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Murder reenactment: 200 policemen deployed to guard two Myanmar men on Koh Tao


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Does anyone have first hand knowledge of how the police extract a confession from a scapegoat? I'd be interested to know how this comes about. If I'm not guilty of something and the cops try to make it so, they'd have to be pretty good at it. Fingernails, rats on the stomach in a bin with a blowtorch. A mere beating probably wouldn't make me confess? But, saying that, I've never been there.

I'm hoping we'll hear from the ware brothers at some stage after funerals.

Their story will give an insight into the machinations of the usual suspects (refuse to use titles) and their interrogation tactics.

Planting evidence on a suspect, how low can they go.

The Burmese would have had serious language problems, just sign these statements written in Thai. All's good boys.

Did they have translators? dumb question.

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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound

Could you post a link.

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Just because the Thai police have some issues doesn't mean that the 3 Burmese guys in custody didn't do it and there is some grand conspiracy in this case...

I take my cue from the British Ambassador who went down to Koh Tao and talked the folks investigating this and received a whole lot more info than any of is have...

His comments are that the Thai police for it right in this case..

Also if the DNA matches... That is a tough one to fake... Also the fact that one of them previously had hair died blond and then died it back to black after blond hair found at scene...

All in all, in my thoughts... Seems they solved the case correctly from the info I have seen ...

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An update News Regarding Koh Tao Murders --- "SUSPICIOUS"

"The suspects have been kept "without legal representation". We still don't have lawyers observing the process directly,"
"So we are suspicious about the judicial process in terms of these alleged confessions."
(Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, a human rights activist.)

But, police chief Somyot said the suspects had made "no request for lawyers".
"They haven't asked for lawyers.

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But, police chief Somyot said the suspects had made "no request for lawyers".

"They haven't asked for lawyers.

They can't, it's not in their contract, the quicker the string pullers can get a conviction and have this washed under the carpet the better. The boys will do a little time in jail and when all's forgotten will be quietly shipped back home, with a tidy bit of change in their pocket. The police will have their 'hush' money in the way of a generous reward from the General/PM for their 'obvious' skills in solving the problem.

I said problem not crime.

Edited by bdenner
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That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

Yup. Thus was on Facebook just now and I shared it. If this is what has happened, then the trial by social media on the police can start. What a useless bunch of crooks the Thai police are.

And it just shows how inept they are, they don't even record what has happened, by whom, when and how for the investigation. A MAJOR slip-up with the phone me thinks. Just hope some western media runs with it.

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That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

I don't see what point you are making. The phone Hannah has is not the same phone as the one her friend has in the photo with the police.

Where did you get that information from? Do you have a source please?

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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound

Could you post a link.

Link ... https://www.facebook.com/CSILA90210?fref=nf

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An update News Regarding Koh Tao Murders --- "SUSPICIOUS"

"The suspects have been kept "without legal representation". We still don't have lawyers observing the process directly,"

"So we are suspicious about the judicial process in terms of these alleged confessions."

(Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, a human rights activist.)

But, police chief Somyot said the suspects had made "no request for lawyers".

"They haven't asked for lawyers.

I don't think the Burmese would even know their rights and I'm sure the Thai police would NOT tell them!

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When the news broke about these guys being arrested, the csi la guy received a fb message from the son of the village chief saying 5555 which means hahahaha.

Arrogant little pr*ck

LINK please, wai.gif

I saw that it's on csi la face

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But, police chief Somyot said the suspects had made "no request for lawyers".

"They haven't asked for lawyers.

They can't, it's not in their contract, the quicker the string pullers can get a conviction and have this washed under the carpet the better. The boys will do a little time in jail and when all's forgotten will be quietly shipped back home, with a tidy bit of change in their pocket. The police will have their 'hush' money in the way of a generous reward from the General/PM for their 'obvious' skills in solving the problem.

I said problem not crime.

I really do not think these Burmese will ever see the light of day again. sad.png

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true story: I had a Thai g.f. once, who slipped out one night (or many nights) to a bar to see a Burmese guy closer to her age. I asked her what language they spoke, Thai or Burmese? She said 'English.' Two little countries side-by-side for a thousand years, and English is their common language. Addendum: have you ever tried speaking with a Thai cop in English? I don't know about other parts, but here in Chiang Rai, not one of hundreds of cops speaks even the most basic English.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just because the Thai police have some issues doesn't mean that the 3 Burmese guys in custody didn't do it and there is some grand conspiracy in this case...

