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We/I have seen an increasing amount of interest on the photography forum

of TVF about GoPro cameras, so I thought why not have a seperate thread

for the GoPro itself in all it's variants.

You can mount them anywhere; on handle bars, on helmets, on poles,

on dogs & cats, on surfboards, on UAV's (where the idea for this thread

started), on airplanes, on helo's, on...on darn near everything.

And their video quality is superb, especially with the brand new GoPro

Hero 4 Black which has 4K video @ 30fps.

Below is the link to GoPro.com where you can have a look at different

models & their prices and all of GoPro's accessories. In future let's

add other links to GoPro dealers in LOS and let's add some vidclips

as well...our own vidclips mainly although some commercial clips are

OK for starters. In a while I will upload some of my GoPro clips to

Youtube and place links here; mainly about the Soi Dog video I need

to get cracking on.

This thread, hopefully, will showcase the GoPro cameras in action

all over LOS wherever we can stick a GoPro camera(s). Bike riders

whether they be motorbike or pedal bike (of any type ie...touring &

MTB..etc) are very much welcome to post their vids or links to them

and so are the folks who do aerial photography.

This is just the beginning...a birth of a thread...that may be of great

value just as the entire photography thread already is to many folks.

Anything GoPro related is welcome here...pix, vids, discussions, you

name it...as long as it is GoPro.

GoPro.com link...


GoPro Hero 4 Black video link...

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I have an HD. Can I play with the big boys?

As long as it's a GoPro and not a Harley...yes! However a Harley with a GoPro

mounted on it is warmly welcome!


Anybody with any knowledge of airspeed & FPS settings please

enlighten me. What works the best? Or just trial & error...?


In a while I will upload some of my GoPro clips to

Youtube and place links here; mainly about the Soi Dog video I need

to get cracking on.

I'd be interested to see your own video work/projects G . . thumbsup.gif


^^^ GH...You can easily go to ITN archives and have a look for Hong Kong events between

1989-1997...Viet Refugees repatriations, Viet riots at refugee camps, Tianmien Square in Beijing

1989, Soviet withdrawal from Afghanstan 1989, Cambodia between 1990-1995...heaps of stuff.

WTN has much more but WTN doesn't exist these days. Now known as APTV and I haven't a

clue if they support the old WTN archive. Google may help in that.


^^^ GH...I haven't put any GP stuff up on YT because of copyright issues with prior

clients. Mostly sailing VDO's and an advertisement shoot for Shell Oil corp.

That will change with the soi dog vdo since I'm both owner, producer & client.

That's the breaks...for the moment. The soi pooch stuff shoul be interesting tho.


Just a back flip....

Holy cow, this guy is brave or outright crazy.

Even if they gave me 1mill $ I would not do it man.

I am an arm chair hero myself, I must admit.


^^^ Guzzi...I ride MTB's myself but nothing like what this guy & his friends do.

I have attached one of my GP's to the handlebars a couple times but the

video was...well, quite frankly....boring! Then again when I was in my 20's

it was 40 years ago and all these neat & fancy gadgets were not invented

yet. MTB's weren't even around.


We're all going to end up in either the emergency room or a police cell with these GoPro things.

Yes very true.

What are the rules in Thailand for flying those chopper things with a GoPro attached anyway? Can you just go into a national park and take-off?

Can you imagine the law suit you risk if you hit somebody with it?

I could only find this, but that is just some dude on a forum saying so, sooo:


I doubt if some kind of class A insurance can be bought for a RC flying vehicle.

I don't think I will ever buy the chopper thing but a GoPro 4 is high on the wish list but not now, 4k PC monitors are still bloody expensive, but perhaps in 2015-16smile.png


I'd really like to have a Global Hawk (see link below) however staying below 400 feet with it

and the line of sight rule would spoil the fun of having it...with or without a GPHB4 attached.

Back on Earth now...I am really attracted to the OFM UAV's as their price & performance

seem really nice. Once I learn to fly em that is...


OFM homepage...


Learning to fly link...


We're all going to end up in either the emergency room or a police cell with these GoPro things.

Yes very true.

What are the rules in Thailand for flying those chopper things with a GoPro attached anyway? Can you just go into a national park and take-off?

Can you imagine the law suit you risk if you hit somebody with it?

I could only find this, but that is just some dude on a forum saying so, sooo:


I doubt if some kind of class A insurance can be bought for a RC flying vehicle.

I don't think I will ever buy the chopper thing but a GoPro 4 is high on the wish list but not now, 4k PC monitors are still bloody expensive, but perhaps in 2015-16smile.png

Guzzi-MJP...When I was a kid, flying model airplanes had wires attached and about all one could do is stand in one place

and make the planes go round in circles or do team combat/dogfights...in circles. Then RC models came into the

arena and many folks wanted them but they were very expensive and the "law" never existed on where to fly these

RC planes...but would soon come into effect. These planes all had gas engines in them of various displacement

and as technology advanced the RC planes got rather large! RC helicopters came along soon thereafter and man

what a mess it was regarding crashes! not to mention rotor blades spinning at high RPM claiming plenty of fingers

and hands....they used to be made from aluminum. Now there's tri, quad, octo and who knows penta copters and more.

