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I'm not trying to make my name in this forum. Believe me if you will. I've already got some valuable answers to my questions and for that I thank you. I have travelled a lot, though only in Europe, but I have a splendid knowledge of the different conditions that I will meet in the third world. I'm not some child saying this I want and that I want, I'm simply making an inquiry about some of multiple possibilities and difficulties, afterwards, when I have learned a thing or two, I will adjust my demands to the situation and do what is wisest. As for my poetry you might feel that I ought to prove that I'm worth my boasting, but I don't feel no need to show you my glittering gold. As for now it's safest in my pocket.

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Fair enuff (enough)! KevinN wins the age question. Live cheap. It can be done they say. Laptop might be cheaper in Denmark than Thailand, if nothing else, you could adjust to using it before coming to Thailand where tech support can be very very iffy. Boom box you might want to buy in Thailand but one from Denmark should work in Thailand (Thai 50c/220v Denmark 50c/230v).

Bring a couple of bottles of your favorite liquor and save it for really important celebrations. Temperature is not the worst enemy of books, humidity is. A unplugged reefer with a good dehumidifier (chemical) in it should keep your books in good order for the time frame you are discussing. Others with long term experience will have better advice on this one.

No one makes a living as a poet. So the equivalent of a sabatical or project grant, self financed, may be your best bet. The best answer to critics is, of course, your work. When it is done. Good luck.




You seem to have a facility for writing & expressing yourself. :D

You have now a good idea of the budget it will cost you in a remote area in Thailand (about 5 times cheaper than in Denmark).

It will cost you about 10 times cheaper than in DK if you go to India.

If you lose yourself in the Himalayas above Richickesh (looks more like "remote" to me), it will cost you 20 times cheaper. Forget the laptop, the fridge, the sound system... you will have music through your own guitar, food from your own stocks, the purest natural water of the World at the river nearby, the most suffocating view you have ever looked at, the most beautiful inspiring silence you have ever contemplated - only cave silence is deeper, and you can find yourself a cave there... :D

It will be dry enough for your books to remain in good state for the next 5,000 years, as it is about -10 to -20 (degres celcius) in Winter, while around +20 to +30 in Summer (depending on your chosen altitude), and if you like it so, you will even be able to declare your prose to your scarce visitors (Indians do speak a beautiful English, you know), who will probably beatifically drink your words, considering you like a sort of guru or illuminated hermit, and bringing you food regularly as a consequence (serious)...

There, no problem of singing, drinking, smoking, flying, or whatever else you wish, nobody cares and whatever happens you won't be lost for anybody nor found if anything happens... real solitude ! :o

If you need more advices abt. it, make me a pleasure to buy the first Lonely Planet guidebook on North-Est India, but don't try to make me do your homework at your place, I simply won't... :D You want to know how it looks like in this "third world", try to imagine life at the time of the old testament in the Bible, you got a good picture there...

While I don't know all of Thailand (maybe in the North-East), I am not sure it is the best place for your purpose... as meditation here is more "deep into the subject" of humanity... :D


BOZO, I think that your advise is the best answer to the troller of all that has been posted.

I really can't see why he would want to come to Thailand for the purpose stated,And it is my view that he would not be allowed to enter anyway.

We have a lot of Back packers that come here to live cheaply off of the land.

And on top of it all,FEARLESS LEADER has most likely put a mark on his entry as he had called this ASIAN TIGER "third world" and you know what fearless leader thinks of that.And about his apparent steady courtship of Mary Jane.

ZENDESIGNER said it very well,

"20 year old fool... Try stopping the weed for a time...

Nobody will give a f-u-ck about your Poetry...

Beside's give up your ego-trip as well as the other trips???"

Maybe we should start a poll as to the merits of your idea and where he should go?


Please do a little homework first.

Most, if not all the answers are on this site already. if you care to read the information!!

Maybe we should start a poll as to the merits of your idea and where he should go?

Good idea !

Shall we make a poll related to HenrikDK thread. :D

I actually DO like HenrikDK writing, and also can recognize good will when shown (even when looking naive).

My input is through helping people "look beneath the appearances, with a solid sense of humour", and I do respect other people input, however different it might be from my own ways... also I celebrate people using their gifts & skills to this effect.

Let's help HenrikDK start being famous through our humoristic & constructive assistance...

