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Going for a ride on my push bike and 5 dogs blocking the way


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YOU CANT REASON WITH MEAN CURS theres only 1 solution 3 feet under for the mutt ,THE FINAL SOLUTION IS REQUIRED !



Maybe some thai restaurant owners who are sick of "mean cur" falangs will take your advice and sprinkle a bit of rat poison in the soup.

Justice served for poisoned dogs, 73 year old sentenced to 9.5 years in prison

How about some justice for this poor little girl.


Amiee Langdon, who is two next week, could lose an eye and is lucky to be alive after contracting a rare infection from dog mess as she played in a park.

and the many like her who are injured by stray dogs and / or people who feed dogs but don't pick up the poop.

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Sick! xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Have you not read the articles about young kids attacked and sometimes killed by soi and beach dogs. About the old lady who was knocked over by a soi dog hit her head and subsequently died. Then there are the traffic accidents caused by these strays running around in the streets. And let's not forget the illness caused by all the dog excrement.

Only one of these unfortunate incidents should have been enough for all soi dogs in urban areas to be eradicated.

And of course we mustn't overlook the impact of dog farts in helping erode the ozone layer!

Yes I'm certain of it, the entire species must be eradicated. coffee1.gif

Even more sick humor.

Get a life and away from me!

I have a life, and a quite nice one, thank you. You may hit the ignore button, the choice is yours.

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I prefer cats to dogs, I think they are cuter and more important, if a cat doesn't like you, it will go away, whereas a dog will bark at you.

To the op: do you understand dog body language? Are you afraid of dogs?

I am not a dog person, never had and never will have a dog, but understand a bit of dog body language and barking language and frequently encounter dogs who bark and come to me.

Attitude is very important. My mother (in Germany) is afraid of dogs, the dogs pick it up and bark at her, which makes her even more anxious, a vicious circle. Whereas I (in Thailand) know I am on public area and the dog is on public area, nothing to be afraid of. I talk to the dog in a soft voice like speaking to a baby (in German, here translated to English): "What a lovely doggy, you don't have to be afraid, uncle Christian won't harm you", and slowly walk past, making sure not to turn my back to the dog for too long, always look sidewards or back so I know where it is.

I don't know about looking into the eyes, I have read elsewhere that that's a sign of aggression.

I am against violence to animals, but something should be done to reduce number of soi dogs significantly.

I would advice against feeding them, that will make them approach the next person, expecting food.

At night situation is different. Even in public space, dogs can get aggressive, I take a detour if I see dogs and no people in an alley I want to take. Running at night on Phratamnak hill in Pattaya, I found myself encircled by dogs, didn't continue, slow retreat. No problem during daytime, many people, dogs sleeping or resting. Then down, there was another dog which got that close to me that I used the imaginary stone throw technique (making a fist and a throwing movement directed at the dog), which worked. (For dogs, throwing objects must be like magic.)

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Excuse my naivety, but where in h*ll did this term "push bike" come from?

The whole world understands what a bicycle is. When you say "push bike"

it sounds like it has no pedals -- only frame, wheels and seat.

Is this a push bike? (Click to enlarge)

Pushee, pushee.....

You push a bike by using your legs to push the pedels.... The picture of the bike with no pedals is similar, but that one you push your legs against the ground to make it move.

To make something move by pushing it means using your legs more than your arms, if you just pushed it and stood still it would fall over soon enough.

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Excuse my naivety, but where in h*ll did this term "push bike" come from?

The whole world understands what a bicycle is. When you say "push bike"

it sounds like it has no pedals -- only frame, wheels and seat.

Is this a push bike? (Click to enlarge)

Pushee, pushee.....

You push a bike by using your legs to push the pedels.... The picture of the bike with no pedals is similar, but that one you push your legs against the ground to make it move.

To make something move by pushing it means using your legs more than your arms, if you just pushed it and stood still it would fall over soon enough.

Sounds like maybe 17th or 18th century explanation.

For at least the last 100 years it's been called a bicycle -- and we pedal it.

Edited by BradinAsia
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Bicycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other words for bicycle include "bike", "pushbike", "pedal cycle", or "cycle". In Unicode, the hexadecimal code for "bicycle" is 1F6B2. The string ? ...

The 1st search result for 'pushbike'. Is it really that hard people? Why waste everyone's time when you can find the answer in 0.28 secs.

Different countries where English is the native tongue have different terms for the same things. Get over it.

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You need to follow Cesars advice and dominate the pack leader. Get to the dogs level find the pack leader and start humping him, this is dog language for being dominated.

Try this tell us how you go. Get it on video if you can.

Edited by wow64
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The whole world understands what a bicycle is. When you say "push bike"

it sounds like it has no pedals -- only frame, wheels and seat.

From the OED

push-bicycle, -cycle, an ordinary bicycle, propelled by the rider, as distinguished from one driven by a motor; push-bike colloq., a push-bicycle; hence as v. intr., to ride a push-bicycle; also push-biking vbl. n.;

Though even if - for unknown reasons - you are incapable of using a dictionary, it's still entirely obvious from the context what the word means.

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The whole world understands what a bicycle is. When you say "push bike"

it sounds like it has no pedals -- only frame, wheels and seat.

From the OED

push-bicycle, -cycle, an ordinary bicycle, propelled by the rider, as distinguished from one driven by a motor; push-bike colloq., a push-bicycle; hence as v. intr., to ride a push-bicycle; also push-biking vbl. n.;

Though even if - for unknown reasons - you are incapable of using a dictionary, it's still entirely obvious from the context what the word means.

we were just having a go with him anyways...lol

truth be told, been around the world and always owned a bicycle (still do)...I had to laugh because I only heard a bicycle referred to as a "Push" thing....twice. It might be common in his country.

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5 Non-Violent Tricks to Deal with Stray Dogs


I have been thinking about this subject and wondered about the following:

I have an umbrella with me most of the time (for protection from sun or rain). It has a spring, I press a button and it opens very fast. Would that scare a dog?

Has anyone personal experience with a dog attach? I can imagine winning over one dog, but I think two could kill me.

The dog will probably jump at a human, to chest or neck area, and the human will protect his body with his arm (if nothing else is at hand). The dog will bite the arm, and then?

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