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Britons' murder: Police claim Koh Tao investigation hindered by media


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The guy captured on CCTV running is Montriwat Tuwichian, who runs the AC Bar

Minus a tatoo; too cool to run, maybe his son or bouncer!

which ever guy this was, has he been asked the simple question " why were you running so fast in that direction at that time " ?

Asked of whom?

Mon has replied already.

I think he knows who it was and whythis person was running, but that is pure speculation.

No DNA on a video!

and what was his reply ? I guess he said he didn't know who was on the video ? Theyre all as guilty as hell

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Ha ha, reminds me of the constant protestations from my Thai girlfriend, "It's your fault, Falangs !" I've been blamed for everything from the collaboration with the Japanese to the rice farce........ Have you ever heard anything so pathetic ? "We were distracted by (Foreign, FARANGS ! media) " I wonder if my girlfriends a relation...??? I sincerely hope that Thiland doesn't blunder into a war one day, because they might get distracted by all the bangs ........ Mind you as we all know, there's no danger of that...............

I hope your g/f is a fox cos otherwise I'd bin her forthwith.

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Ok so this is the same guy on the left in both pics

We think so.

But why is he allowed at a murder scene ? he could have dropped / planted cigarette butts from ash trays in the bar empty beer bottle etc, obviously good mates with the BiB. When are the Bangkok police going to ask him what the hell were you doing there

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Does it look like his right knuckles are injured?

Well spotted Lucas!!!!! Bullseye!!!! A right hander! The excoriations started healing a few days ago as it seems - the ones on index and middle finger knuckles are clearly visible... but a Thai policeman would not miss something tale-telling like that, right? Because they are the greatest in the world, of the greatest country that was never occupied and no one ever would tell them what or how to do, because thet know everything and can do everything. Same as the lame and racist police rumble on day one, saying that "a Thai would never have performed such a disgusting crime"...

If anything like this would happen in Europe, heads in the police department would roll by the dozens! But here, they all will get promoted if they don't find the killers, because the killers are giving them the instructions. Most likely they all will be able to retire after this one and go home to a brand new loft apartment in the hottest area of Bkk just to find a set of Lamborghini keys in the post box. If this story would not be that tragic, one could sit and laugh all day about the incompetence and the superficiality in this (by now obvious) cover up.

Edited by catweazle
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Ok so this is the same guy on the left in both pics

We think so.

But why is he allowed at a murder scene ? he could have dropped / planted cigarette butts from ash trays in the bar empty beer bottle etc, obviously good mates with the BiB. When are the Bangkok police going to ask him what the hell were you doing there

I do not know where you are from or how long you have stayed in Thailand.

Please do not think I am being superior on this; I have lived in Bangkok for twenty years and the less I have to do with the BIB the better.

On some occasions I have had to deal with them ( not Immigration, that is every 90 days) and each time it has been made unapparent, but clear to my Thai wife, that this is going nowhere without a promise of sharing a little of the result in an envelope, that will initially be refused, but with acting out the scenario, will be humbly accepted!

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Ok so this is the same guy on the left in both pics

We think so.

But why is he allowed at a murder scene ? he could have dropped / planted cigarette butts from ash trays in the bar empty beer bottle etc, obviously good mates with the BiB. When are the Bangkok police going to ask him what the hell were you doing there

Im pretty sure i read some where he is brothers with the cop standing beside him and i wonder if that is the same cop standing next to him in the photo taken by Sean.

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How long do murder investigations take in your countries?

I guess from your posts every brutal crime is solved immediately back home with 100% success rate.

If the murders took place on a tiny island, and the island was 'locked down' they would be solved very quickly. You DNA every single person on the island without exceptions. Instead of letting people leave on the first ferry to freedom!
What country do you live in?

Even in thailand it is against the law for the police to demand DNA samples of every resident.

"Pol Maj Gen Suwat, who is one of the best investigators at the MPB, defended the mass collection of DNA samples, saying police were not doing it simply at their own will but would be on persons who were suspected otherwise it could infringe on the rights and freedom of the people which is against the law."

This country is still in martial law. So those rights you are quoting can be legally violated at the whim of the police/army.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Even before martial law the police were randomly piss testing people to extract "fines" so in a murder case, taking swabs shouldn't be a problem.

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was there a crime ? yes or no ?

what evidences were collected without any sealing off the area enabling anyone to go to at ease and some surely to return to it to hide them all to leave only as suspicious a cigarette and 2 DNA to match some semen to retrieve the killers identity for ? not even sand with blood or anything else ?

As soon as the murder one two or three were seen on CCTV as Asian well known by every one in view of the evidence that it happened on their island they own, control, administer and possess for themselves all of them simply shut up, pointed spontaneously fingers at foreigners and benefited from all of the medias speculating to feed their readers with selling well macabre news most purely invented as diversion.

How Appalling it can to repetitively happen again and again leaving unpunished islanders murderers.

So sad General PM Prayuth did not close. all the moon parties, did not send Army Officers foreign to the locals and did not stop all the ferries as soon as the crime was disclosed facts known and not to read misleading weather was bad info no one could escape from the island and they did escaped by boats....

Indeed locals behave like maffias well established for years operating peacefully their own ways, prove us wrong.

Is that serious frankly speaking some one to be offering to the local police a million TH bahts if none from his family is involved isn't that pure BS !

An other island to avoid.

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I just clicked the link that someone posted of the murder scene, and ive never seen anything so evil done to such a beautiful human in my entire existence, i really wish i didnt click that link.

How the hell several people can do that to harmless young kids is beyond me they are evil beyond comprehension, but whats just as shocking is the fact the entire establishment of Thailand is doing all it can to cover such an atrocity up.

