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China celebrates 65th anniversary


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China celebrates 65th anniversary
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BEIJING, Oct 1 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping said Tuesday China will continue to give priority to development, adhere to reform and innovation and stay committed to the path of peaceful development.

Xi made the remarks when addressing a reception marking the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Xi called for enhanced unity within the Communist Party of China (CPC), adding that the CPC should reinforce cooperation with other parties and maintain the bond with the people.

"We must stand firmly with the people," Xi said. "We will always proceed from and aim at realizing, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people."

He called for enhanced confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics as well as in the theory and system regarding the path.

The Communist Party of China is key to the country's success, Xi said.

"We must never waver in our faith and must never separate ourselves from the people," he said. "All problems that affect the Party's creativity, cohesiveness and effectiveness must be addressed, all illnesses that harm the Party's advanced nature and purity completely cured and all tumors grown on the healthy organism of the Party removed."

He also stressed modesty and cautiousness as China will remain at the primary stage of socialism for a long time to come.

"A nation may thrive in adversity but perish in ease," he said. "We cannot afford to be complacent at any time. This is certainly true for both the Party and the country, including the leadership and the people."

He called on the Chinese people to cultivate and practice the core socialist values, build the will of the nation around its shared ideals and unleash Chinese strength through Chinese spirit.

"Sixty-five years is but a fleeting moment in the history of human development. Yet in this short space of 65 years, the Chinese people have made spectacular and Earth-shaking changes," said Xi.

Over the 65 years, China has transitioned from new democracy to socialism. It has blazed and broadened the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, translating socialism into a successful path and institutional system, said Xi.

Over the 65 years, China has made historic progress in raising social productivity and overall national strength, and the Chinese people have experienced a historic leap forward from poverty to having adequate food and clothing and to a life of moderate prosperity, he said.

Over the 65 years, China has followed an independent foreign policy of peace. It has upheld justice, stood alongside developing countries and led by example in maintaining world peace and promoting common development, he said.

"Our road ahead is long and arduous, and we must be fully prepared for the great struggle that has many new historical features," he said, adding that the Chinese people are sure to prevail over all hardships and difficulties and take China into an even more glorious future.

On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Xi paid tribute to Chinese people of all ethnic groups, all the CPC members, all officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and the armed police, and all members of the democratic parties and personages without party affiliation.

Xi also extended greetings to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan as well as Chinese nationals residing abroad, and expressed thanks to friendly countries and foreign friends who had supported and assisted New China in its development.

About 3,000 people from China and abroad attended the reception at the Great Hall of the People. (Xinhua)

-- TNA 2014-10-01

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The biggest group who turn out in mass to celebrate is in the small provincial town of Hong Kong.

Yes, I doubt they'll be waving flags of unity during the celebration or singing Kumbaya.


These not so intelligent Chinese would rather be colonized by Farang (like UK); then unite with own race?


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The biggest group who turn out in mass to celebrate is in the small provincial town of Hong Kong.

Yes, I doubt they'll be waving flags of unity during the celebration or singing Kumbaya.


These not so intelligent Chinese would rather be colonized by Farang (like UK); then unite with own race?


Hong Kong has the highest average IQ in the world.

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The biggest group who turn out in mass to celebrate is in the small provincial town of Hong Kong.

Yes, I doubt they'll be waving flags of unity during the celebration or singing Kumbaya.


These not so intelligent Chinese would rather be colonized by Farang (like UK); then unite with own race?


While race on the mainland continues to determine all loyalties and remains the root of human divisiveness, race in Hong Kong has become a distant consideration in favor of democracy, rule of law, equality, economic and sociopolitical development and the like.

In HKG the racism of race has been left in the distant past in favor of a better and more pragmatic morality.

I note on the attractive banner the two replicas of the flag of HKG as a colony of Britain. It's much preferred there to CCP colonial rule.

And I see the Brit colonial flag being held by many protesters behind the banner. This is the stuff that drives the racists in Beijing up the wall and right across the ceiling and these democrats in HKG know it.

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"Xi called for enhanced unity within the Communist Party of China (CPC), adding that the CPC should reinforce cooperation with other parties and maintain the bond with the people."

Are there other parties in the PRC?

Anybody get a chance to vote for them?

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The biggest group who turn out in mass to celebrate is in the small provincial town of Hong Kong.

Yes, I doubt they'll be waving flags of unity during the celebration or singing Kumbaya.


These not so intelligent Chinese would rather be colonized by Farang (like UK); then unite with own race?


Hong Kong has the highest average IQ in the world.

If this is true - they have to thank UK not Beijing.

I'm not trying to say mainland Chinese are more stupid.