The idea is for him to be famous & for us to have as much fun as possible !... :o

The poll could be introduced by something like:

" Oh you to whom Sacred Siam

Has whispered her ancient wisdom!

I am a 20 years old poet-to-be from Denmark. I should like to live a year in utter isolation from any man or woman that I know to complete an opulent opus of poetry, which will surely amaze every human being who still has a good heart and a sense of beauty. Therefore, I require some answers from you who [know about life]...

...lately I've had visions of certain altitudes and... I am confident about music as an eternal means to divine inspiration... I wish not to be totally isolated from people, but I long to depart from all those I know... just a simple apartment, a bungalow, a little hut, anything... for the main problem, that poetry should deal with these days, is the greed of the masses...

...we are facing catastrophy on a global level - believe me,... you cannot stop world hunger, war and killing, but you certainly will not be able to break the slightest bone in the arm of Injustice... 30.000 dead little bodies, every day, injustice has accumulated and it is our duty to help the poor... and the poor are my brothers and my sisters and some day, when I have been able to announce my poetic manifest to the ears the world, I shall go live with them, light and simple and driven only by faith. But I know what I need to work on now and before I can ascent to a more natural way of life I have some ghosts of marble to fight and some plastic bananas to peel...

...my strange tongue has been seriously infected by thousands of different styles of writing, in Danish, in English, in French, in Spanish, in German, so it’s quite hard for me to stay out of linguistic enigmas and poetic contradictions... discipline is required in these bestial times... as for my poetry you might feel that I ought to prove that I'm worth my boasting, but I don't feel no need to show you my glittering gold...

...I have already created major parts of the work I am going to finish, and I am convinced that I have already reached the goal, i.e. to create a collection of poetry which will amaze the people of this world (if there are any children left)... my muse is singing sweet songs of yore to me every night as I go almost sober to lie on my bed... it’s hard for anyone these days to imagine that some man... would refuse to make any dirty compromises, but there are still a few, and one day, getting closer, there shall be millions... "

Then the possible choices of the poll (20 possible) could be: :D

1. the last one shall be an open question leading people to give their suggestion in the replies attached.

2. in Thailand

3. smoking ganja in India

4. meditating in the Himalayas

5. do poetry with the Poors

6. in the deserts of sand & snow

7. in a opium house in China

8. ...??? (open to suggestions)

Also, what could be the appropriate Poll question, Topic title & Topic description in order to attract as many voters as possible ???

I would suggest: "Where should HenrikDK go ?", but am open to all suggestions...

HenrikDK, all your suggestions are most welcome, of course... but won't prevent the poll tide... :D

Also may I suggest you to enhance slightly more strongly your beautiful sense of humour, which will attenuate your touch of arrogance probably due to your energetic youth, as it looks like you have absolutely no idea (only guesses, glimpses from stories, books & TV) what to expect concretely of the World outside of Europe, but obviously have a strong will to discover it... :D

Maybe we should start a poll as to the merits of your idea and where he should go?

Iwould be willing to bet his g/f dumped him and that's why he wants to get away and isolate himself. Whatever his reason is Ithink it would be a good experience for him to come to Thailand. he sounds like he would make a good village idiot. :o


Thanks to all for your delightful posts. Another reason for going away is the bad state of Danish wit these days, it is truly alarming. I have always thought the British/American/Or Any Other Country humour to be better and far more eloquent than ours. Do start a poll. Make me famous here if you wish. I should be glad to have much more advice.

I started dreaming one day, of going away. I was reading my Mallarmé: "La chair est triste, hélas! et j'ai lu tous les livres." (The flesh is sad, alas! and I have read all my books.) Perhaps it was by coincidence, perhaps because of my foggy mood, but an angel whispered softly through the heavy grey layer above Copenhagen on a winter's day: 'Siam! Siam!' And then, as I took the consequense of my dream, I didn't feel that I could ignore the message I received. Thailand it would have to be. And locked in my mind I was 'till you started answering my questions. I am open to all possibilities and I should receive a poll with expectations of finding the exact place where my dreams are to attack. Now you may suggest anything: America, Africa, Asia, anywhere, anywhere out of this world, of this land, of the rotten state of Denmark. Actually I have only a few demands:

1. My exile will be of one year's length and I shall have no more or no less than 5-7.000 EURO (that is, of course) to spend.