I take my cue from the British Ambassador who went down to Koh Tao and talked the folks investigating this and received a whole lot more info than any of is have...

His comments are that the Thai police for it right in this case..

Also if the DNA matches... That is a tough one to fake... Also the fact that one of them previously had hair died blond and then died it back to black after blond hair found at scene...

All in all, in my thoughts... Seems they solved the case correctly from the info I have seen ...

Ok, it may work for you, but the case (against the Burmese) stinks like month-old fish mixed with candida yeast for me and many others. The Brit ambassador's priority, to be polite with Thai officialdom, takes precedence over finding the true culprit. Or maybe he is genuinely convinced the Burmese did it and the cops did a good job. With all due respect, sir, I call that naive and unschooled in the ways of Thai crime investigations.
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A great many of us who have closely followed the case , guessed it would come to this.

A predictable outcome with intense dubious results to the horror of a very bad crime.

Indeed we are led through it.

And Thais can claim as they always said from the very beginning.

That they couldn't have committed the crime.

Untill the next time !

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So can you explain why Hannahs friend is seen giving Hannahs phone to the police, then the police magically find it near one of the suspects homes.

That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

Millions of people all over the world are following this case, some of them REAL CSI. so lucky that a few of Thaivisa posters have detected so much obvious errors that none of the experts have.

Keep up the good work boys, I'm sure you will be contacted by major governments all over the world to solve their unsolved crimes soon.

Are you for REAL?

Do tell us who has access to all this CSI evidence?

And by the way Thai CSI evidence cheesy.gif

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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound

Could you post a link.

here it is


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Millions of people all over the world are following this case, some of them REAL CSI. so lucky that a few of Thaivisa posters have detected so much obvious errors that none of the experts have.

Keep up the good work boys, I'm sure you will be contacted by major governments all over the world to solve their unsolved crimes soon.

That's a snide post. Has it occurred to you that some of those observers, even 'real CSI' have noticed some of the clues introduced or showcased in these threads? Or are you assuming overseas experts can garner all the clues they need without any input from us non-CSI plebes? I would venture that many, if not most of clues and pertinent insights on this case have been put forth by non-official investigators. Unfortunately for the Burmese scapegoats, the cops are only using the clues which fit their desired frame-up. Cops have still not looked closely at last week's prime suspects. And officials conveniently disregard any data which doesn't fit nicely with their frame-up scenario.
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So the guy was a waiter at the bar they left before being murdered? So the police disn't get his DNA first time round? How is that possible?

Or this is the third one who didn't participate?

Were any of the influential families down there forced to give DNA? If not, why not?

Because why should the police be able to get your DNA without a warrant that is based on probable cause?

Most western countries police can't just get your DNA without a warrant.

Martial Law.

What planet are you from ? Probable cause , they were in that bar ,witnesses said, words were had between Hannnah and the owner, then they left ,then they were murdered.

I think thats probable cause for testing all staff for DNA.

Think before you put out trash !

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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound
I saw those revealing shots 2 hours ago. It looks likely that sort of weapon was used (yet we hear no mention of it by cops), and even more likely that the killer was a leftie, regardless of weapon used (also not mentioned by cops). Are either of the Burmese suspects, or any of the relations to the village Headman (former suspects excused by limp-wristed cops), left handed?
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Millions of people all over the world are following this case, some of them REAL CSI. so lucky that a few of Thaivisa posters have detected so much obvious errors that none of the experts have.

Keep up the good work boys, I'm sure you will be contacted by major governments all over the world to solve their unsolved crimes soon.

That's a snide post. Has it occurred to you that some of those observers, even 'real CSI' have noticed some of the clues introduced or showcased in these threads? Or are you assuming overseas experts can garner all the clues they need without any input from us non-CSI plebes? I would venture that many, if not most of clues and pertinent insights on this case have been put forth by non-official investigators. Unfortunately for the Burmese scapegoats, the cops are only using the clues which fit their desired frame-up. Cops have still not looked closely at last week's prime suspects. And officials conveniently disregard any data which doesn't fit nicely with their frame-up scenario.

I'm sure you will provide a source right away where is made public which clues were noticed by REAL CSI.