But flushing the brains does not increase IQ.

Do you have similar information on Taiwan?


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From the OP:

"[ Xi Jinping ] He called for enhanced confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics as well as in the theory and system regarding the path."

Slight confusion here I'm afraid. It's called 'rampant capitalism....with Chinese characteristics'.


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"Xi called for enhanced unity within the Communist Party of China (CPC), adding that the CPC should reinforce cooperation with other parties and maintain the bond with the people."

Are there other parties in the PRC?

Anybody get a chance to vote for them?

Xi is delusional on this festive and lugubrious occasion.

Perhaps Xi is referring to the proliferation of political parties in HKG, but most of them are pretty small as the Democrat Party of democracy dominates any time there is a vote as restricted as voting there is.

I think of the old China hand Prof Perry Link of the University of California (Riverside) who has often pointed out that Xi Jinping is a man of "modest intellectual gifts."

After having myself spent almost five years in the PRC, a couple of hours from HKG, I'd translate Prof Link's English and Chinese to mean Xi Jinping is a moron.


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From the OP:

"[ Xi Jinping ] He called for enhanced confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics as well as in the theory and system regarding the path."

Slight confusion here I'm afraid. It's called 'rampant capitalism....with Chinese characteristics'.



Reading the OP I too quickly began to wonder where Xi Jinping thought he might be on this notorious day and who he thought he was talking to, never mind the nonsense drivel he was babbling.


Xi sounds like he's standing amidst the hot gases of Saturn gazing up at the rings while waxing philosophical to visitors from Mars.

Out of it.

Really gonzo.


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Are the Tibetans joining the celebration ?

Good question.

Tibet today is on lockdown.

So's Xin Jiang.

Xi plans to put HKG on lockdown beginning in 2017 after Iran style elections there.

HKG however has other plans.

Xin Jiang too.

Go for it.

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From the OP:

"[ Xi Jinping ] He called for enhanced confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics as well as in the theory and system regarding the path."

Slight confusion here I'm afraid. It's called 'rampant capitalism....with Chinese characteristics'.



Reading the OP I too quickly began to wonder where Xi Jinping thought he might be on this notorious day and who he thought he was talking to, never mind the nonsense drivel he was babbling.


Xi sounds like he's standing amidst the hot gases of Saturn gazing up at the rings while waxing philosophical to visitors from Mars.

Out of it.

Really gonzo.


He lacks any credibility for me.

I could spout on at length about this.

However, my posts above are as concise and cogent as I can make them.

Presumably there were fireworks or a 65 gun salute organised for this occasion.

And were Mr and Mrs Mugabe invited?


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So this is how the fascist Boyz in Beijing celebrate their happy 65th birthday of the People's Republic of China.........

Beijing just sent a chilling message to Hong Kong’s umbrella revolution

HONG KONG—Beijing has a harshly worded message for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement.

Hong Kongers who continue to participate in the protests should expect dire consequences, an editorial in the People’s Daily newspaper warned today.

Some activists and analysts, including a former Tiananmen student leader, say the piece bears a marked similarity to a notorious editorial that ran the People’s Daily immediately before the Tianamen Squire massacre of unarmed protesters more than 25 years ago.

Today’s People’s Daily editorial (link in Chinese) goes on to argue that the pro-democracy “Occupy Central” protests are illegal and are hurting Hong Kong. “If it continues, the consequences will be unimaginable,” the editorial warns.


Hong Kong protesters jeer Chinese flag



Hong Kong leader heckled on National Day

29906170001_3815090705001_thumb-b3600f2d Hong Kong leader heckled on National Day10/01/2014 news immersive


Hong Kong holds flag-raising ceremony to mark China ...


Student leader Joshua Wong, the 17-year-old founder of the influential Scholarism protest movement, led 30 people who turned their backs on the flag near the government's official flag-raising ceremony in the Wanchai district, "to show our disagreement towards the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), especially for the decision made on political reform in Hong Kong," he said.




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Yeap just to be the party pooper...I celebrated the day with a nice cup of matcha green tea and best wishes for the people of China ...

Flying back to New Zealand now for some good lamb.

That's quite the disassociated personality you have there and also self-indulgent tastes cruising at 35000 feet -- you flying Malaysia Air by chance, hopefully? smile.png You weren't far from SE Asia's own equivalent Bermuda Triangle. Your luck must be good.

But then let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all of that. wai.gif

Fried spicy goat turned out to be a pleasant Chinese culinary treat while the boiled cow intestines proved to be both unwelcome and indicative that Old World people continue to be used to eating anything available that's edible. You seem to be among the small but growing class of Chinese globe trotting jet set connoisseurs.

