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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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I am Thai.

What I like?

I like a man who listens to me. Number one

Someone who understands me. Same Thai man or foreign. Speak perfect Thai is not important at all. You can speak thai very well but still not understand me. Understand and care is from your heart not language.

I don't care older than me or not

I don't care much about money but I do care about how he takes care of me

Dress supap

Sweet man. Hold my hand when I have a problem

Good brain. Can give me good idea when I have no idea or terrible idea!

A man who likes a simple life

I don't like?

Don't like a man shouting all the time. Shouting for what?

A man who wears short trousers or no good clothes to good place

A man who wants to tell how much money he has, house, car everything. Hate this. If I want to know I will find out by myself

gr8nurse ... welcome to Thai Visa.

nice to read your words.

I hope you feel comfortable here and happy to share your thinking and your heart with us.


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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Greg ... dear Greg, your wife has told you what she thinks you want to hear.

She is a good saleslady, a smart woman, and if you keep her sweet, she will take care of you.

Never underestimate the sales pitch.

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Thai women hate men who lump them all together as if they all thought in exactly the same way.

MissFarmGirl agrees 100% .. thumbsup.gif

So do I.

David, check your PM

Sorry mate ... be there in a second.

I have to give this thread the time it deserves, so that I don't miss any valuable contributions form the esteemed members ... whistling.gif

Means reading each and every post!

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.

Do I know you?

Maybe not ... but he seems to have a good handle on you ... rolleyes.gif

OH .. BTW, for those interested ... none of the above apply to me except ...

"shameless farter" ... guilty .. w00t.gif


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Who gives a crap what women think about us guys? Why are you so worried or concerned?.. Why do you care what ANYBODY thinks of you... Get some respect. Have sex with women and SEE YA....Why do you want to even talk to women? They rarely have anything smart to say unless she starts the sentence with " A man once told me..."

I am amazed how many men change their behavior just to gain the affection of a woman so he can get laid!!!!! The White Knights of Pu#$y. That's what you are!!! You are relying on her to tell you how you should behave, what you should say, wear, think... No self respect... Give up your lives to try and keep a woman happy. Da F!!!! Stop doing it! All the opportunities you let slip by..... Why?

What do Thai women look for in a man? The first mistake was assuming women of differing nationalities are different.

Look, women basically do nothing. They have no hobbies or aspirations in life other than to achieve nothingness. A woman's top goal in life is to find a man to exploit so they can survive by spending their lives doing and accomplishing nothing.

When women accomplish something in their lives other than fellating a penis, then maybe I will place a bit more stock into their opinions!


I thought you had to be 18 years + to become and esteemed member of the Thai Visa Family.

This post above, casts doubt on that assumption ... rolleyes.gif


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I don't see any hi-so girls mixing with handsome cabbies or motocye taxi drivers

True but every bin-diver or re-cycle guy has a girl and a lot of them are better looking than some of the dogs I've seen falungs with.

You too right there, not to mention all the Burmese ladies that sweep my road (married to the Burmese builders), they look totally awesome naked.

(they shower topless under a hose at the end of my road every evening)

Well, you seemed to be overwhelmed with partakers.

I'm happy to bring a bottle of Blend, if that tickles your fancy ... laugh.png

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I'm talking about basic communication.

A lot of elderly westerners in Thailand have low expectations from a partner and seem quite happy to communicate in pidgin.

Do you think "basic communication" is Hugh Heffner's main priority when choosing a partner?

Man, you've reinforced my points yet again. Yes, an elderly male westerner may not care much about being able to communicate well so long as he gets to lay next to a young hardbody. But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate. And if she doesn't think it that important, then she is simply looking for a sugar daddy.

RE: But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate

Do you think so? I think either a large minority or small majority of Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else. I think these women seek (and find) emotional fulfillment from their friends and family rather than their (farang) partners.

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Both well written and true.

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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

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They did a survey on what's the most important thing in a marriage most Asian woman said finance american women said love most american divorces happen because of financial problems

Asian women are simply more honest if this is the case. And American women will not admit it is about financial security. Who are they fooling?

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"What do Thai women look for in a man?"

Money, money, money, makes the world go round................

"what kind of men turn off Thai women?"

No money, no honey, darling.

Maybe money is what's needed for a woman to put up with you. I can only imagine the type of cash that's needed to be paid out for some poor Thai lady to have to deal with you. Why don't you look after those step children instead of spending every waking hour on this forum you TROLL.

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I'm talking about basic communication.

A lot of elderly westerners in Thailand have low expectations from a partner and seem quite happy to communicate in pidgin.

Do you think "basic communication" is Hugh Heffner's main priority when choosing a partner?

Man, you've reinforced my points yet again. Yes, an elderly male westerner may not care much about being able to communicate well so long as he gets to lay next to a young hardbody. But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate. And if she doesn't think it that important, then she is simply looking for a sugar daddy.

RE: But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate

Do you think so? I think either a large minority or small majority of Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else. I think these women seek (and find) emotional fulfillment from their friends and family rather than their (farang) partners.

"Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else."

Bingo! You sir, win a prize. Yes, I'd say most Thai women interested in westerners are mostly interested in financial support. However, most Thai women do not think along those lines. Most women the world over would prefer a guy with decent prospects, BUT that is not the most important thing. Thai women are the same. But there are "some" Thai women who have money on the top of their priority list...usually due to their personal circumstance. And these are typically women seeking farangs.

