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Building a bicycle culture in Bangkok


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I saw a lot of suicides during thirty years as a copper in England, but riding a bicycle in Bangkok is a new one on me. Look at the zebra crossings. They are painted on the road so that everyone can have a laugh when a newly arrived farang thinks he can walk in front of cars and not get squashed.

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The issue for me, comes down to the planning department and having effective planning policies within Govt. For example when a new tower block is to be built, the developer has to make contributions towards provisions for cyclists. This money can then be used to develop these 'provisions'.

But it also means the Highway department making some roads one way, or completely free from cars, to allow new cycle lanes to be created in the city. You can further, to develop a cycle culture, by then bringing in high profile events and temporarily closing roads to make these events run safely. Safety is not the issue either, as cyclists are not the cause.

The weather is not the issue also, but may be for some who would prefer to take the easier option. But this is not the issue here. It is to do with making provisions or infrastructure available, where there is an identified community need. A cycle and pedestrian friendly city, is a more healthy and desirable one to live in. One which is more desirable to live in also creates value.

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Thailand has the perfect climate for "bike rides" (bicycles) The countryside of Chiang Mai couldn't be more perfect! Its just a shame there are so many lazy people out there! F.J x

No it doesn't France does. Thailand is far too hot and humid. I ride a lot here but one has to take care to be well hydrated before a ride, during it and after or you could be in serious trouble. I am of course talking about performance rides of 60k plus. As for cycling in Bangkok, sorry, just too dangerous.

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Thailand has the perfect climate for "bike rides" (bicycles) The countryside of Chiang Mai couldn't be more perfect! Its just a shame there are so many lazy people out there! F.J x

No it doesn't France does. Thailand is far too hot and humid. I ride a lot here but one has to take care to be well hydrated before a ride, during it and after or you could be in serious trouble. I am of course talking about performance rides of 60k plus. As for cycling in Bangkok, sorry, just too dangerous.

Thailand (in the north) has the perfect temperature for Cycling. I'll agree Bangkok is too hot at mid day, but this isn't when people commute. So everyone quoting max mid day temperatures is kind of irrelevant.

Hydration really isn't an issue unless you are unfit or overweight - but cycling is the cure to both of these.

Bike culture is certainly growing amongst the Thai's in Bangkok. The popularity of the 'green lane' is proof of that.

I find the replies to this post somewhat amusing, I guess it reflects the demographic posting here - completely agree with canarysun :)

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There already are bicycle lanes and they are what scooter-taxi drives use.

I cycled for almost 10 years in London but there is no way I would cycle 1 day in Bangkok.

With that many unskilled drivers, drunk drivers (so many young people drink drive in Bangkok) and drivers who can't even stick to a lane let alone have consideration for cyclist - NO WAY!!

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