shows 464,414 people HIV positive in Thailand.

But don't believe me. Take a ride to the Camillian Social Center just outside of Rayong and ask them.

I'll enclose the directions.


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