2. I shall need my books, and I would like to bring them back with me again when the day of my homecoming arrives. 75-100 kilos. I shall be ready to buy 'an unplugged reefer with a good dehumidifier (chemical)' if needed and if it will not cost me unreasonably much. Then I would rather risk the books.

3. It must be a country of great stability. I am aware of the fact that Denmark is probably the safest place in the world to be (here, it's only the souls that are in danger) and I don't expect any place to be as 'comfortable' and I don't wish it to be. But I must be able to live as I like. This means that I should not need to depend on anyone (individuals, the government, the police, riots, masses, diseases), or at least only to a small degree. I must be able to focus almost completely on my studies.

4. Laptop or music is not required, but it is wished for. If troublesome, I'll live without it.

5. I will need one year of eternal summer, that is, in my mind, one year of +20 degrees Celsius.

All right. I expect more advice.


1. How much will a one-year visa for Thailand cost me?

2. How much will the necessary inoculations cost me?

3. How much will it (approximately) cost me to get a one-way ticket from Europe (Denmark) to Thailand?

4. How much will a cheap, but able laptop cost me in Bangkok?

5. And a cheap complete "sound system" for compact discs?

6. And a guitar?

7. Some cheap clothes?

8. How much will it cost me to rent an apartment for a year on Thailand's mainland coastline? (Within a distance of 10 to 20 km (7-15 miles) from a city with 50.-100.000 inhabitants. With beautiful surroundings, but just a simple apartment, a bungalow, a little hut, anything, with electricity though, a fridge, air-condition and shower (unless it's right next to the sea) and kitchen. The cheapest you can get!)

9. How much will it cost me to send, approximately: 50-75 kilograms of books to Thailand from Denmark (EU)?

10. How much for red wine in Thailand? And vodka?

11. How much will it cost me to eat some simple food every day, cheapest possible: just some fruits, rice, prepared meals also?

2. Malaria prophylaxis not recommended for a full year- hard to stomach and sideeffects- get treated quickly should you get ill. I recommend Hepatitis-A immunization, it takes time to do, see your doc soon.

9. Can't you buy books as Cds these days? More practical and probably cheaper than shipping back and forth10. Forget it. Get used to Mekong (35% rice-wiskey) or Lao-Kao (hardcore 40-60% rice "vodka") manufactured in backyard distilleries in the country and costs around 1-2 Eu per liter, soak some fruits such as crushed lamut in it for 2 weeks and it is quite an exceptable taste- for me, anyway.

Location: near Malaysian border, I believe Visa on entry still free of charge for Malaysia? Thai consulate nearby, in Kota-Bharu. :o


I recommend you choose any place near to Padang Besar, the border point to Malaysia. Malaysia will give you 3 months free of charge, Thailand will give you 1 month free of charge, and rent two huts, one in Thailand and one in Malaysia.

So you need not to pay for visa at all. Just WALK from one hut into the other.....

You should find somebody to share with you the same ideas, he is moving out and you are moving in. This makes accomodation even cheaper and still you will not find yourself so lonely, still you will enjoy contact with some people like yourself.....This is called cross-border-traffic for visa-run.

Why to stay in isolation just for sitting around and for reading some books? .....It is a great fun to carry 50 - 75 kg of printed matters from time to time over the border....and it will keep you fit and sporty.

You can save the money for Malaria medication, just buy a big spray against mosquitos. Stay in your room during sunrise and sunset.... such insects usually bits only during that time.

Yes, areas south of Songkhla are sometimes declared as a Malaria-zone, but after spending there vacation for over 30 years, I found snakes in the fields much more dangerous.

Alcohol, buy it duty free in the border shop......



hey man

save all the trouble

check yourself into a thai forest temple

pay real cheap for food and lodging too

bring the guitar

and compose some buddhist songs out of it

and in between

man !!!

maybe you get a bonus


go for it man...

be a guitar monk for a year

you will set a new thai record

asia record

eastern record and

western record

of being the world's


guitar monk...


Oh where, oh where will our HenrikD go?

To escape from this ridicule, 'n write drivel on blow?

Should he slum it in Thailand and big up the poor,

This first time he's ventured outside his front door?

