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Seven eleven sells outdated product


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Well today I went to seven eleven and wanted to buy their boiled eggs.

I paid for it and then I realized that their limit consuption date were on 28th of September.

I politely told them about it and asked for my money back but they got angry.

Finally after 5min they agreed to refund me but they put the eggs back to where I took them.

I asked them that they should throw them away but they didn't care.

I wanted to take a picture but they yelled "Sir no photo please"...so I went on my way without causing anymore problem.

Am I being to picky ? I know it's just 4-5 days since their consumption limit but still, what if someone get sick after buying those eggs ?

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true story, they did me also the trick few yeags ago. I did buy their 37 baht chicken burger. When i started to eat chew it , i realized the meat was rotten.

So i walked back and complain, the burger was expired..... and you will not believe me! you know what they did?

They give me another chicken burger.... wait!

wait thats not the end of the story, and you will not believe me, but i swear its true!! The second chicken burger was also rotten... i swear its true.

The meat was dark, hard, visibly expired. But they did me the trick twice. Are they dumb? I can not really get the mindset of the staff!

I didnt bother to walk back, i just throw it.

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my local supermarket sells burrito pita bread, got stung once when i got them home with big old black mould spots.

went to buy them yesterday 2 months later, big old mould spots on all of them, still in date..

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7 is not the only one with this problem. I've learned through hard experience to check the date dates on all foodstuffs from any of the stores, even the high-end ones. Seems that "rotate your stock" is not a watchword here. In the village markets, of course, you check that the produce is fresh, the eels are still swimming, etc.

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But 1st about not allowing you to get a photograph........I doubt it.

Why doubt it. There are some stores in Chiang Mai that make intercom announcements that no photos are allowed. As a private business they are in their right to not allow photos.

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Standard practice everywhere in Thailand, every sells out of date stuff and hopes no one notices and they plain don't care.

The staff in 7/11 aren't the ones making the profit just the ones that will get the blame for loss of money and most likely taken out their wages.

No photos again many places. Got told off in Tesco for trying to take a joke photo with a certain brand of drink next to a certain brand of snack. This is a family site so better not say which. Just put them in the trolley and ......

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Happened to me more then once. Usually only when I am in a hurry and just want to get some soda. Not with food stuff yet. But it is not only 7 but happened as well in Tesco Express and Big C mini. I do think they would work according to a worldwide standard, which would mean the supplier is not allowed to send anything to their stores, which will expire within 3 month, except fresh items.

On the other hand I know as well the staff does not care about FIFO principals or even common sense or company policy. O well, I maybe will learn it the hard way or never.

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It's worth noting that these are actually "sell by" dates, not true expiration dates. This is the date the manufacturer is supposed to guarantee product freshness and flavor. Almost all food is perfectly safe to eat after the sell-by date so long as it has been properly stored (i.e. refrigerated) and the packaging is still intact. It's a bit silly to think that a product suddenly "expires" and becomes inedible the moment the clock strikes midnight on whatever date is printed on the package. And as a previous post shows, it's entirely possible for food to be moldy or rotten well before the sell-by date if it hasn't been handled or stored properly.

Manufacturers often use the sell-by date as a sales gimmick to encourage people to throw away perfectly good product and purchase new. Example: all the ketchup packets I got with my McDelivery last week are stamped "EXP 31DEC14" but we all know that ketchup, being mostly vinegar and sugar along with a bit of tomato paste, stays viable for years in an unopened package.

For the OP's hard-boiled egg, I probably would have eaten it as long as it passed the smell test. A few days past the sell-by date is nothing to get worked up about.

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Had something similar happen in Family Mart. I bought a pair of nail clippers that did not cut. As I was staying right nearby I took them back. After some equivocation, the assistant tried them out and agreed they were no good. He got another pair from the shop, carefully put the first set into the new cellophane packaging and then stuck them back on the display rack.

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There are some stores in Chiang Mai that make intercom announcements that no photos are allowed. As a private business they are in their right to not allow photos

hes right ... fair enough ... see pic sad.png

but often its just after ive walked in the shop !

do you think they know who i am ? sad.png

quick .. quick ... dave2s here ... make the anouncement !

just joshin



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OP, why can't I believe you?

Must be my suspicious self.

But 1st about not allowing you to get a photograph........I doubt it.

Second they put the eggs back in the self........I doubt it.

Third, didn't you look for eggs with more recent date?

Any normal person would have done that.

Even me although I'm not normal.

Anyway you are right, they shouldn't sell out of date eggs.

1. Taking photo in 7-eleven and family mart ist not allowed. Every shop has signs!

2. Boiled eggs can be used very long. throwing them away is a european habit. Falang may die! Others survive.

Nonetheless those should no longer be sold...

p.s. I once saw Pfanni Knödel in Nong Khai just 5 years over due :-)

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This is news?

Worthy of comment?

You can find outdated merchandise for sale in stores in any country.

In California where I am from...the consumption date is usually about one week later than the "sell by" date.

I really don't see a problem here..

at least not one that is unique to Thailand

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This is news?

Worthy of comment?

You can find outdated merchandise for sale in stores in any country.

In California where I am from...the consumption date is usually about one week later than the "sell by" date.

I really don't see a problem here..

at least not one that is unique to Thailand

I worked in logistics for ASDA (Walmart) & can assure you this would never happen in the UK. Supermarkets operate using the 'Just in Time' method & don't hold stock for longer than 24 hours.

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