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How to care for this plant (Jasmine Bonsai tree or...)?


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Hi All,

We need an advice about care of this tree. Does anyone know what the name of this tree so we could find more info about it? We bought it a month ago and it seems the tree started dying dropping leaves with brown spots (pictures are given below). Appreciate your recommendations and kind advice of how we can save it smile.png



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Could be a couple of things.

It is a varigated leaf and it is planted in full sun so the leaves may burn at the edges.

Is it planted in a clay or wet area ? It will be suffering transplant shock too - taken out of a pot where it may have been well drained and in a sheltered position and now it finds itself in a wet , full sun position.

They are the most obvious and should start from there.

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Could be a couple of things.

It is a varigated leaf and it is planted in full sun so the leaves may burn at the edges.

Is it planted in a clay or wet area ? It will be suffering transplant shock too - taken out of a pot where it may have been well drained and in a sheltered position and now it finds itself in a wet , full sun position.

They are the most obvious and should start from there.

yes a agree with Xen, basically! When you brought it at the nursery was it in the shady area (i.e. under shade clothe... ?) Putting it in a sunny location would need a period of adjustment...

Hard to say from the photo, but is it in a pot still or in the ground... if the ground was not prepared properly, with good soil.... that could be a problem...

If still in the pot, are you letting it dry out too much?

Also being an evergreen plant, do remember that even evergreen plants do loose their old leaves and produce new ones.... that could also be what is happening!

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Thank you so much both! It indeed looks like a transplant shock after we took it out from the pot to the ground which we actually prepared before with a good soil. Based on your conclusions it seems the best solution here is to give it some time to adjust to the new conditions. If we can take any extra measures that you can recommend it will be much appreciated!

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Thank you so much both! It indeed looks like a transplant shock after we took it out from the pot to the ground which we actually prepared before with a good soil. Based on your conclusions it seems the best solution here is to give it some time to adjust to the new conditions. If we can take any extra measures that you can recommend it will be much appreciated!

Depending on what weather is doing in your area right now, it might be an idea just to sprinkle the foliage (if it is sunny and dry) a few times a day... if hot and dry even cover with some shade clothe for a few weeks....(still sprinkle... just enough to wet the foliage.... you don't need to soak it or keep soil sodden wet... enough to keep soil moist!!)

As messy as shade clothe might seem... it should help.... just a few weeks...(green stuff OK = 50% shade .... if mostly cloudy and rainy then no need to do!

With disturbed roots water up take is not enough to feed all the foliage.... just be patient, it should perk up! thumbsup.gif

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Thank you so much both! It indeed looks like a transplant shock after we took it out from the pot to the ground which we actually prepared before with a good soil. Based on your conclusions it seems the best solution here is to give it some time to adjust to the new conditions. If we can take any extra measures that you can recommend it will be much appreciated!

Depending on what weather is doing in your area right now, it might be an idea just to sprinkle the foliage (if it is sunny and dry) a few times a day... if hot and dry even cover with some shade clothe for a few weeks....(still sprinkle... just enough to wet the foliage.... you don't need to soak it or keep soil sodden wet... enough to keep soil moist!!)

As messy as shade clothe might seem... it should help.... just a few weeks...(green stuff OK = 50% shade .... if mostly cloudy and rainy then no need to do!

With disturbed roots water up take is not enough to feed all the foliage.... just be patient, it should perk up! thumbsup.gif

Thank you, samuijimmy! We will follow your advice! wai.gif

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