Would he wise up the bargirls with his shimmering prose

Or collapse in the heat and get robbed by those hoes?

Will the Monks groove and bow to his lyrical wit?

No, he's likely to starve cos his poetry's sh*t.

From what I have seen of his lyrical skill

He is either a child or mentally ill.

I've never before read such worthless tripe

As if a monkey had taught it's arse to type.

Take this tip before I hurl - drop the pen and find a girl.

He's read the book and seen the film and now he wants The Beach,

HenrikD, that kind of life's outside of any reach.

I recommend you choose any place near to Padang Besar, the border point to Malaysia.

sure put him in the south !! i would really like to see the look on a muslims face when he starts to proclaim his poetry...

It think it wil be

CHOP CHOP of with the head very quickly :o

I recommend you choose any place near to Padang Besar, the border point to Malaysia.

sure put him in the south !! i would really like to see the look on a muslims face when he starts to proclaim his poetry...

It think it wil be

CHOP CHOP of with the head very quickly :o

If all your books and other luggage are over 100 kg, you cannot carry them anymore. I strongly recommend you to try out a life in the inland-sea of Songkhla with the local Muslim fishermen there. People are living there directly in the sea and are very very friendly.

For more documentation please study my homepage - nice photos at:


Clear advantages:

Any heavy luggage will be taken by boat

You might get a part-time job at the gas-station there

For food you need only take a look through your floor and take a fish or a shrimp

A nice Muslim lady will be recommended to you by the locals.

(happened also to me! picture provided on my homepage)

Only expenses: buy in Hadyai a 3-language dictionary and a 3-language-phrase-book for English-Malay(Jawi)-Thai.....You will need that, but some few books more should not be a problem for you.

About health: take some Imodium-tablets with you, drinking water there is really not the best, lacking some cleanliness.

Should you feel the urgent desire to remove an unusual big amount of shit out of your body, remove your pants and jump straight into the shallow water....

Have a good trip!


1. How much will a one-year visa for Thailand cost me?

2. How much will the necessary inoculations cost me?

3. How much will it (approximately) cost me to get a one-way ticket from Europe (Denmark) to Thailand?

4. How much will a cheap, but able laptop cost me in Bangkok?

5. And a cheap complete "sound system" for compact discs?

6. And a guitar?

7. Some cheap clothes?

8. How much will it cost me to rent an apartment for a year on Thailand's mainland coastline? (Within a distance of 10 to 20 km (7-15 miles) from a city with 50.-100.000 inhabitants. With beautiful surroundings, but just a simple apartment, a bungalow, a little hut, anything, with electricity though, a fridge, air-condition and shower (unless it's right next to the sea) and kitchen. The cheapest you can get!)

9. How much will it cost me to send, approximately: 50-75 kilograms of books to Thailand from Denmark (EU)?

Here’s some advice for HenrikDK unless he’s decided he’d rather go to India after all... :o

1. Get a 1-year business (non-immigrant “B”) visa and multiple entry permit. You’ll have to leave Thailand every 90 days to get your passport stamped. Or enter Thailand as a Buddhist monk which can qualify you for a special religious visa. That way you also avoid some of the hassles that Tacky delights in creating for foreigners living in LOS.

2. See a Thai doctor for vaccines – Hep A, Hep B, typhoid recommended. Plus JE if you think you’ll get friendly with pigs upcountry. :D

Dengue and JE mosquito vectors (Aedes and Culex species) bite during the day; malaria mosquitoes bite at night. Dengue is found all over Thailand except Bangkok, and malaria is found in all border areas and in southern Thailand. Obviously use insect repellent with deet.

4. Cheap 2nd hand laptops at Panthip Plaza (computer mall) in Bangkok

8. You won't need air-con once you’ve been in Thailand for a while. I highly recommend Tong Noi Pan Noi beach on Koh Pangan if you’re looking for isolation and occasional entertainment by a merry (but mad) group of Thais and farangs. There might even be a sangsom-inspired poet in the flotsam. Plus there’s a library on the beach. Don’t know if they stock Plato.

Put your books out in the sun to dry every other day so they don't mildew (esp. in wet season).

