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IOS 8 battery drain, do you get it?


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Well i decided to bite the bullet get rid of the jailbreak and update to IOS8 last night, so far this morning its gone down 30% since i woke up 2 hrs ago.

I do like the whole Apple eco system having a iphone, ipad, apple tv but come on is it to much to ask to put a battery in that will last a whole day with medium to heavy use, apple are becoming very arrogant with there battery even the Iphone 6 only has a 1810m which is less that the 5s at 1820m.

It seems every new release there are battery drain issues and of course with no way to interchange batterys users are stuck with the problem until they figure out how to optimise futher there already crappy sized batterys.

Whats also laughable is the sites that say 'IOS 8' battery drain, read this on how to fix' and they basically tell you to turn everything off, i can imagine if i went into my boss and said 'hey boss fixed that server' and he was like 'How you fix it' and i said 'I turned it off'

3000m is no getting the norm in smartphones, why apple don't follow suit.

How are others finding IOS battery?

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Problem is, Apple are fixated on making the iPhone thinner and thinner, there is no room for a bigger battery.

Then they need to stop fixating because it's becoming annoying or they need to design it so that you can change the battery if necessary.

Whoever makes the design decisions really need to be fired. Stop making it all about thin and make it about practicality please.

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Problem is, Apple are fixated on making the iPhone thinner and thinner, there is no room for a bigger battery.

Then they need to stop fixating because it's becoming annoying or they need to design it so that you can change the battery if necessary.

Whoever makes the design decisions really need to be fired. Stop making it all about thin and make it about practicality please.


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It's not just about battery capacity, it's about how the battery is used, such as the processor drain.

Have a look at this link (towards the bottom) with a performance assessment of a lot of phones. The iPhone 6 ranks near the top, and significantly better than iPhone 5s and well above any of the Samsung devices.

As for iOS 8 and battery drain, I would have to say I am not seeing much difference from iOS 7.x using my iPhone 5.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not just about battery capacity, it's about how the battery is used, such as the processor drain.

Have a look at this link (towards the bottom) with a performance assessment of a lot of phones. The iPhone 6 ranks near the top, and significantly better than iPhone 5s and well above any of the Samsung devices.

As for iOS 8 and battery drain, I would have to say I am not seeing much difference from iOS 7.x using my iPhone 5.

I agree but imagine hoe much better it would be if Apple put a higjer capacity battery in? It might even last a whole day on middle to heavy usage!!!

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Have you went into the new usage screen? This will tell you what app is using your battery...

My experience with iOS upgrades is some app setting that access the Internet get changed or turned on by default with the new OS...

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