So whaddayou think of Thai roaches??? biggrin.png

Korean food is across the board better to my tastes although outside of Korea I've always chosen a Chinese restaurant over a Korean one, having spent a previous life in the USA frequenting a good number of the gazillion Chinese restaurants there (it's 50-50 as to whether there are more Chinese or Italian eateries in the USA and as to which is the most popular of all ethnic foods).

The Cantonese yellow somewhat syrupy tea quickly became my favorite, offered hospitably by almost every tobacco shop or variety store in Ye Olde Canton (Guangzhou-Chao Shan), especially welcome in even the mild winters there, happily for me offered almost anywhere one sits down in those parts..

I never myself dared to wander north of the Yangtze. Most of 'em up there like the CCP. whistling.gif

The Brits are eating dog curry now ? Wow you guys are getting really confused hahahah

When such developments occur the Chinese predictably laugh a lot about it with a great self satisfaction and pleasure. It's a pattern exhibited among so many Chinese I knew or continue to know. Sort of like 'I made you eat shit, didn't I hahaha'.

Edited by Publicus for typo in a French word.

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Globe trotting Chinese ...hmm it's not a small number as far as I know.

My circle of business associates here who are educated and scoff at dumb remarks easily is quite a big pool. However as we are relatively low profile people , we rarely make a scene so maybe you don't see much around.

Malaysia airlines is one on downward trend and due for a restructuring ..if your next teaching job pays you a bonus and you are keen , maybe you can PM the company taking it private although I know at times when they flash the fare specials , some may get attracted to it and still take the risk and fly hoping for the best

I can see why you won't dare to venture up the north ... the remarks you make won't make you a desirable guest in most countries if you speak of the host country like this.

Although seeing you aren't using your real name and in general seem to be only a harmless ranter, I can also see how they allowed you in the south to mingle around as the Canton folks like ourselves are in general less critical and more accommodating of Kwai Lou who talks gribbish

I guess the clan houses in the south have not figured out your disguise yet that you are a CCP spitter and hater.

Time for breakfast.....do miss Thailand


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We don't laugh at you smile.png

There is really no mean bones in me unless you are in my way to complete a business deal ... A forum topic ... Nah

Obviously there is always 2 sides to every opinion and a good debate makes an interesting forum.

I'm not British so your post doesn't apply to me....I was making a true observation of fact, i.e., the Chinese and your crude hahaha, that's all.

I've never eaten dog and never will, at least over here. The 'not over here' relates directly to your post about the Brits in Britain, does it not.

It's not that I'm dogmatically opposed or that I'd be unwilling to try new things such as to eat dog in some place at some point in time.

. It's that in the USA they always ask me if I ate dog. They ask in a tone and manner that suggests it would be equal to child molestation or raping a nun. I don't want to say yes, I ate dog over here, and I don't want to have to lie to say no if in fact I'd tried dog, which as I said I have not done.

I can honestly say to deeply concerned family and friends in the USA that I've never eaten dog and I'm going to keep it that way, thx.

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No one has ever ate dog in our family and I have not tried it before as you can see from my pic I love dogs a lot and believe they should be pets and pets only.

Never thought you were a Brit as you are clearly a US citizen with your language and style of writing.

Enough about dogs back to topic ...congrats to the CCP for their 65th anniversary and here's toasting they will be better and keep improving for the sake of the people

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So why don't you live in the PRC?

I would never go back having experienced it first hand.

Far too many negatives, many of which are about 9.0 on the Richter Scale, and I really am stuck to think of any positives.



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Do you have to live in a country to prove your love for it or your own race ?

My work and business gives me a traveling lifestyle around the world and I enjoy it.

Is that is so...funny how all of us are in Thailand and in a Thailand forum ..I live in Chiang Mai and love it whenever I am off work to relax.

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Do you have to live in a country to prove your love for it or your own race ?

My work and business gives me a traveling lifestyle around the world and I enjoy it.

Is that is so...funny how all of us are in Thailand and in a Thailand forum ..I live in Chiang Mai and love it whenever I am off work to relax.


I wouldn't go to Beijing to relax that's for sure.

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No one has ever ate dog in our family and I have not tried it before as you can see from my pic I love dogs a lot and believe they should be pets and pets only.

I thought I might try dog when I went to Vietnam, but when I saw them in cages being brought to slaughter, I changed my mind forever. We should not EVER be eating animals that have been domesticated for centuries to be pets. bah.gif

Personally I prefer herbivorous animals like cattle, sheep, chicken and game to eat. Carnivorous animals like dogs don't do it for me. Not healthy in my view.

But as they say in the PRC: 'dog eat dog.'


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