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Police shift focus to foreign tourists in Koh Tao murdere probe


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Why don't they, 'police' order a total media black-out/

Then get on with their job and arrest the culprit's.

Who wants to know what =progress or not they make?

Why doesn't somebody with enough authority shuts the whole circus down to plain investigation.??

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just how much more can Thailand's already tarnished reputation take, if it was not involving two horrific murders

it would be a comedy,

sadly there is no fun to be had with watching a group of either accidental or cunning clowns blunder from one excuse to the next thing/people to blame for their total lack of competence and professionalism.

the people in charge need to wake up as the whole world is watching in disbelief as this shameful display

continues day after day, if this ends the way a lot of people with experience of Thailand expect it to end

it will be a big factor in Thailand's world standing and tourism for years to come.

I for one will make sure none of my kids or grandkids ever set foot in the hub of cover-ups.


I was so sickened by this episode

that I was going to stop any more

posts ect,but that is what they

want the more we kick up a fuss

the more chance of justice.

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I have followed this story since it began and with a heavy heart I am giving up on it now. I can see what is coming, the murderers will never be found and fingers will be pointed away from Thailand.


Unfortunately, I agree with you. At first I thought that global indignation/pressure would mean that local Koh Tao influences would be over ridden. But it's clear that they have prevailed and from here on in we will see less and less international pressure and more and more confusing and vague statements from the police, until eventually it's all forgotten.

I just hope the two families are able to move on and get on with their lives without being haunted by questions over who the killers might be.

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I wouldn't be surprised if next the Police claim it was perhaps a murder-suicide?

yep the pattaya police are on their way.

god only knows what the victims families are going through.

just hope they dont read tv.

if they do once again I AM SO SORRY.


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This case certainly is a scandal - from the murders themselves to the absolutely abysmal 'investigations by the 'Police'!!

I would have also thought that the British Govt., through it's Embassy here, would put some pressure on the Thai Govt., even though we know that the Ambassador himself is very busy taking tea with the Bangkok Governor and no doubt, other serious 'bigwigs'!!

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So they got semen DNA from 2 Asian and now they will target foreign tourists? Something is very wrong here.

Some foreign tourists are Asian. S Korea, Japan, HK, Singapore, Indonesia etc etc

That explains why the condom didn't have any DNA inside!! 3-3-3 !!whistling.gif

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what size was the condom ?, was it a condom from overseas?has it been tested to determin brand? why no finger print only DNA tests ?, what size footprints found around the murder scene, all things real detectives would look for, what do I know I am just a brickie.

Edited by nev
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So they got semen DNA from 2 Asian and now they will target foreign tourists? Something is very wrong here.

Some foreign tourists are Asian. S Korea, Japan, HK, Singapore, Indonesia etc etc

There are also millions of Asian people in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. Plenty of them come to Thailand too.

Overall, the majority of tourists in Thailand are Asian. 'Farang' are a minority these days.

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What next? Alien's did it!

that is silly because we all know aliens don't exist.

But let's not leave out the possibility that ghost(s) may have done it, which would be extra ordinary since there was DNA left behind, could be the very proof needed to validate the existence of ghosts smile.png

"...we all know aliens don't exist."

Not according to Royal Thai Police Immigration Dept. There are many aliens here in Thailand.

That is who we are.

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A fiasco from start to finish further amplified by the numerous facile police statements making claims and counter claims . Should anyone have had doubts regarding the ability and aptitude of the police force this sad scenario serves only to highlight how truly inept and unprofessional they are. This whole investigation should have been handled by an independent group reporting directly to the Junta.

Two young vibrant people came to this island based on all the tourist bullshit which failed to inform them that it is only paradise if you manage to survive. Sadly for both they and their family's, the dream became a nightmare, which is so often the case here in Thailand.

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Lets just hope that there is more going on behind the scenes and the information has yet to be released.

Thais are not stupid so perhaps we just need to give them a little more time to prove themselves before giving up hope.

There is no way they would be stupid enough to not at this stage DNA test Mon and even the son or other family members to see if there is a match. Even with witnesses saying otherwise it still needs to de done. Perhaps the samples they are waiting for contain this information.

Also, for sure they would not be so stupid to not be speaking to this girl already about the blood on Sean's face. Even if his DNA did not match he still could have been involved.

At some point these questions and others will all have to be addressed or for sure it will look like a coverup. The General (PM) will not let that happen as it would undermine all the good he has already done in weeding out corruption.

I hope to hear some good news soon on this matter. :)

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Get hold of all the mobile/cell phone numbers that were on the island that night.

Given the killers are Asian, those that aren't registered, will probably have made some calls to people who are registered and they will be able to find out who the unregistered people were through those people.

It is too much work for them though and they will be able to have a list of numbers - two of which will belong to the real killers, so it won't happen.

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