For your information, CSI LA doesn't belong in that category.

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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound
I saw those revealing shots 2 hours ago. It looks likely that sort of weapon was used (yet we hear no mention of it by cops), and even more likely that the killer was a leftie, regardless of weapon used (also not mentioned by cops). Are either of the Burmese suspects, or any of the relations to the village Headman (former suspects excused by limp-wristed cops), left handed?

yeh, the amount of holes in this story is amazing! It's not just one piece of evidence that's iffy, it's the whole damn story!

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Here are some differences in how suspects are treated in Thailand, depending on a person's social status.

>>> can get legal representation: Headman's son (HS): yes ... Burmese illegal immigrants (BII): no

>>> has rich daddy who's friends with cops: HS: yes ... BII: no

>>> can offer flimsy alibi to get let off: HS: yes ... BII: no

>>> get DNA taken: HS: no ... BII: yes

>>> can get beaten by interrogators: HS: no ... BII: yes

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Millions of people all over the world are following this case, some of them REAL CSI. so lucky that a few of Thaivisa posters have detected so much obvious errors that none of the experts have.

Keep up the good work boys, I'm sure you will be contacted by major governments all over the world to solve their unsolved crimes soon.

That's a snide post. Has it occurred to you that some of those observers, even 'real CSI' have noticed some of the clues introduced or showcased in these threads? Or are you assuming overseas experts can garner all the clues they need without any input from us non-CSI plebes? I would venture that many, if not most of clues and pertinent insights on this case have been put forth by non-official investigators. Unfortunately for the Burmese scapegoats, the cops are only using the clues which fit their desired frame-up. Cops have still not looked closely at last week's prime suspects. And officials conveniently disregard any data which doesn't fit nicely with their frame-up scenario.

I'm sure you will provide a source right away where is made public which clues were noticed by REAL CSI. For your information, CSI LA doesn't belong in that category.

I don't understand your post, so maybe I shouldn't respond. Are you saying you want me to do a bunch of research for you? Are you saying I should know precisely what REAL CSI people are thinking? I think you, Anthony, are grasping at straws.
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Millions of people all over the world are following this case, some of them REAL CSI. so lucky that a few of Thaivisa posters have detected so much obvious errors that none of the experts have.

Keep up the good work boys, I'm sure you will be contacted by major governments all over the world to solve their unsolved crimes soon.

That's a snide post. Has it occurred to you that some of those observers, even 'real CSI' have noticed some of the clues introduced or showcased in these threads? Or are you assuming overseas experts can garner all the clues they need without any input from us non-CSI plebes? I would venture that many, if not most of clues and pertinent insights on this case have been put forth by non-official investigators. Unfortunately for the Burmese scapegoats, the cops are only using the clues which fit their desired frame-up. Cops have still not looked closely at last week's prime suspects. And officials conveniently disregard any data which doesn't fit nicely with their frame-up scenario.

I'm sure you will provide a source right away where is made public which clues were noticed by REAL CSI. For your information, CSI LA doesn't belong in that category.

I don't understand your post, so maybe I shouldn't respond. Are you saying you want me to do a bunch of research for you? Are you saying I should know precisely what REAL CSI people are thinking? I think you, Anthony, are grasping at straws.

You used the right wording mate, grasping at straws, that's what conspiracy theorists are know for.

I thought you made very clear in your previous post that you KNOW what real CSI people are thinking, because you say they have noticed by themselves the clues brought up in this thread.

Only thing is, that as always the case with conspiracy theorists, you fail to deliver proof of your statements.

Over and out.

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BOILING WATER AND BEATINGS claim friends of accused Burmese workers.


It has been reported that there are photos of the Burmese workers after being persuaded to confess, although, all sources of these photos have been removed...

Who reported that?

If they had boiling water applied to `sensitive areas` it would not be visible when they are paraded fully clothed and in handcuffs. Hope it`s not true but their friends do say boiling water and beatings.

"Boiling water" is an odd one to just pluck out of thin air.

Let me know if you have more info. Thanks.

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That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

I don't see what point you are making. The phone Hannah has is not the same phone as the one her friend has in the photo with the police.

Where did you get that information from? Do you have a source please?

Don't need a source, just look at the photos, Hannah's phone is not the same as the one her friend has when she is talking to the police.

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