I hope the family of these kids somehow learn to live with it, failing that they fly to Thailand and get revenge on the people covering it up.

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I just clicked the link that someone posted of the murder scene, and ive never seen anything so evil done to such a beautiful human in my entire existence, i really wish i didnt click that link.

How the hell several people can do that to harmless young kids is beyond me they are evil beyond comprehension, but whats just as shocking is the fact the entire establishment of Thailand is doing all it can to cover such an atrocity up.

I hope the family of these kids somehow learn to live with it, failing that they fly to Thailand and get revenge on the people covering it up.

The victims and their families are perfect middle England. Healthy, educated, inoffensive, kind, not rich. They don't do revenge. They'd like legal justice.

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I just clicked the link that someone posted of the murder scene, and ive never seen anything so evil done to such a beautiful human in my entire existence, i really wish i didnt click that link.

How the hell several people can do that to harmless young kids is beyond me they are evil beyond comprehension, but whats just as shocking is the fact the entire establishment of Thailand is doing all it can to cover such an atrocity up.

I hope the family of these kids somehow learn to live with it, failing that they fly to Thailand and get revenge on the people covering it up.

The victims and their families are perfect middle England. Healthy, educated, inoffensive, kind, not rich. They don't do revenge. They'd like legal justice.

Unfortunately i dont think theyll get it, and to have something like that happen to your precious daughter would be enough to send one over the edge.

I dont intend to imply that what happened to the young lad is not as tragic, but what theyve done to her is horrific.

Those pictures should never have been put on the internet, the police are utter scum for letting this happen, i know they show most things in Thailand but this is too far and they know its offensive to westerners and their families but they done it anyway.

Thai culture is a sick illusion.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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Speaking to Thais I hear that the general consensus amongst Thais is that the murderer is a farang.

What , where do you live bud, i live on the islands and i hear different !

The kok

So the fact theyve found the sperm of 2 Asian men who raped her doesn't come into this consensus.

Asian men seen running on CCTV just after.

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Speaking to Thais I hear that the general consensus amongst Thais is that the murderer is a farang.

What , where do you live bud, i live on the islands and i hear different !

The kok

So the fact theyve found the sperm of 2 Asian men who raped her doesn't come into this consensus.

Asian men seen running on CCTV just after.

Apparently not. They probably don't trust Thai police or technology

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This is what happens if you take a convicted pedo seriosuly, i told the whole forum he was a glory hunter from day one.

So it seems it's the reward offered by the public, which was 714,000 but has now been reduced to 700,000 after (expenses?) versus 1 million that says the family has done nothing wrong but hasn't supplied DNA....plus the undisclosed fee for private police to chase Sean into fear....maybe another 2 milll..

and another cop in dark sunnies looking just a little sus.pointing at a reward sign...but this is not the I didn't do it or I'll give you a million sign, this is the other one.....story just gets better..when will the official forensic reports reveal that Hannah was raped after she was SHOT and then attacked with a Hoe to cover the wounds and then raped after death...I have solid advice from those that know this is what happenned..photos prove it....where is the justice?

You should take this story to the police along with the name of the person you heard it from.

Or are you just blowing more smoke?

hahaaa,555 take it to the police....and a name.....ok, let's start, here i name Mon..I hear there is 70% dna analysis that he or his family was responsible...I'm talking facts...if there is such a thing here...now how many of the family have been tested..the world is watching Thailand..

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I just clicked the link that someone posted of the murder scene, and ive never seen anything so evil done to such a beautiful human in my entire existence, i really wish i didnt click that link.

How the hell several people can do that to harmless young kids is beyond me they are evil beyond comprehension, but whats just as shocking is the fact the entire establishment of Thailand is doing all it can to cover such an atrocity up.

I hope the family of these kids somehow learn to live with it, failing that they fly to Thailand and get revenge on the people covering it up.

The victims and their families are perfect middle England. Healthy, educated, inoffensive, kind, not rich. They don't do revenge. They'd like legal justice.

Unfortunately i dont think theyll get it, and to have something like that happen to your precious daughter would be enough to send one over the edge.

I dont intend to imply that what happened to the young lad is not as tragic, but what theyve done to her is horrific.

Those pictures should never have been put on the internet, the police are utter scum for letting this happen, i know they show most things in Thailand but this is too far and they know its offensive to westerners and their families but they done it anyway.

Thai culture is a sick illusion.

Of course, it's unlikely these families will see justice served, as we know. But I'm not true middle England, a little rougher than that. Would I have it in me to kill though? You're right, I don't know the answer to that and hope never to have to find out.

The patronage system is the sick part. The Na Ayutthaya accident succinctly summed up the problem. A bus load of academics and lecturers striving for excellence through application of the mind, killed by a reckless rich girl who never really had to deal with the consequences of her actions, all because of the patronage system. And she knew she wouldn't.

Thailand is a country filled with potential in all professional and trade fields as well as developing culturally, all but for the patronage system, an archaic cultural abnormality in the modern World and a curse upon the masses which keeps them where the wealthiest can continue to enjoy their spoils from human toil and suffering.

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I just clicked the link that someone posted of the murder scene, and ive never seen anything so evil done to such a beautiful human in my entire existence, i really wish i didnt click that link.

How the hell several people can do that to harmless young kids is beyond me they are evil beyond comprehension, but whats just as shocking is the fact the entire establishment of Thailand is doing all it can to cover such an atrocity up.

I hope the family of these kids somehow learn to live with it, failing that they fly to Thailand and get revenge on the people covering it up.

The victims and their families are perfect middle England. Healthy, educated, inoffensive, kind, not rich. They don't do revenge. They'd like legal justice.

Why do things like this happen to such good people why do the evil keep living "forever" and doing terrible things I can never understand when will things reconcile?

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