I have never heard of insurance in the western world so out here that can only be imagined as a weak pipe dream at

best. I hate to say it but being a farang & crashing a "bird" into a local...your goose is most likely gonna be cooked

well done...insurance or not. And at best if vice versa is "solly" as you make your own way to the hospital with

fingers or whatever in a plastic bag for later reattachment....if possible. Then again I have observed some serious

positive etiquette within a group of RC 'pilots" in the past so as to prevent "accidents". These new choppers, traditional,

quad, whatever & carbion fibre blades can be very dangerous. You brought up a good point...just what are the

pilots responsibilities? Something to work on.

Please no snide comments like don't fly it into people or animals or whatever OK...we know that already. And,

hopefully we know enough to keep our hands, fingers & other body parts outta harms way. These things can

be immense fun. They can also be deadly.

NB...edit to add that last paragraph.


We're all going to end up in either the emergency room or a police cell with these GoPro things.

The GoPro won't get us into the emergency room all by itself M. It's what we may attach it to that will do it.

Kinda lke jamming that 12mm UWA on your camera & going for that oh so senic landscape shot near

a 500 foot clif. The lens/camera didn't do a darn thing did it....somebody had to take that last step and

the canera didn't do it or make anybody do it...did it?!

NB...edit to remove an "on" and add an "it".


We're all going to end up in either the emergency room or a police cell with these GoPro things.

Yes very true.

What are the rules in Thailand for flying those chopper things with a GoPro attached anyway? Can you just go into a national park and take-off?

Can you imagine the law suit you risk if you hit somebody with it?

I could only find this, but that is just some dude on a forum saying so, sooo:


I doubt if some kind of class A insurance can be bought for a RC flying vehicle.

I don't think I will ever buy the chopper thing but a GoPro 4 is high on the wish list but not now, 4k PC monitors are still bloody expensive, but perhaps in 2015-16smile.png

Guzzi-MJP...When I was a kid, flying model airplanes had wires attached and about all one could do is stand in one place

and make the planes go round in circles or do team combat/dogfights...in circles. Then RC models came into the

arena and many folks wanted them but they were very expensive and the "law" never existed on where to fly these

RC planes...but would soon come into effect. These planes all had gas engines in them of various displacement

and as technology advanced the RC planes got rather large! RC helicopters came along soon thereafter and man

what a mess it was regarding crashes! not to mention rotor blades spinning at high RPM claiming plenty of fingers

and hands....they used to be made from aluminum. Now there's tri, quad, octo and who knows penta copters and more.

I have never heard of insurance in the western world so out here that can only be imagined as a weak pipe dream at

best. I hate to say it but being a farang & crashing a "bird" into a local...your goose is most likely gonna be cooked

well done...insurance or not. And at best if vice versa is "solly" as you make your own way to the hospital with

fingers or whatever in a plastic bag for later reattachment....if possible. Then again I have observed some serious

positive etiquette within a group of RC 'pilots" in the past so as to prevent "accidents". These new choppers, traditional,

quad, whatever & carbion fibre blades can be very dangerous. You brought up a good point...just what are the

pilots responsibilities? Something to work on.

Please no snide comments like don't fly it into people or animals or whatever OK...we know that already. And,

hopefully we know enough to keep our hands, fingers & other body parts outta harms way. These things can

be immense fun. They can also be deadly.

NB...edit to add that last paragraph.

Yup. Hence my quest for the Pocket Drone. Enough to haul a GoPro unto the heavens, small and light enough not to do damage. Add to that small enough to carry in hand luggage.

I think this is where it's at.


^^^ M...+5 on that. I'm looking at it too but the OFM stuff (cheaper ones) keep grabbing my attention.

I think we have to give this a bit of time. I've concluded big is certainly not clever on the drone front for all manner of reasons, primarily safety but also portability. It seems not much is required to lift a GoPro against gravity. Maximum flight times of 25 minutes only mean so much if one needs a constant stream of video footage that long before you change out the battery. Unlikely to be required in my opinion, 10-15 mins at max really. This has much to do with power (battery) to weight ratio and therefore the scale of the whole shabang.

For my end I'd like drones for low slow work, but then again they have proven rather useful for my regen sites of late going to around 100m above ground level to give a good view of progress and site operations. No need to go a 1000m, silly.

E. F. Schumacher was right. Small is beautiful.


Well I think any drone could cause injury to a person in worst case, you got fast rotating propellers and a GoPro attached to it, so not that light either.

No I will leave this to the pros and keep my cameras near my own body (for the time being).

I am still working on improving my still photos, so video is something in the future for me.

Yes I also saw one of those line controlled planes in action when I was a kid. An older kid had one and I was watching him doing one round before he crashed it badly.

He was crying carrying the bits and pieces back home.

Now I see in Central, Pattaya, the guys selling the helicopters flying them very skillfully around inside the shopping mall. I guess they are what you can call toys and not designed for pay load. They are cheap, 1000 - 2000 baht. When my 5 year old son grows older I will have a good excuse buying one and we have a lot of empty land next to our house.

Last year I was out driving with my wife and passed Pattaya RC flying club and we stopped and watched and talked to a couple of the guys. One in real life professional Thai pilot was flying his big RC helicopter like no one can fly the real thing, boy he was good.

As Sunshine pointed out, very strict rules at the club and anybody launching a RC plane/chopper had to launch from a dedicated spot and warn others that he is launching and have the OK to launch from all "pilots" having planes/choppers in the air so collisions are avoided.

I can imagine in the near future that we will see much more camera drones around since they are relatively cheap so many will likely bring them on holidays unless some kind of total ban is enforced.

I think DHL was talking about delivering small packages to customers via drones.

Edit: they have already started in Germany:


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