9. Use sea freight and pay for volume, not weight.


Well henrick good luck to you mate, but as a fellow poet I dont really see its best to go wild and native. I find a few Cognacs does the trick. As for your visa, you can get 3x90 days at your Thai Embassy, but you have the leave Thailand to get each entry validated! (even for 10 min and back) You ought to come up north really away from all the tourist in the south. if youve never been out of Europe, your in for a shock, culture shock is very real here. If you got right out of things in the forests, close to the real poorness and povety of the Thai farmers, maybe it would break your heart, certainly would give you a lot more poems for sure. Good luck and its for sure you will need it. The cheapest Thai laptop Ive seen is around 30,000 baht, but dont even think to go back to the shop if it stops working, they are not interested in warrenty! I think you should go to Batan, very quite, nice people. if you come to Thailand best to become a Buddist monk, there are a lot of places for you to go to learn, and they will feed you and give you a room too, nice robe, lots of free time to write all the best


Henrick, 5k to 7k Euro for one year is fine. More than enough for the style of living you are looking for. A small house or apartment outside a city is 5000 to 10000 baht a month. Lap tops vary. Probably cheaper at home.

Don't listen to the old timers here. Do what you want to do.

I should like to live a year in Thailand in utter isolation from any man or woman

Are you sure you are chosing the right place?

You are Danish and you want to come to thailand to live in utter isolation.

Do you know Thailand or am I missing something? :o

Should you feel the urgent desire to remove an unusual big amount of shit out of your body, remove your pants and jump straight into the shallow water....

Whereupon the locals will assist you by beating it, still living, out of you for exposing your flacid tackle at them.

Sorry, Johan, have I spoiled the surprise?

Curses! :o


By now hierick you should be well set up with all this wealth of info. But I would add, maybe when you arrive in Bangkok, do spend a few nights around Sukhumwit/Nanna , you might change your plans worth a try. : :o

1. How much will a one-year visa for Thailand cost me?

2. How much will the necessary inoculations cost me?

3. How much will it (approximately) cost me to get a one-way ticket from Europe (Denmark) to Thailand?

4. How much will a cheap, but able laptop cost me in Bangkok?

5. And a cheap complete "sound system" for compact discs?

6. And a guitar?

7. Some cheap clothes?

8. How much will it cost me to rent an apartment for a year on Thailand's mainland coastline? (Within a distance of 10 to 20 km (7-15 miles) from a city with 50.-100.000 inhabitants. With beautiful surroundings, but just a simple apartment, a bungalow, a little hut, anything, with electricity though, a fridge, air-condition and shower (unless it's right next to the sea) and kitchen. The cheapest you can get!)

9. How much will it cost me to send, approximately: 50-75 kilograms of books to Thailand from Denmark (EU)?

Here’s some advice for HenrikDK unless he’s decided he’d rather go to India after all... :o

1. Get a 1-year business (non-immigrant “B”) visa and multiple entry permit. You’ll have to leave Thailand every 90 days to get your passport stamped. Or enter Thailand as a Buddhist monk which can qualify you for a special religious visa. That way you also avoid some of the hassles that Tacky delights in creating for foreigners living in LOS.

2. See a Thai doctor for vaccines – Hep A, Hep B, typhoid recommended. Plus JE if you think you’ll get friendly with pigs upcountry. :D

Dengue and JE mosquito vectors (Aedes and Culex species) bite during the day; malaria mosquitoes bite at night. Dengue is found all over Thailand except Bangkok, and malaria is found in all border areas and in southern Thailand. Obviously use insect repellent with deet.

4. Cheap 2nd hand laptops at Panthip Plaza (computer mall) in Bangkok

8. You won't need air-con once you’ve been in Thailand for a while. I highly recommend Tong Noi Pan Noi beach on Koh Pangan if you’re looking for isolation and occasional entertainment by a merry (but mad) group of Thais and farangs. There might even be a sangsom-inspired poet in the flotsam. Plus there’s a library on the beach. Don’t know if they stock Plato.

Put your books out in the sun to dry every other day so they don't mildew (esp. in wet season).

9. Use sea freight and pay for volume, not weight.

A Multiple entry Non-Immigrant Business visa... at 20 years of age. That'd be a dream. Even in Denmark the Embassy is not that silly. :D

Should you feel the urgent desire to remove an unusual big amount of shit out of your body, remove your pants and jump straight into the shallow water....