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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

LOL ! I am laughing but it's so true! I have seen many " Big Fat Farang " walking about with no shirt on " with more hair than Roddy Mc Dowall ( Planet of the Apes ) i have seen some also on Wongamat beach walking about with a " syrup of fig ( wig ) stuck on there head just to add to the " Ape Look " ....

I myself " shave everywhere " ( perhaps you could all admire my honesty ...) an electric razor doesn't do the job very well so a wet shave is most essential ( a pack of 5 razors in Tesco Lotus costs 25 baht )

I do feel sorry for some of these ladies who have to watch an " old farang " remove is trousers and end up staring at his " meat and 2 Veg " which resembles " Stewart Granger " ( a rather grey old school British actor ..)

Farang Jaidee wub.png ( The smooth romantic type )

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Sounds like Oprah.

Both well written and true.

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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

LOL ! I am laughing but it's so true! I have seen many " Big Fat Farang " walking about with no shirt on " with more hair than Roddy Mc Dowall ( Planet of the Apes ) i have seen some also on Wongamat beach walking about with a " syrup of fig ( wig ) stuck on there head just to add to the " Ape Look " ....

I myself " shave everywhere " ( perhaps you could all admire my honesty ...) an electric razor doesn't do the job very well so a wet shave is most essential ( a pack of 5 razors in Tesco Lotus costs 25 baht )

I do feel sorry for some of these ladies who have to watch an " old farang " remove is trousers and end up staring at his " meat and 2 Veg " which resembles " Stewart Granger " ( a rather grey old school British actor ..)

Farang Jaidee wub.png ( The smooth romantic type )

How do many of us feel when a woman gets undressed, and reveals an massive Amazon jungle in the nether regions? Why would a woman not feel the same way about us? We have a responsibility to maintain ourselves, and show some dignity and pride. Excessive body hair is just plain old nasty, smelly, sweaty, unsanitary, and unattractive for everybody concerned, except the guys who are sleepwalking through life.

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Love a woman with a big Barbara I do (bush)..

Well there are plenty of Thai ladies that do have " The full overgrown garden " but what I find is a massive " turn off " is 95 percent of them wear a massive pair of " Apple Catchers " (big nickers) why do they wear these hideous things? ( kind respect to all our lady viewers....)

Farang Jaidee x

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Love a woman with a big Barbara I do (bush)..

Well there are plenty of Thai ladies that do have " The full overgrown garden " but what I find is a massive " turn off " is 95 percent of them wear a massive pair of " Apple Catchers " (big nickers) why do they wear these hideous things? ( kind respect to all our lady viewers....)

Farang Jaidee x

Asian girls have the most beautiful pubic hair of any ( especially Thai and Japanese girls) with a little grooming it is a thing of beauty.

That said, it is still a crime to cover the most beautiful part of a women......the flower.

Sorry guys...no photos attached for this one!

Edited by willyumiii
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Love a woman with a big Barbara I do (bush)..

Well there are plenty of Thai ladies that do have " The full overgrown garden " but what I find is a massive " turn off " is 95 percent of them wear a massive pair of " Apple Catchers " (big nickers) why do they wear these hideous things? ( kind respect to all our lady viewers....)

Farang Jaidee x

got the perfect solution to get rid of a big hairy growler..spit it out..
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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

When I see a man with not a single hair on his body, I immediately assume "gay".

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Some people have very narrow views, which makes it difficult to comprehend anything different

The least *shocking* is the virgin thing the guy mentioned. My GF in Dubai is a Filipina with a normal job. Nope, wasn't a virgin but she has 3 friends that are all virgins. One just got married to a fellow filipino (religious thing, that one) but two other girls who are virgins and over 30

One isn't bad looking but never even had a BF, wants one but 'can't find someone' ... seems like a defence mechanism, to me. Not taking the leap.

It's really not massively shocking for some Asian women to be virgins at 30, no matter what people may think

I don't know the guy with the virgin wife on here but it's really not the LOL moment everyone has made it out to be as though it's so unbeliveable

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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

When I see a man with not a single hair on his body, I immediately assume "gay".

And where do you see these hairless men; naked that is?. Oh I know a gay gymn!

Edited by buhi
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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

When I see a man with not a single hair on his body, I immediately assume "gay".

You should never " assume "! These days most men are " hairless " downstairs. Although gentlemen if you are considering your future with new smooth skin do not use " Veet for men " because after you have coated your "Brazils " with this fabulous hair removal cream it will " transform your nuts into a hideous maroon colour and burn you like " Joan Of Arc " ......

F.J x

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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

When I see a man with not a single hair on his body, I immediately assume "gay".

You should never " assume "! These days most men are " hairless " downstairs. Although gentlemen if you are considering your future with new smooth skin do not use " Veet for men " because after you have coated your "Brazils " with this fabulous hair removal cream it will " transform your nuts into a hideous maroon colour and burn you like " Joan Of Arc " ......

F.J x

used it once and my ham kais ended up like hundred watt light bulbs, not a crease in them marvellous stuff..
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You have to love TV and the way threads can evolve, or should I say degenerate?

We start off with " What do Thai women look for in a man?"

Now we are talking about hairless crotches of gay men in the gym.

What the *&%! are you guys thinking????

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