Whereupon the locals will assist you by beating it, still living, out of you for exposing your flacid tackle at them.

Sorry, Johan, have I spoiled the surprise?

Curses! :D

There are 2 c's in flaccid...... :o


Still some issues to be clarified, I see.

To HaRoiHenry: Where should I go? That is indeed a good question. But I am not boasting of any lyrical skills in your innate language. I have, actually, never seen the Beach, and I dislike all modern authors. My original questions and demands were simply to be regarded as an inquiry into what kind of life I could afford in Thailand.

To Natee1: In my mind, books consist of paper.

To Yohan: "Cross-border-traffic for visa-run" - I must look into this matter. As for the "isolationist question". I have never said that I did'nt want any contact with people. I want to get away from the people I know and I need to have some place to which I can retire for my studies and for my writing. At first, I even thought that Bangkok might be my refuge.

To Zendesigner: "i would really like to see the look on a muslims face when he starts to proclaim his poetry..." I live with a muslim right now, and I should not think that nobody would chop off my head if I came with the Quran in my right hand and Rumi in my left.

To Bangkokbee: How do I enter Thailand as a Buddhist monk? Do I have to shave off my hair or how?

To Bluecat: "I should like to live a year in Thailand in utter isolation from any man or woman"...that I know. But no, I am not sure that I'm choosing the right place. That's why I ask for advice.

This wasn't meant to be a discussion about my worth as a poet. I don't even like to call myself a poet; humble singer suits me better. I am prepared for any culture shock, and though I am ignorant of many details I am aware of the difference between e.g. Thailand and Denmark. I have been employed by several organizations like CARE, Save the Children and UNICEF and I know the immense injustice which rules in this world. You have already pleased with some good advice and now I shall consider it and work out what to do. Then I will probably disturb you again with more foolish questions.


HenriDK; Well after all is said and done,now it really comes out.

I do not think that you should come to thailand after all, From what you post,I have seen and understand your thinking.

In fact I think that San Francisco Calif. or maybe Sausalito calif. circa 1959-1974 would be the perfect place for you,that might take some doing, Hashbury or North Beach would suit your requirements very nicely,Good quality weed and a few acid tabs and you are in business.You are on acid now,,Right ?

HenriDK; Well after all is said and done,now it really comes out.

I do not think that you should come to thailand after all, From what you post,I have seen and understand your thinking.

In fact I think that San Francisco Calif. or maybe Sausalito calif. circa 1959-1974 would be the perfect place for you,that might take some doing, Hashbury or North Beach would suit your requirements very nicely,Good quality weed and a few acid tabs and you are in business.You are on acid now,,Right ?

It might help if he is Kevin :o

Still some issues to be clarified, I see.

To HaRoiHenry: Where should I go? That is indeed a good question. But I am not boasting of any lyrical skills in your innate language. I have, actually, never seen the Beach, and I dislike all modern authors. My original questions and demands were simply to be regarded as an inquiry into what kind of life I could afford in Thailand.

To Natee1: In my mind, books consist of paper.

To Yohan: "Cross-border-traffic for visa-run" - I must look into this matter. As for the "isolationist question". I have never said that I did'nt want any contact with people. I want to get away from the people I know and I need to have some place to which I can retire for my studies and for my writing. At first, I even thought that Bangkok might be my refuge.

To Zendesigner: "i would really like to see the look on a muslims face when he starts to proclaim his poetry..." I live with a muslim right now, and I should not think that nobody would chop off my head if I came with the Quran in my right hand and Rumi in my left.

To Bangkokbee: How do I enter Thailand as a Buddhist monk? Do I have to shave off my hair or how?

To Bluecat: "I should like to live a year in Thailand in utter isolation from any man or woman"...that I know. But no, I am not sure that I'm choosing the right place. That's why I ask for advice.

This wasn't meant to be a discussion about my worth as a poet. I don't even like to call myself a poet; humble singer suits me better. I am prepared for any culture shock, and though I am ignorant of many details I am aware of the difference between e.g. Thailand and Denmark. I have been employed by several organizations like CARE, Save the Children and UNICEF and I know the immense injustice which rules in this world. You have already pleased with some good advice and now I shall consider it and work out what to do. Then I will probably disturb you again with more foolish questions.


Cock off!

(Chonabot, 2 c's in that too!) :o

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